Opinion Zone 59: Farewell Dan Sheridan

As you most probably heard from yesterdays article, Dan Sheridan has now left SEGA Europe. At just over a year in the role of Europe’s Community Manager, it is quite impressive what he achieved in such a relatively small time frame. Having spent a trip with him in San Diego after winning last years contest to find Europe’s biggest Sonic fan, it only makes sense that todays opinion revolves around the man and his Sonic hat. (Skip to roughly 37 minutes in if you wish to skip the news and head straight to our Sheridan discussion)

This is also the start of a new season of The Opinion Zone, which brings a whole new range of segments for your enjoyment. In fact, we are looking for you guys to help us with a future show piece! If you think you have quite an interesting Sonic/Sega related fact or anecdote about yourself or something you once did (can be light hearted, dark, funny, strange, really anything!) then send us an email to thesonicshowchannel (at) gmail (dot) com. You must be happy to talk to us on the podcast to be applicable,

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