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Beware strangers bearing gifts. Or bearing you a possibility that you’re not the last of your kind.
The preview for Sonic Universe #88 has been released and things are only getting more suspect in this issue! Amy and Rouge find themselves having to fight their way out of trouble, and what’s happened to our favourite walking arsenal Omega?
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If the history of fiction has proven anything, it’s that villains are far more likely to be more fun to watch than the heroes. So a natural way to get a great arc on paper is to shove all your villains in one place and see how it unfolds. Eggman’s Dozen does exactly that, but will it prove the perfect dish or be a case of putting all the eggs in the wrong basket? Read on and find out!
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The preview for Sonic the Hedgehog #284 has been released, and it’s a high energy start to the end of the Shattered World Crisis! The Freedom Fighters have made their plans to finally fix the planet, and the end seems to be in plain sight.
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The covers and solicitations for Sonic’s October line-up have been revealed, and this is a jam-packed month of action! First out the gate is Sonic the Hedgehog #288. Here, we go back in time for a look at Sonic’s first escapade against Eggman, relived from the final confrontation in Sonic 1.
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The final pieces of the puzzle are falling into place in the Master Emerald hunt!
Sonic Universe #87 is coming out next week, and the preview has been released. The Shattered World Crisis is close to being resolved…which means Knuckles has to go even faster if he wants to save Angel Island! With Amy along for the ride as well, they’re both working to find those remaining lost shards.
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So take us back in time to another brand of the franchise.
The long-awaited Sonic Mega Drive #1 is just a week away, and the official preview has been released! Sonic and Tails are doing what they do best; beating Eggman and stopping his evil scheme. What is his evil scheme, you ask?
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The plan is afoot in this month’s Sonic the Hedgehog issue!
The preview for Sonic the Hedgehog #283 has been released, and this is a very strategic play if I may say so myself! The Freedom Fighters have the Gaia Keys and Chaos Emeralds, and now they’ve got a plan.
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No, we haven’t posted the same news twice; hot on the heels of the Sonic 25th Anniversary Bundle going live, Archie have stepped up to the plate by throwing in their own bundle to commemorate the occasion!
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The Shattered World Crisis comes to an explosive end in September!
The latest solicitations have been released, and with it comes our first look at the end of the Unleashed arc in both series! First, in Sonic the Hedgehog #287, Sonic and Chip approach the final face-off of with Dark Gaia with the Freedom Fighters down at ground zero. Continue reading Comic Previews: Sonic the Hedgehog #287 and Sonic Universe #90
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It’s time to show the upstarts who’s boss in this month’s Sonic Universe!
Eggman is still fighting for his base, and the preview has come out for this last issue of the arc! Eggmanand his Egg Bosses are embroiled in an all-out attack against the Naugus Twins, with his personnel against their magic and the Witchcarters.
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In an interview with Sonic Archie comics editor Vincent Lovallo, IGN have revealed a first look at the upcoming Sonic: Mega Drive comic – and a follow up issue debuting later in the year, “Sonic: Mega Drive – The Next Level”.
The new one-shot special, created especially to celebrate Sonic’s 25th Anniversary, takes readers back in time to Sonic’s classic days set after the Death Egg saga. Sonic must take on Eggman once more to destroy his new machine of destruction – The MEGADRIVE.
As well as debuting first images of the issue, Lovallo also revealed Mega Drive #1 will be followed by another special, titled “The Next Level”. Though no specifics were shared, the comic will pick up immediately after the events of Mega Drive #1 and potentially feature Metal Sonic as the antagonist, as teased in the cover debut.
Written by Archie Sonic veteran Ian Flynn and art by Tyson Hesse, the story is said to combine “traditional comic storytelling with the structure of an actual Sonic game” with potential for an ongoing series if demand is there. The adventure will take Sonic to new lands, and shed some light on the “the bonds he has made with his friends in previous games”.
Lovallo also touches briefly on the possibility of an Archie adaption of an upcoming anniversary title – which they’d be more than down for.
That would be awesome and we are totally down to do it at Sonic speed!
“Sonic: Mega Drive #1” will debut July 6th, with “The Next Level” following further into 2016. You can check out all of today’s released art of the upcoming comic in our gallery below.
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Knock knock. Who’s there? June’s Sonic the Hedgehog comic!
Sonic the Hedgehog #282 is firing up on the horizon, and the preview for it has been released! First up, it’s déjà vu for Sonic as he comes face to face with the Dark Gaia-corrupted phoenix. It’s a moonlit battle to restore this revered bird back to its natural state!
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It’s time to turn up the heat for the next instalment of Sonic Universe!
Sonic Universe #85’s release is just around the corner, and the preview for it has officially been released! Eggman’s hot under the collar thanks to Dark Gaia Monsters, and his team aren’t faring much better from the Naugus Twins’ perils and traps!
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The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
There’s a new comic shortly along the road, and Comics Alliance has a preview for it. First up in Sonic the Hedgehog #281, Sonic and some other Freedom Fighters are in Chun-Nan on the hunt for that area’s Gaia Key. The place is under fortification from Silver Sonic and Eggman’s other forces though, so they need a bit more fire power! Continue reading Comic Preview: Sonic the Hedgehog #281
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The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
Rev up your engines, because we’re going top gear into intrigue!
The Shattered World Crisis continues on in Efrika for Sonic the Hedgehog #280, and Comics Alliance has a preview for it. Sonic, Tails and Chip have travelled to Mazuri to obtain the next Gaia Key, but this situation proves to be taking the bull by the horns as they take on Axel the Water Buffalo and his Egg Army! Continue reading Comic Preview: Sonic the Hedgehog #280
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I’m sure you’ve seen gender counterparts before. After Mickey Mouse became a household icon, they made Minnie Mouse as a love interest. When DC decided that Superman needed a counterpart to peer his ability, they eventually settled on Supergirl. When Mattel wanted to claw more of the market share through their Polly Pocket toys, out came Mighty Max. On paper, creating a gender counterpart for an established character isn’t in itself a bad thing; sure, your basic premise is “let’s take this person, but flip their gender”, but it’s a foundation so simple that it can be span into many creative, interesting and fun directions to suit whatever purpose the story and series needs it to. Continue reading Five Worst Gender Counterparts that the Archie Sonic Comics Created
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The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
Suddenly Team Dark, suddenly Echidna, suddenly Chip…oh wait, he was there all along.
After being left without any solicitations last month due to delays for the monthly issues, we’re back and kicking with all sorts of surprises with Comics Alliance revealing the new covers for June! First up, Eggman has launched his attack on the Freedom Fighters, and they’re out of the game. But they’re under pressure to get back in it now Eggman has seized control of the Chaos Emeralds and Chip, and unleashed their power! Find out if the heroes can pull the odds in their favour in “Panic in the Sky”: part 2. Continue reading Comic Previews: Sonic the Hedgehog #285, Sonic Universe #88 and More
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The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
I’ve already given my Western cartoon quote for the article, sorry.
So as you may recall, Sonic Universe #82 got its official preview the start of January, and everyone figured that meant the end of the dry spell that usually happens around the time of December. As it turns out, that hasn’t been the case, and Sonic the Hedgehog #279 is now slated for release on February 24th. I guess we can’t really dance around the issue forever, so now would be a good a time as any to address the elephant in the room; there’s been delays to Sonic stuff for a good while now. Here’s just a quick summary of the situation so far;
Graphically Not Present
We start with the graphic novels, and these go a long way back in comparison to everything else. The first graphic novel series to face the music was the Knuckles Archive, albeit this one appears to have had different circumstances compared to the others. With KA#4 released in April 2013 and cover images existing for KA#5 and 6, people waited a long while to try and pre-order these books. In a very small window of opportunity, some individuals managed to do so, only for Amazon to cancel them as the publisher had cancelled the issues according to their statement. This one probably isn’t involved, as it’s clear what its fate was long beforehand.
The rest of the graphic novel books are in murkier waters. Remember when we had solicits for the Babylon Rising Sonic Universe volume, or Sonic Boom volume 1? They were lost in the server wipe, but we had them. These are just a couple of examples of the number of graphic novels that have been simply delayed constantly. The last GN releases of Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Archives, Sonic Universe, Sonic Saga and Mega Man were all in January or February of last year, so we haven’t seen a regular graphic novel come out in over a year across the board! Even worse, Sonic Boom and Worlds Unite’s graphic novel series haven’t even had a foot out the door yet!
See this? You will never get this.
Even amongst these, some special cases came up;
Sonic Select #10 came out in January 2015 too, but unlike the others there was no hint of a continuation. Given that the GN series was meant to cover the specials and one-off issues, and pretty much all of them had been done by the time SS#10 came out, It’s easy to see why the plug was pulled on that.
Best of Sonic was originally due to have issue 3 come out, it focusing on rivals following BoS#2 focusing on villains, but it ended up as Best of Sonic: Ultimate Edition (the difference was that basically all the rival stuff was interspersed with stories from the other two volumes, and any Scourge assets made for the book weren’t included), and was a surefire end to that series.
Sonic Legacy was the black and white omnibus series, with its last physical release being Sonic Legacy #3. Sonic Legacy #4 did come out in December 2014, but only as a digital title, with the back page explicitly telling the reader that it was the last issue.
Sonic Super Special Magazine didn’t even get that much; the last physical release was SSSM#13 in January 2015, but SSSM#14 got a brief digital release before it was pulled, and it hasn’t seen the light of day since. With SSSM#15’s planned exclusive content being shifted over to Sonic Super Digest #15, it’s safe to say that’s cancelled too.
There’s been precisely two exceptions to this. Worlds Collide: The Complete Epic was originally slated for a May 2015 release. but it too seemed to suffer the terrible delays. After Archie missed the promised revised release date of December 2015, it finally hit the shops in January 2016. The Sonic Super Digest series, while facing some schedule hiccups, has been releasing at a steady rate throughout all this, and is the only trade series unaffected…at least on the surface.
Boomed Out
To tie in with the release of the games and cartoon for the newly revealed Sonic Boom branch, Archie released a comic series that stuck true to the comedic and more episodic stylings of said branch, as opposed to the action/adventure style of the Archie-exclusive comic universe. While it didn’t set the charts on fire (it was below Sonic the Hedgehog for all of its run bar the first issue, and it was often a bit below Sonic Universe as well), it did decently in numbers, certainly enough to keep it going long after Sonic Boom had established itself. But when the eleventh issue rolled around, some solicitations indicated that this was to be the last issue all of a sudden, and this was confirmed by Archie themselves. Around this same time, Mega Man was announced to be going on an indefinite hiatus, so the fate of that comic is up in the air. And to be clear, the cancellation was not because of sales or SEGA. So, less being late and more never arriving.
The Issue With Issues
Finally, we get onto the most recent chapter in the story, and the one that’s visibly affecting coverage here. Everything was absolutely fine for release schedules, aside from Sonic the Hedgehog slipping a single week but running with it. Then, out of nowhere, both Sonic Universe #82 and Sonic the Hedgehog #279 became complete no-shows for their slated release dates (back in November/December). December delays are nothing new, but in those cases the delay happened for a month at most for the issue in December, and then January picked it right up. Here, Sonic Universe #82 was supposed to be released at the end of November, but didn’t come until mid-January (and even then, it seems a lot of people haven’t got it, still). Sonic the Hedgehog #279 was due out early to mid -December, and is now currently slated for the end of February, which for the record is over two months apart (and there’s whispers in the wind of subscribers being warned of another delay on top of that, although that’s not confirmed).
If we went into the staff conflict, we’d be going over the age rating.
Potential Causes
Now then, this brings us to the obvious question one can ask; Do we know of any potential causes for this? Well, we can only speculate at this point, but we do have a pretty solid idea of which possibilities are most likely. For the sake of thoroughness, I’ll go through every vein I can find.
The lawsuit; You know the drill, Archie went to court over the copyrights of a portion of the characters they were using, that reached a settlement point and Archie made sure they wouldn’t cross that bridge again by excising everyone not by their current staff from the comic. But given that these characters were also appearing in stories in the graphic novels, how much of an impact would they be hit with? Probably not as much as you think. Ironically, the most affected appears to have been the still-running Digests. They used to cover the entire span of the comic up to SSD#8 (released in August 2014). SSD#9 (October 2014) reduced this to comics only made since Ian took over writing duties, and we haven’t seen any stories that have been pre-reboot and featured characters removed in the reboot since SSD#10 (December 2014) (The pre-reboot stories we have seen since have been from Treasure Team Tango, the Sonic Generations tie-in and Babylon Rising part 1, all of which only feature game characters). Aside from this, the only time the lawsuit has come into play was when shipments of KA#3 were attempted to be halted.
Archie themselves; It’s no secret that Archie haven’t exactly had a smooth time in past few years. Behind the scenes, it’s been littered with conflicts between staff, but the biggest event has to have been the Archie reboot Kickstarter. In May 2015, Archie (the publisher) announced that they wanted to reboot Archie (the franchise and character), so they were trying to raise $350,000 on Kickstarter for it. Because of their still prevalent name, some wondered why they couldn’t just fund it themselves. Things became even worse when it was revealed that the Kickstarter came about because they had the chance to get rack space at big supermarkets like Target and Wal-Mart, since this was essentially a snub to smaller comic sellers. Just five days after the start, Archie cancelled the Kickstarter due to the controversy. The reboot still went ahead, but funded out of pocket. Naturally, this much financial strain would have a very wide-feeling effect. Sonic Boom’s cancellation and Mega-Man’s hiatus are suspected to be direct repercussions for the Kickstarter fiasco, but it would hardly be surprising if it was affecting their ability to manage their graphic novel releases. As for the actual running series? Possibly, although there have also been storms around the East Coast that would not help in the slightest bit.
No matter what the cause turns out to be, we’re not going to be done with waiting for a good while yet, as all of the currently slated release dates for the delayed volumes are at least July 2016.
Time Will Tell
Happy May Day!
So, what’s going to happen regarding all this in the upcoming months? Well, for Sonic Boom, that’s going to stay gone, but Archie have said that they want to do new Boom stories in Digest, so we might be able to see that in future volumes. There’s no set date for Mega Man’s return, but with the announced cartoon series they might want to use that as an opportunity for a relaunch. The running Sonic series may be delayed longer than usual, but I doubt it’s stopping anytime soon, we’re just going to have to put up with missing a quarter (third potentially) of the year, which is going to make things like the Valentines variant funny when it comes out three months late. As for the graphic novels? We have the Sonic Comics Spectacular coming next week, but otherwise Arche haven’t said a word on the delays, so we’ll just have to be wary.
No matter what happens, it’s always our priority to make sure you guys are informed as quickly as possible about upcoming releases or sudden news bulletins, so keep an eye out and you’ll be the first to know about any progression made.
TheFatPanda and Ryannumber1gamer – I may know what’s transpired, but their combined efforts have been invaluable on keeping up to date with updates on the graphic novels as they happen, and the timeline of events regarding them.
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The covers and solicits set for release between April and May have been revealed, and Comics Alliance gives us our first glimpse of them. In Sonic the Hedgehog #284, Sonic and the Freedom Fighters have finally gotten ready to fix the Shattered World Crisis once and for all. But Eggman’s having none of that, and launches his own last stand in the plan. And knowing Eggman, it’s bound to be grandiose and spectacular, enough to shake you to the core! We’re starting to finish off the crisis in “Panic in the Sky”; part 1.
Script: Ian Flynn
Art: Diana Skelly, Terry Austin, John Workman & Gabriel Cassata
Sonic the Hedgehog #284 CVR A Reg: Dan Schoening & Luis Antonio Delgado
Sonic the Hedgehog #284 CVR B Variant: Lamar Wells, Rick Bryant & Matt Herms
SONIC and friends get into some BIG TROUBLE in “Panic in the Sky” Part One: Sonic’s Freedom Fighters are finally ready to restore the planet! Unless, of course, someone does even more damage! Cue: the evil Dr. Eggman (of course)! He has a plan of his own and strikes first! The mad doctor launches a multi-pronged assault that will leave you speechless-everything has been building up to this moment! The final chapter to the Shattered World Saga begins here! Featuring the first of four EPIC connecting covers by mega-talent Dan Schoening and an “Evil Win” variant by the wonderful Lamar Wells!
Ship Date: 4/27
On Sale Date: 5/11
32-page, full color comic
$3.99 U.S.
And in Sonic Universe #87, Rad Red is ready to take the centre stage once again…but with Rosie the Rascal? Yep, Knuckles and Amy are teaming up in a race to get the Master Emerald shards before the Shattered World is restored. But it’s not going to be easy, as much mystery and mayhem is on course to ensue! Read about the final leg of Knuckles’ shard hunt in “Shattered”; part 1.
Script: Ian Flynn
Art: Adam Bryce Thomas, Jim Amash, Jack Morelli & Matt Herms
Sonic Universe #87 CVR A Reg: Tracy Yardley & Matt Herms
Sonic Universe #87 CVR B Variant: Rafa Knight
Knock knock, it’s KNUCKLES in “Shattered” Part One: A brand new adventure starring Knuckles and Amy Rose begins here! It’s a race against time to find the final Master Emerald shards before Sonic restores the shattered world! The final installment of Knuckles’s search, filled with dangers and mysteries, starts with this issue! Featuring cover art by the terrific Tracy Yardley plus an “& Knuckles” variant by CG artist supreme Rafa Knight!
Ship Date: 4/13
On Sale Date: 4/27
32-page, full color comic
$3.99 U.S.
We’ll have more on both of these issues closer to the time of their release. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to miss out, whether up high or down low!
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We’re going across time and space for the long awaited conclusion this month!
It’s been nearly three months since the last preview came out, and as a treat this one is a double whammy going into two separate time directions at once!
First up, Comic Book Resources has the preview for Sonic Universe #82, and the conclusion’s set to reach new heights! Silver’s finally about to face up to the Second Devourer…but he’ll a job given that he’s only a metre tall. Can the combined abilities of Professor Von Schlemmer and Gold the Tenrec give him that edge he needs to win the battle? And with timey wimey heavily involved, who knows what the eventual ending will even be! This is “The Silver Age”; part 4.
STORY BY: Evan Stanley
ART BY: Tracy Yardley, Jim Amash
COLORS BY: Matt Herms
LETTERS BY: Jack Morelli
COVER BY: Evan Stanley, T. Rex
PUBLISHER: Archie Comics
RELEASE DATE: Jan 13th, 2016
ENTER THE FINAL FIGHT FOR THE FUTURE! “The Silver Age” part four: The finale to Silver’s latest adventure! Silver simply doesn’t have the might to stop the creature menacing his time. Maybe the combined brain power of Gold and Prof. von Schlemmer can help! It’s a knock-down, drag-out fight for the fate of the future with a shocking ending you’ll never see coming-even if you’re psychic! Featuring cover art by the “Silver Age” writer herself, Evan Stanley, plus a special “Movie Poster Variant” by the terrific T. Rex!
And secondly, Newsarama deliver a preview of Sonic Super Digest #15, along with a brief interview with editor Vincent Lovallo. Not only does it keep the pattern of reprinting the latest and greatest stories in a handy pocket format, this particular issue delves into the past as we examine the origins of the sea-faring tough guy, Razor the Shark. You asked for it, and they delivered with “Castaway”.
Sonic Comic Origins continues this month with an ALL-NEW story featuring Razor the Shark! This never-before-seen tale showcases an EXCLUSIVE back-story to the underwater side of the new Sonic Comic universe with one of the most popular new characters to debut in the series! It’s a real splash this month in Sonic Super Digest! Plus, don’t miss all the classic fun and adventure you love in stories from the comics’ 20+ year history as Sonic and his friends embark on daring adventures, face evil villains and save the day one chili dog at a time! Race into the fun that only Archie Comics and Sonic Super Digest can bring! Featuring super duper cover art from Tyson Hesse and story & art from the biggest names in Sonic comics history!
Script: Ian Flynn
Art: Adam Bryce Thomas, Rick Bryant, Jack Morelli, Matt Herms & Various
Cover: Tyson Hesse
On Sale Date: 1/13
128-page, full color comic
$4.99 U.S.
Both of these issues are due out tomorrow, January 13th. With these officially back on the schedule, this should hopefully mean a return to normal routine, so expect the previews to swing back into full force within the next fortnight!
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Calling everyone, calling everyone, to battle stations immediately!
March’s comic covers and solicitations have been released, and Comics Alliance has the first look at the first entries into Spring…but everything’s starting to finish their arcs! Sonic the Hedgehog #283 sees our heroes with everything they need to save the world. They have the Chaos Emeralds, they have the Gaia Keys, and now they’re making a plan! They call our for allies to join them, but what is Cream’s pivotal role? Find out in “The Mission”. Meanwhile, Eggman has found Phage again, and on top of that, the spying Tails Doll has recovered some crucial intel! Can the Eggman bring Sonic’s plan crashing down? This is “Zero Hour”.
Script: Ian Flynn
Art: Jamal Peppers, Jennifer Hernandez, Terry Austin, John Workman & Gabriel Cassata
Sonic the Hedgehog #283 CVR A Reg: Diana Skelly
Sonic the Hedgehog #283 CVR B Variant: Adam Bryce Thomas, Gary Martin & Gabriel Cassata
SONIC and the FREEDOM FIGHTERS are GO in “The Mission”: Sonic and Sally put out the call to the world! They have the Chaos Emeralds, they have the Gaia Keys, and now they have a plan! And the central hero to it all is… Cream?! Then, in “Zero Hour,” Dr. Eggman finally tracks down Phage! And when Tails Doll gives the mad doctor some crucial info, will Sonic’s plans for saving the world fall apart? Featuring cover art by the delightful Diana Skelly and a “GUARDIANS” variant cover by the amazing Adam Bryce Thomas!
On Sale Date: 4/13
32-page, full color comic
$3.99 U.S.
Sonic Universe #86 sees Eggman and his dirty dozen finally square off the Naugus twins, their lackeys from the Tails Skypatrol game, and one Crystal Sonic! Can everyone make it out of this scuffle in tact? And we’ll finally see who that elusive twelfth member of the good doctor’s team in “Eggman’s Dozen”; part 4.
Script: Ian Flynn
Art: Adam Bryce Thomas, Jim Amash, Jack Morelli & Matt Herms
Sonic Universe #86 CVR A Reg: Tracy Yardley, Jim Amash, Matt Herms
Sonic Universe #86 CVR B Variant: Ryan Jampole
It’s the END for EGGMAN in “Eggman’s Dozen” Part Four: The final, frantic fracas is here! Dr. Eggman and his Egg Bosses square off against the Naugus Twins and the fearsome Crystal Sonic! Will everyone make it out of the battle alive? And who is the twelfth and final Egg Boss? All the action and answers are here! Featuring cover art by Mr. Sonic comics, Tracy Yardley and a “Baddie Bunch” variant by the radical Ryan Jampole!
On Sale Date: 3/23
32-page, full color comic
$3.99 U.S.
And finally, if you’ve missed any stories in the past year, Sonic Super Digest #16 has got your back. Collecting a variety of old issues, this volume features new artwork specific to Sonic Boom.
Script: Various
Art: Various
Cover: Rafa Knight
On Sale Date: 4/6
Get ready for fun & adventure—it’s Sonic Super Digest! Don’t miss all the excitement and action you love in stories from the Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Universe and Sonic Boom™ comic series! Sonic and his friends embark on daring adventures, face evil villains and save the day one chili dog at a time! Spin into the fun that only Archie Comics and Sonic Super Digest can bring! Featuring awesome new cover art from CG artist supreme Rafa Knight and story & art from the biggest names in Sonic comics history!
128-page, full color comic
$4.99 U.S.
We will have more information on all of these issues closer to the time of their release. And if you’re wondering where the physical releases of Sonic Universe #82 and Sonic the Hedgehog #279 are, fear not! There are usually delays this time of year and they’re both slated for December 30th!
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This month could be called the month of sand and stone.
Newsarama has got the preview for Sonic the Hedgehog #278. First up, Sonic, Antoine and Big are in Shamar to get another Gaia Key for their quest by helping another guardian, but the threatening Egg Army is on their tail! The local Freedom Fighter team are on hand to help…but there’s something that strikes deja vu about them. This is “Face of the Enemy”: part 1. Then, We continue our look at the mission for the last Chaos Emerald as Bunnie and Cassia square off, cyborg to cyborg. Alignments and perspectives clash in “Hidden Costs”: part 2.
SONIC’s planet-wide chase CONTINUES!”Face of the Enemy” Part One: Sonic, Antoine and Big head to Shamar to rescue another Gaia Key Guardian! They’re calling in the reinforcements and getting some help from the local Freedom Fighters-but will that really be enough to get past the fearsome Egg Army? Then, in “Hidden Costs” Part Two: Get ringside seats to Bunnie vs. Cassia. It’s the can’t-miss Cyborg fight of the century! Featuring cover art by jamming Jamal Peppers and a “Maniacal” variant By CG artist Rafa Knight!
Script: Ian Flynn, Aleah Baker
Art: Adam Bryce Thomas, Evan Stanley, Terry Austin, John Workman & Gabriel Cassata
Sonic the Hedgehog #278 CVR A Reg: Jamal Peppers, Terry Austin, Elaina Unger
Sonic the Hedgehog #278 CVR B Variant: Rafa Knight
On Sale Date: 11/18
32-page, full color comic
$3.99 U.S.
Sonic the Hedgehog #278 is out next Wednesday. Make sure you don’t let your opportunity go like sand through your fingers! Or stones through your fingers, that’d just be painful.
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February may be a cold month, but the month’s comic selection is on fire!
Comics Alliance have revealed Archie covers and solicitations for February, and it is turning up the heat! First up, Sonic the Hedgehog #282 sees Sonic’s team and Dulcy’s team face a hard fought battle when they not only have to fight off the local Egg Army, but also the Dark Gaia Phoenix, a powerful corrupted being. Can they bring it to their side? Find out in “Wings of Fire”: part 2. Then, Mighty the Armadillo and Egg Boss Thunderbolt square up for a rematch, but this time Mighty has the assistance of long-time friend Knuckles! The atmosphere is electric in “Shards and Sparks”.
Script: Ian Flynn
Art: Jamal Peppers, Jennifer Hernandez, Terry Austin, John Workman & Gabriel Cassata
Sonic the Hedgehog #282 CVR A Reg: Tyson Hesse
Sonic the Hedgehog #282 CVR B Variant: T. Rex
SONIC fights FIRE with FURY in “Wings of Fire” Part Two: When Sonic was infected with the Dark Gaia energy, he nearly all lost control of his mutant Werehog form. So what happens when an ancient and powerful phoenix gets turned to the dark side?! It’s a three-way battle as Sonic and Dulcy’s teams battle for their lives against the Dark Gaia Phoenix and Egg Army! Then, in “Shards and Sparks,” Knuckles and Mighty reunite to take on Egg Boss Thunderbolt! Featuring cover art by the terrific Tyson Hesse and a spooky “Horror Movie” variant by the mega-talented T. Rex!
Ship Date: 2/24
On Sale Date: 3/9
32-page, full color comic
$3.99 U.S.
Meanwhile, Sonic Universe #85 continues Eggman’s fight against the Naugus twins as he sends his Egg Bosses to take back his refinery. But there may be a clash of egos amongst them that could bring the teamwork crashing down, and Eggman’s own shaky alliances leave him in a very difficult spot! Will it spell the end of Eggman’s master plan? Find out in “Eggman’s Dozen”: part 3.
Script: Ian Flynn
Art: Tracy Yardley, Jim Amash, Jack Morelli & Matt Herms
Sonic Universe #85 CVR A Reg: Diana Skelly, Jim Amash & Matt Herms
Sonic Universe #85 CVR B Variant: Dan Schoening & Luis Antonio Delgado
Dr. EGGMAN gets CRACKING in “Eggman’s Dozen” Part Three: Dr. Eggman has assembled his evil Egg Bosses to take back his Egg Refinery from the Naugus Twins! The plan seems straight forward enough, but what happens when the Eggman’s minions can’t work together? Can the mad doctor scramble to survive or will his shaky alliances leave him fried? Featuring egg-tastic cover art by dynamite Diana Skelly and a wonderfully “Wicked” variant cover by artist supreme Dan Schoening!
Ship Date: 2/10
On Sale Date: 2/24
32-page, full color comic
$3.99 U.S.
Finally, Sonic/Mega Man: Worlds Unite Volume 2 is finally on the horizon! In the second act of Worlds Unite, Sonic and Mega Man have thankfully been restored to normal, but Sigma is still building up his forces, Eggman and Wily are still very suspicious, and the Deadly Six continue to be a looming threat for the heroes’ alliances. Read on as the heroes deal with the problems head on, and start fighting fire with fire as they begin their search for allies from dimensions away in “Broken Bonds”.
SONIC / MEGA MAN: WORLDS UNITE vol. 2 “Broken Bonds”
Script: Ian Flynn and various
Art: Edwin Huang, Gary Martin, John Workman, Gabriel Cassata and various
Cover: Patrick Spaziante
The sequel to the record-shattering Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man crossover is here! You saw what happened when “Worlds Collide!” Now brace yourself for when WORLDS UNITE! Sigma—the brilliant villain from the future—has fused the worlds of Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man together! Now he feeds on the super-planet’s energy to become unstoppable! It’s up to Sonic and Mega Man to raise an army to fight the time-hopping villain. Joining them are the Freedom Fighters, the Robot Masters, X and his Maverick Hunters, Sticks and her friends, and—Dr. Eggman and Dr. Wily?! But it won’t be easy, as Sigma uses his powers to reach across space and time to recruit an army of his own! It’s a battle of epic proportions to save the Unified World! Featuring the introduction of the STREET FIGHTER cast, including Ryu, Chun-Li, Guile and Ken! This volume collects WORLDS UNITE parts 5-8, including SONIC UNIVERSE #77, SONIC BOOM #9, SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #274, MEGA MAN #51 and selections from the MEGA MAN: WORLDS UNITE BATTLES and SONIC THE HEDGEHOG: WORLDS UNITE BATTLES plus special features!
$14.99/$16.99 CAN
6 5/8 x 10 3/16”
136 pp, Full Color
Direct Market On-Sale Date: 3/9
We will have more information on the comics above closer to release date. It may be the last month of winter, but you may want to bring marshmallows.
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Ever wondered what would have happened if the Super Genesis Wave hadn’t happened? This behind the scenes look will shed some light!
There is now a dedicated webspace for Lost Hedgehog Tales, and the first chapter has been uploaded. For those who are unaware, the Archie Sonic comic faced a rollercoaster of events around the #225-250 both within the comic pages and in real life. The result of these changes ranged from slight delays to reformatting to the most famous result of initiating the Super Genesis Wave that essentially reset the multiverse. Lost Hedgehog Tales is an unofficial document, being written by official head writer Ian Flynn, about the original plans for that period, and for the road all the way down to #300, as well as some specific points that need a bit more detail to cover.
The first chapter is a sort of prologue to ease us into the general changes made between #225 and #247 (and before the future issue plans became completely shelved). To summarise the points briefly;
Foreshadowing to the Death Egg came as early as #183; the Bunker Eggman retreated to after Enerjak destroyed New Megaopolis was the site of its ongoing construction.
He wanted the #225-275 period be about breaking up the team and watching them pull themselves back together slowly, as the heroes hadn’t been too set back before that point.
Sally was originally to be roboticised by the end of #225, but SEGA wanted an arc for the 20th anniversary, and “Genesis” was put between #225-229 instead. There were talks of that being used as a point to reboot the comic, but that obviously didn’t happen.
Antoine could have been outright killed off in #234 instead of badly injured for his sacrifice to be a rallying point for the team, but the fan reaction to Mecha Sally and his injuries was bigger than expected, so it was agreed that he was best left alive.
Team Fighters were originally going to meet Hershey St. John in #237-238 to gear up for “Secret Freedom” in Sonic Universe; she would have faked her death, infiltrated Razorklaw’s Dark Egg Legion chapter, but not been able to report the fact she was alive to Geoffrey. She would have learned of Geoffrey’s alliance with Naugus from the Fighters and headed home.
“Heroes” was originally going to be between #239-241, because the editor wanted a bigger push for the three teams (Fighters, Freedom and Secret) and to have Patrick Spaziente do a triptych cover. Parts 1 and 2 would have been about the missions of Fighters and Freedom going exceptionally well with events mysteriously happening in their favour, while part 3 would have shown how the Secret Freedom Fighters were behind said good events in those missions. Then the Olympics loomed and Archie, SEGA and McDonald’s needed a tie-in for their promotion, so this got condensed to two issue with the Secret stuff being mixed in with the Fighters and Freedom mission stories.
#241 ended up being a mix (all in one story, “Unraveling”). Part of it was a story that was planned to be a series of 5-page back-up showing the scenes Naugus went through as he tried desperately to hold onto power. Originally, Naugus would have simply tricked Geoffrey by playing on his sympathies in his dire situation, but the editor felt that too be too weak a resolution and had him possess Geoffrey instead.
Ian originally wanted the #242 Olympic promotion to feature a main comic tie-in story, for a small obstacle for Team Fighters to fight before getting to the “Endangered Species” arc. The Krudzu Hybrid Hydra was selected to tangle with them (having last appeared in the Free Comic Book Day 2010 issue). This didn’t pan out as the Olympic story ended up taking all the pages, so the story was transplanted into #241 to provide the other part.
“At All Costs” was originally going to be a consecutive 2-issue story marked the beginning of the upswing to the Freedom Fighters’ plight. But then the legal settlement meant critical characters and plot points were inaccesible which nulled much of the build-up, and Archie were asked by Capcom and SEGA to do a crossover (At All Costs ended up being 2 issues either side of said crossover, and there was no upswing as the second part showed Sonic first getting to grips with the new reality).
Ian had 4-5 months to both plan out the crossover and plot out the new universe by this point. Meshing these, and the differences between Sonic’s convuluted lore and Mega Man’s under-developed lore, was the big challenge until he recalled the Genesis Wave he’d introduced way back in “Genesis”.
But this is hardly the end of the line. With so much planned before all the shenanigans in real life happened, this is only the tip of the iceberg. I implore you to read the document fully for yourself for some insights not covered by this summary, and be on the lookout for more juicy updates as Ian hopes he can update Lost Hedgehog Tales on a fairly steady basis. Certainly something to look forward to!
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Kick off the Sonic Stadium celebrations with…uh, something completely unrelated to the Sonic Stadium celebrations.
It’s time for a glimpse into the fictional and real futures once again as Comics Alliance brings us a preview for Sonic Universe #81. Silver, Von Schlemmer and Gold have been captured by the council, and the first two are guinea pigs for their plans. But all that cold, ruthless scientific research may not stack against the evil might that their experiments bring forth! Gold’s past and connection to this utter disaster is put under the spotlight, but it’s on Silver’s shoulders to save their future. This is “The Silver Age”; part 3.
SILVER FIGHTS for his FUTURE in “The Silver Age” Part 3: Silver is at the mercy of the heartless council, but their cold nature is nothing compared to the evil then unleash! Gold’s mysterious past is now revealed, as well as how it’s tied to the current calamity. Will it be up to Silver to save his future once again? Featuring cover art by long-time Sonic Comic artist, Tracy Yardley and a “To the Future” variant by newcomer Adam Bryce Thomas!
Script: Evan Stanley
Art: Tracy Yardley, Jim Amash, Jack Morelli & Matt Herms
Sonic Universe #81 CVR A Reg: Tracy Yardley & Matt Herms
Sonic Universe #81 CVR B Variant: Adam Bryce Thomas, Terry Austin & Steve Downer
On Sale Date: 10/28
32-page, full color comic
$3.99 U.S
Sonic Universe #81 is due for release next Wednesday. And don’t think this is going to pass by without mentioning that Silver and Von Schlemmer have a fitting Marty and Doc dynamic going on considering that all of the Back to the Future events became our past about two days ago. Great Scott, it was their plan all along!
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New faces, old faces, they all mix as we turn up the heat for this delicious broth!
Comics Alliance is once again bringing the Sonic comic goodness first, this time with the covers and solicits for January 2016! First up, in Sonic the Hedgehog #281, we have two stories once more. Sonic and the Freedom Fighters are out in Chun-Nan hunting down another Gaia Key, and Dulcy and her new team are pitching in to help. But their help, or any help, might not do much good against the looming force in “Wings of Fire”; part 1. Meanwhile, Bunnie and Tails are out on their own helping another Key Guardian in their time of need in “Homesick”.
SONIC is SPEEDING down the Dragon Road in “Wings of Fire” Part One: Sonic and the Freedom Fighters travel to city-state of Chun-nan in search of more Gaia Keys! Dulcy the dragon is bringing all her might to help, but is her fledging team ready for end-of-the-world stakes? Could anyone really be? Then in “Homesick,” Bunnie and Tails come to the aid of a Key Guardian in a time of crisis! Featuring Cover art by the totally-terrific Tyson Hesse and a special Valentine’s Day “Love Struck” variant by the super-expressive Diana Skelly!
Script: Ian Flynn
Art: Jamal Peppers, Jennifer Hernandez, Terry Austin, John Workman & Gabriel Cassata
Sonic the Hedgehog #281 CVR A Reg: Tyson Hesse
Sonic the Hedgehog #281 CVR B Variant: Diana Skelly, Rick Bryant & Matt Herms
On Sale Date: 2/10
32-page, full color comic
$3.99 U.S.
Sonic Universe #84 continues the trials and tribulations Eggman is having to face when the Naugus Twins manage to strike against him! But Eggman is having none of this, so he forms his own strike team out of the Egg Bosses stationed across the globe. This includes known characters like Tundra and Clove, older characters with new reimaginings like Conquering Storm and Akhlut, and entirely new faces that I can’t even put a name to yet! What is he using to keep them all in line…and can they even work together long enough to be considered a team? This is “Eggman’s Dozen”; part 2.
Eggman’s got the MASTER PLAN in “Eggman’s Dozen” Part Two: Dr. Eggman has suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands (and claws!) of the malicious Naugus Twins! But everyone knows that you just can’t keep a good villain down-so what’s a demented doctor to do? Form a coalition of evil! When Dr. Eggman forms a strike team of his Egg Bosses around the world to strike back, will these misfit minions mesh into a fighting force? And what sinister secret is Dr. Eggman using to keep them in line? Featuring cover art by jamming Jamal Peppers and an awesome “Boss Attack” variant by lightning Lamar Wells!
Script: Ian Flynn
Art:Tracy Yardley, Jim Amash, Jack Morelli & Matt Herms
Sonic Universe #84 CVR A Reg: Jamal Peppers, Jim Amash & Matt Herms
Sonic Universe #84 CVR B Variant: Lamar Wells, Jim Amash & Steve Downer
On Sale Date: 1/27
32-page, full color comic
$3.99 U.S.
And finally, we have “Sonic Comics Spectacular: Speed of Sound”, what seems to be one of the biggest general reprint collections yet at over 350 pages long! Not much is known specifically about the contents, but it promises to cover Sonic’s greatest adventures whether an old fan or new, so this may be one we’ll be keeping an eye on for future information!
Sonic the Hedgehog isn’t just the fastest running hero around—he’s the longest running too! From killer robots to mad scientists to evil wizards—Sonic’s overcome them all! He’s traveled the world at super-sonic speed! For every villain he’s faced, there’s a friend he’s made! Sonic is simply the coolest hedgehog there is! SONIC COMICS SPECTACULAR: SPEED OF SOUND is a collection of some of Sonic’s greatest adventures! You’ll be racing right along with Sonic through over three hundred fifty pages of pure action, adventure and fun! Whether you’re new to all of Sonic’s awesome adventures, or a long-time fan reliving the magic, this is the end-all, be-all collection for you!
Script: Various
Art: Various
$8.99/$9.99 CAN
4 7/8 x 6 9/16″
352 pp, Full Color
Direct Market On-Sale Date: 2/3
As always, we’ll have more on all of these issues closer to their release date. Be on the ball for this walk down memory lane all over!
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We may be on the plains, but this mission won’t be plain-sailing.
After a much longer gap than anticipated, Sonic the Hedgehog #277 is officially right around the corner, and Comics Alliance has the preview for it! In the first story, Sonic, Sally and Bunnie have met up with an old face with a brand new coat of paint; Lupe the Wolf! While taking on another Super Badnik, find out how they know her…and what they don’t know about her that links into the Shattered World Crisis, in “Thunder, Rain and Lightning”. Then, Sally, Nicole and Bunnie have picked up the track of the last Chaos Emerald needed, but the problem is that it’s right in the thick of Egg Boss Clove’s territory! What tricks and traps will the team encounter, and what is the deal with Clove, Cassia and their army? Uncover a bit about it in “Hidden Costs”; part 1.
SONIC TAKES THE LEAD in the race to fix the planet! “Thunder, Rain and Lightning”: Sonic and the team link up with Lupe to destroy one of Dr. Eggman’s super badniks! How does this tie into fixing the shattered world? And just what secrets does Lupe keep? Then, in “Hidden Costs” Part One, Sally and Bunnie hunt down the final Chaos Emerald—which is in the heart of Egg Boss Clove’s forbidden territory! Featuring cover art from jammin’ Jamal Peppers and a “BATTLE!” variant from Sonic comics all-star Tyson Hesse!
Script: Ian Flynn & Aleah Baker
Art: Adam Bryce Thomas, Evan Stanley, Terry Austin, Gabriel Cassata and John Workman
CVR A Reg: Jamal Peppers, Rick Bryant and Ben Hunzeker
CVR B Variant: Tyson Hesse
On Sale Date: 10/21 | 32-page, full color comic | $3.99 U.S.
Sonic the Hedgehog #277 is officially released in stores and digitally next Wednesday. However, with the original release date having been October 14th, the Sonic comic app had it available accidentally for a short period of time. If someone tells you they’ve already bought it, that’s probably why. Don’t worry, you haven’t missed out!
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This month’s issue is going deeper down the rabbit hole, complete with mysterious voices.
Newsarama has released the preview for Sonic Universe #80 as the mystery continues to unfold. Silver and Von Schlemmer are now a (not quite close) team, but Schlemmer’s efforts to propose a solution to the council fall on deaf ears. Why do they not want to hear it? To make matters worse for Silver, a voice starts calling out to him, which is bound to drag him even further into this mess. Can Silver and co. get to the bottom of this mystery before it gets them? Find out in “The Silver Age”: part 2.
The FUTURE is in DANGER, and only Silver the Hedgehog can make things right! “The Silver Age” Part Two: Silver has teamed up with Prof. von Schlemmer and they have a plan for stopping the Genesis Portals! This seems like the solution everyone’s been waiting for—but why doesn’t the Council want to hear it? The mystery deepens as a voice calls out to Silver—a voice that only he can hear! Will our unlikely heroes uncover the conspiracy, or die trying? Featuring cover art from the Sonic comic master Tracy Yardley and a CHAOS CRISIS variant by Rafa Knight!
Script: Evan Stanley
Art: Tracey Yardley, Jim Amash, Matt Herms and Jack Morelli
CVR A Reg: Tracy Yardley and Matt Herms
CVR B Variant: Rafa Knight
On Sale Date: 9/23
32-page, full color comic
$3.99 U.S
Sonic Universe #80 is due out this Wednesday. As those Bits might say, “01000100 01101111 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01101101 01101001 01110011 01110011 00100000 01101111 01110101 01110100 00100001”
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Mysteries abound, villains assemble…and déjà vu all over again?
Comicbook.com has revealed the first look at the covers and solicits for December! First up, in Sonic the Hedgehog #280, Sonic, Tails and Chip are in Mazuri for the next Gaia key, but they’ll be facing tough opposition from local Egg Boss Axel the Water Buffalo. And while in the temple, Chip discovers something incredible! Find out what it is along with him in “Keys to Victory”. Meanwhile, a young girl is going through a family emergency, and only Sally and Rotor can help in this situation in “A Special Occasion”.
Sonic, Tails and Chip head to the Efrikan settlement of Mazuri to find the next set of Gaia Keys—but they’ll have to go through the tough and menacing Axel, the Egg Boss of the Efrika Egg Army, to find them! While deep in the heart of the Gaia Temple, Chip finds something incredible—but you’ll just have to wait and see what it is! Then, in “A Special Occasion,” Sally and Rotor are one girl’s only hope in a family emergency! Featuring awesome cover art by jamming Jamal Peppers and an “Altered Beast” variant by the exquisite Erik Ly!
Script: Ian Flynn
Art: Jamal Peppers, Jennifer Hernandez, Terry Austin, John Workman & Gabriel Cassata
Sonic the Hedgehog #280 CVR A Reg: Jamal Peppers, Terry Austin & Ben Hunzeker
Sonic the Hedgehog #280 CVR B Variant: Erik Ly
On Sale Date: 1/13
32-page, full color comic
$3.99 U.S.
Meanwhile, in Sonic Universe #83, the good doctor is facing opposition himself as wizarding twins Walter and Wendy Naugus have taken over his base and his Dark Gaia energy operations! He’d usually bring out a mech, but that alone is insufficient in such a situation. Instead, he’ll need to bring together all of his Egg Bosses to tackle the danger by force! And he’ll start doing just that in “Eggman’s Dozen”: part 1.
EGGMAN’S BASE is UNDER ATTACK in, “Eggman’s Dozen” Part One:
Dr. Eggman’s plans for controlling the shattered world were going perfectly—until now! The wizard warlords—the Naugus Twins—have taken over Eggman’s base and Dr. Eggman’s source of Dark Gaia energy! No mere robots will do for this mission—the doctor’s going to need ALL his Egg Bosses! Featuring cover art by Mr. Sonic comics himself, Tracy Yardley, and an “Evil Genius” variant by CG artist supreme, Rafa Knight!
Script: Ian Flynn
Art: Tracy Yardley, Jim Amash, Jack Morelli & Matt Herms
Sonic Universe #83 CVR A Reg: Tracy Yardley, Jim Amash & Matt Herms
Sonic Universe #83 CVR B Variant: Rafa Knight
On Sale Date: 12/23
32-page, full color comic
$3.99 U.S.
And finally, we have the latest in the Sonic Super Digest line, Sonic Super Digest #15! Along with the usual reprinting you’ve come to expect, this issue comes with a new Sonic Comic Origins story spotlighting Razor the Shark!
…Does that sound familiar to you? We’ve covered it before! Both the cover and the new Sonic Comic Origins story were originally to feature in Sonic Super Special Magazine #15, but that line has faced some hiccups lately, so at least now you’ll get to have at it!
Sonic Comic Origins continues this month with an ALL-NEW story featuring Razor the Shark! This never-before-seen tale showcases an EXCLUSIVE back-story to the underwater side of the new Sonic Comic universe with one of the most popular new characters to debut in the series! It’s a real splash this month in Sonic Super Digest! Plus, don’t miss all the classic fun and adventure you love in stories from the comics’ 20+ year history as Sonic and his friends embark on daring adventures, face evil villains and save the day one chili dog at a time! Race into the fun that only Archie Comics and Sonic Super Digest can bring! Featuring super duper cover art from Tyson Hesse and story & art from the biggest names in Sonic comics history!
Script: Ian Flynn
Art: Adam Bryce Thomas, Rick Bryant, Jack Morelli, Matt Herms & Various
Cover: Tyson Hesse
On Sale Date: 1/13
128-page, full color comic
$4.99 U.S.
As always, we’ll have more on these issues closer to release. See out the year with the ante pumping up!
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We may be in the ice cold, but the action’s gonna be red hot!
The Shattered World crisis is back into full swing with Sonic the Hedgehog #276, and Comic Book Resources has the preview for it. Sonic, Chip and Rotor are up in Artika to retrieve another Gaia key to reunite the pieces of the world, but they’re going to come across a bit of an ice block when Egg Boss Tundra gives the team a particularly chilly reception in “Cold Hearted”. While this is going on, Eggman has restarted his Dark Gaia energy-gathering operations for his grand scheme, but before anything else he needs to find his weapon of terror, Metal Sonic. How will he fare when he’s forced to traverse the treacherous to do this? Find out in “Back in Business”.
STORY BY: Ian Flynn
ART BY: Adam Bryce Thomas, Terry Austin
COLORS BY: Gabriel Cassata
LETTERS BY: John Workman
COVER BY: Adam Bryce Thomas, Rick Bryant, Steve Downer
PUBLISHER: Archie Comics
RELEASE DATE: Sep 9th, 2015
The BLUE BLUR IS BACK from the events of “WORLDS UNITE” and ready to save the world! In “Cold Hearted,” Sonic embarks on a quest through the arctic to find and recover the all-important Gaia Keys! Collecting them all is essential for fixing the shattered world. It’s a pretty chill mission until Egg Boss Tundra steps in to put the freeze on Sonic’s plans! Meanwhile, Dr. Eggman is “Back in Business” as he braves the unknown to find his most treasured killing machine Metal Sonic! Featuring cover art by newcomer Adam Bryce Thomas plus a “HERO” variant with art provided by SEGA!
Sonic the Hedgehog #276 is due out this Wednesday. Don’t get cold feet if you want to get the issue!
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