New Sonic Content Dives Into Fall Guys Today: What’s There & How to Unlock/Purchase

Mediatonic’s ever popular (and now free-to-play) bumbling bean platforming-royale now has new Sonic cosmetics and level challenges. Previously, the game offered limited time events for the Knuckles and Sonic costumes. Both suits have returned to the game’s store, alongside costumes for Tails, Dr. Robotnik, and Super Sonic, and a “You’re Too Slow” toe tapping emote.

The surprisingly brief event will run until August 15th, so if you’re after these cosmetics and levels, you’ll need to sprint! It is not clear at this point if the costumes, emote, or levels will remain available and in rotation after the August 15 event deadline.

(Thanks to ZeBladeGunner for the video link)

The official trailer shows off the the new costumes as well as the emote and Green Hill styled level challenges, where players are collecting rings while passing through gates and bouncing on springs.

Promotional (free) missions will let the player collect gems to unlock smaller Sonic rewards, such as a name plate, a checkerboard and ring player skin, and Sonic’s iconic shoes.

In paid content, each new character costume is 800 Show-Bucks for each individually or 1,200 for two-character packs, including a Sonic/Knuckles pack and a Tails/Eggman pack. The “You’re Too Slow” emote is 400 Show-Bucks.

(Note: The prices for the “Dynamic Duo” pack appears lower than the expected price in the screenshot due to us having the Knuckles costume unlocked during a previous event.)

As a reminder, Show-Bucks can be purchased (the most cost-efficient all-Sonic-content purchase being $19.99 + 7.99 USD for 3800 Show-Bucks total at time of writing) or earned through the paid Season Pass (which costs 950 Show-Bucks, but offers up to 1,500 Show-Bucks across the entire season).

If you don’t already follow our YouTube or Twitch channels, be on the lookout for upcoming streams of the new content before it dashes off into the sunset!

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Update: Sonic Dash is Free To Play


UPDATE: Despite earlier claims that this was a one day deal. It seems that this might be a permenant price drop as iTunes still have it listed as being free and there is no sign of an end date for the new price.

If you’ve yet to pick up Sonic Dash, today might be your lucky day as it’s free to download on iOS. Those of you who already own it, you might be in for a suprise too, several people have reported that they have recieved 10 revive tokens for free when starting the game today.

A new update has also gone live, see the details after the break.

Continue reading Update: Sonic Dash is Free To Play

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Sonic Jump Is Free To Download! (IOS Only, Expires January 1st)

Sonic Jump logo

Update 2: As suspected this is a limited offer, it’s part of Apples 12 days of Christmas promotion. It will expire at some point between New Years Eve and January 1st depending on your time zone.

Update: Some people have pointed out that this might be a one day offer, it’s not uncommon for IOS apps to become free for a day and then return to their normal price.

Greetings Blue Believers. If you’re not too busy finishing off the left over turkey and attempting to force feed yourself whatever tasty treats you have left in your selection box, how would you like to give your thumbs a workout?

We all know about Sonic Jump right? That surprise game which came out back in October which was… surprisingly excellent from what people keep telling me. Well, it’s now free to play!

Continue reading Sonic Jump Is Free To Download! (IOS Only, Expires January 1st)

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