Sonic Characters – Did You Know Voice Acting? feat. Kirbopher

Did you know these interesting voice acting facts? For those fans who always enjoy a good piece of trivia or two on Sonic the Hedgehog, for those who’ve always been fascinated by the VA business to some degree, or for those braggarts who want to come across as more knowledgeable towards their peers, have I got just the thing!

Did You Know Voice Acting? is a series of short videos crafted by TOME: Terrain of Magical Expertise producer Chris “Kirbopher” Niosi, providing some level of insight on all things voice acting in the gaming and animation industry. Each episode caters to a specific franchise in mind, such as Cartoon Network, Dragon Ball, and, for today’s topic, Sonic.

Curious to see what you’ve already known about the Sonic voice cast, past and present, or fascinated by the prospect of finding out tidbits of info you don’t already know? Watch on below!


With that, don’t forget to head on to Sonic Characters – Part 2 and the recently released Part 3 for more info! If these have whet your appetite, might I suggest going through the series itself?

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Freak-Out Friday: Meet Lyric, from Sonic Boom…

Oh hey look, a Freak-Out Friday! Haven’t seen one of these in a while, right?

Anyway! With the Sonic Boom hype in full swing en route to E3, the subseries is expected to introduce a couple of new faces to the franchise this fall — boomerang-wielder Sticks the Badger, and the newest formidable foe, Lyric.

Unfortunately, there are already cries far and wide for the sinister snake to be pulled under the grounds that he just isn’t, well, Sonic-like. SEGA had to break it to Lyric somehow, because you know what they say: you can’t argue with the fans! How will he take the news?


Voiced and edited by Kirbopher, comic by Zack Frost, and conception by Blizooka!

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SEGASonic:Radio Relaunches June 14th


We’ve shut down for maintenance, we’ve sought some fresh blood, we’ve got ourselves a new crew, and we’ve worked pretty damn hard behind the scenes to prepare the best Sonic-themed radio experience.

Thus, at long last, we are ready. Maintenance time is finally over, because SEGASonic:Radio is returning for good this very week!

For starters, as some keen-eyed visitors of TSS have noticed, adding a certain word in the address bar led to a brand new page, where everything is all bright and green! To likely be added underneath the Media Tab, SS:R has gained its own mini-site, which includes the complete schedule, and streamchatroom, Twitter and Facebook links. DJs will also soon be able to post updates via the front page when episodes of their recent shows are uploaded into the Archive. A few further surprises should roll out over the coming weeks, but I’ll keep mum on those in the meantime… though I could say that the site will become more SS:R friendly as updates go along~!

So, how big of a relaunch are we talking about? Well… SEGASonic:Radio now has a line-up of eight shows – yikes, that’s just about a show every single day! Two returning shows, one taken aboard, and five premieres on this very station! What do we got?

Shows in Season

groove.Rush – Blizooka and Kirbopher
Mondays at 5pm PDT, 8pm EDT; Tuesdays at 1am GMT
Tumblr Blog

The Super Power Flower Hour – FTA and Smoovies
Tuesdays at 4pm PDT, 7pm EDT; Wednesdays at 12am GMT
YouTube – iTunes

Insert Show with DJ EAR – DJ EAR
Wednesdays at 3pm PDT, 6pm EDT, 11pm GMT

Club Rouge – Shadsy
Thursdays at 5pm PDT, 8pm EDT; Fridays at 1am GMT

Turbo Drive Live – Turbo
Fridays at 12pm PDT, 3pm EDT, 8pm GMT

The Kickass Kawaii Show with Edo – Edobean
Fridays at 2pm PDT, 5pm EDT, 10pm GMT

The Music Plant Zone – VizardJeffhog
Saturdays at 5pm PDT, 8pm EDT; Sundays at 1am GMT

A/V Hijack – Biafra Republic
Sundays at 12pm PDT, 3pm EDT, 8pm GMT

I know. Wow.

With all of this said and done, the party resumes this Friday, June 14th. Tune in to Turbo on the ongoing Turbo Drive Live, followed by The Kickass Kawaii Show with Edo …with Edobean! From then on, the schedule rolls as slated above: yours truly on Saturday, Biafra on Sunday, Liz and Kirb on Monday, etc… and with E3 going on, we’ll all likely have lots to talk about! Be sure to tune in!

UPDATE: The Super Power Flower Hour might not be airing next Tuesday due to persisting computer difficulties on FTA’s end. Unless otherwise stated, there might not be a TSPFH broadcast until these troubles are sorted out. A warning from the guy himself!

UPDATE 2: I lost the ability to read a calendar properly. The 14th is what I meant!

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SEGASonic:Radio DJ Auditions – The Results!


As many of you might recall, SEGASonic:Radio has not received a whole lot of tender love and care these days. Following the preview for the Sonic Stadium Music Album 2011 last year, SS:R purportedly shut down for much needed renovations. During this downtime, two shows loyally kept on airing – Biafra Republic’s A/V Hijack, and Turbo’s Turbo Drive Live.

Numerous attempts and plans have been conceptualized to relaunch the station, but unfortunately, nothing has quite taken off at 100%. With the former Station Manager, BlitzChris, becoming more and more occupied with life offline (and make no mistake, this is ALWAYS a priority), SS:R had a difficult time retaining relevance within the community. And as time dragged on, things were getting worse.

Sooooooo tl;dr, Dreadknux (who owns both TSS and SS:R) and BlitzChris were at their end of their rope, so they both invested in SS:R Revival Plan C and hoped for the best! That was a joke.

So, as the new Station Manager, I would like to say, on behalf of everyone aboard SEGASonic:Radio: thank you. Thank you for putting up with our collective absence as a station, and a big thanks to all who took the time to audition for spots as SS:R DJs. Your concern for this station’s wellbeing means a whole lot to us, and we are thankful to have received your pitches! The enthusiasm throughout the last three weeks was just about palpable!

Unfortunately, it is as we said when we first put up the notice. While many have indeed entered, only a select few have succeeded. We have received numerous entries, but those that have been picked out have been chosen based on the criteria we have listed in the notice: their pitches were fun, bearable, enjoyable, entertaining, interesting, professional, and most of all, unique. The candidates were chosen based on these qualities, and these qualities alone, so if you have any qualms against us for not having chosen your show, then all I can do is apologize.

Everyone gave it all they got, so to those who’ve passed, I congratulate you in advance and look forward to working with you! To those who did not, you’ve indeed tried, but I regret to inform you that you hadn’t passed – however, though you hadn’t made the cut, we won’t cut contact with you just yet, so keep your eyes on your inboxes in the near future.

Now then! I’ve talked and rambled long enough. I’m pretty sure everyone’s getting antsy (or shaking their computer screens while shouting “GET ON WITH IT”), so enough stalling from me! Without further ado, I think it’s about time to unveil who the three new show candidates are. Shall we?


Continue reading SEGASonic:Radio DJ Auditions – The Results!

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Freak-Out Friday: A Sucky No Choosing Day

Did you ever have the misfortune of watching a single episode of an anime called Aoi Sekai no Chuushin de? The show that retold the Nintendo vs. SEGA console war with a feudal fantasy twist (which, in concept, sounded like a pretty cool idea)? Those of us who did were pretty hyped for it when news first broke; we marked our calendars for the premiere and waited, thinking of what possible wonders would await us in this series…

…and then the first episode came out. Expectations dashed, everyone goes home. Turns out that Aoi Sekai is more “Oppai-Oppai” in quality than “Opa-Opa”, if you catch my drift…

To give you a better idea of this show’s terribadness and to save you the trouble of looking the series up (no, really, you’re welcome), here’s an abridged version of the first episode! Put together by Cyberlink420, the guy behind the Sonic F series, here is the appropriately titled A Sucky No Choosing Day!


Psst: if you guys enjoyed watching Cyberlink writhe in pain as much as I did, nag him about Episode 2!

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