BBC: All Stars Racing Transformed Improves Your Memory & Concentration Skills

ASR Transformed screenshots 12

This is the kind of story which always seems to come up at least once every year or so, but it’s always nice to see.

Last night BBC 2’s Horizon was entitled “Are Video games Really That Bad?” It was a really good, non sensationalist look at videogames and how they influence you, because lets be honest here, they do.

It was a fascinating insight into gaming, especially the part of the show which showed how one videogame was improving the quality of keyhole surgery and some doctors are now playing games as they feel it’s improving the quality of their care.

However, more closer to home was the segment near the end of the show, they wanted to test how games influence non gamers, so they got together a group of pensioners who don’t play games, and asked them to do a series of tests involving memory and concentration, they then asked them to play Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed for 20 min per day, for 5 weeks.

After which they performed the same tests and according to the results, their memory and concentration skills had all improved by 30%.

So there you have it, you now have a medical reason to play ASRT, but honestly you should be playing it because it’s a bloody good game. Can we have a third one now please?

You can watch the show on BBC’s iPlayer for the next month. Those outside of the UK may need to fiddle with their location settings/proxi time.

Now where did I put my keys…?

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