Ask Bioware about Sonic Chronicles

Bioware have updated their Sonic Chronicles site with a Tips & Tricks page and an Ask our Developers page. The Tips & Tricks page gives you some helpful hints to help you through the game and how to overcome things that most RPG fans will already be familiar with. The Ask our Developers page allows you the fans to ask Bioware’s developers any questions you have about the game regarding Gameplay, Characters and Environments. Once received Bioware will review your questions and post an answer on the site.

You can e-mail your questions to .

So get to it people, we just know you want to ask if Sonic’s going to hook up with Amy or not.

You can check out Bioware’s Sonic Chronicles site here.

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Sega Dates Unleashed in Japan

At a press briefing of Sega’s own, Sega have announced their Japanese line-up for 2008/9 and among them is Sonic Unleashed or Sonic World Adventure as it’s being named over there. The game will be released in Japan December 18th 2008. Here’s a Google translation of the Sonic Unleashed announcement –

Action on behalf of Sega games, Sonic’s latest film series. The album is Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic UEAHOGGU The two types of character to operate the Games to proceed. PS3/Xbox 360 and Wii versions are slightly different, Wii version of Sonic the UEAHOGGU me to let my part, to wave attack when the Wii remote control features intuitive operation. But the attacks also NANDO is wielding a little bit tired (laughs). Features of the series is the same sense of speed with the fans of this series, if the contents of any problems with it? Release date is scheduled for Dec. 18, 2008. Priced at 7,140 yen (PS3/Xbox 360) and 6,090 yen (Wii).

A new screenshot from the Xbox 360/PS3 version was also shown

and an old Wii one

Reading the announcement it look’s like the Wii version Werehog will involve some waggle attacks among other things when using the Wii Remote. With the Japanese release date announced, hopefully the U.S. and Europe will get a date soon.

Source: Watch.Impress

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Black Knight Art Competition Update

Firstly, Sega Europe have captured ArchangelUK and dragged him back to Sega Europe’s London HQ and we at TSS welcome him back with open arms (and hands, where’s our presents? lol). Seriously though, welcome back to Mr.AAUK, we hope you enjoyed your trip.

To the headline in question, AAUK has updated the Sonic City Blognik with some updates regarding the Sonic and the Black Knight art competition.

Q: Can I enter? I live in (Country).
A: Because of the way the Terms & Conditions had to be it wasn’t really possible to have EVERY country listed and have individual terms for them. So please take whatever the terms and conditions for whatever language you can read and simply assume any instance of (country name) being your country.

So basically if you live in *deep breath* Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom which are the formally recognised European Union members as well as Australia (which comes under SEGA Europe bizarrely), Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino, and should His Holiness wish to enter even Vatican City.

You will need to send your entry to the same place as everyone else! PLEASE check out the Sonic & The Black Knight page for details of this and the information you need to include as this is vital. The deadline is still September 19th at this time so you will need to hurry.

Q: Why does the US version of the site say you can include more characters?
A: I have absolutely no idea. I suspect it just wasn’t updated. For the record you can draw Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, Amy, Shadow, Blaze and other characters (or any combination of one or more of them together) in your favorite scene from your favorite Sonic game. They must be Sonic characters, no fan characters or other series – showing Sonic punching Master Chief in the face might be fun, but won’t get in the game.

So, with all queries, problems and issues laid to rest, get those pictures in, you have but 4 days European arteests.

Sonic City Blognik update

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Sonic Chronicles Video Insider – Episode 6

Bioware have today released Sonic Chronicles Video Insider episode 6. This edition reveals there will be 3 character classes in the game for you to built your party with. The 3 character classes are Power, Shifter and Support, now this is definitely starting to sound more like an RPG. The video reveals Sonic and Knuckles to be power class, Amy to be a Shifter and Tails to be Support class. We also get to see footage of Knuckles using all of his field abilities which are smashing, climbing and gliding and we get to see one of his POW moves the Uppercut which kicks some serious stone buttocks like only Knuckles can. Also shown are some team POW moves with Sonic and Knuckles.

You can catch this latest episode in all of its YouTube glory here.

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New Sonic Chronicles screenshots in web ads

Sega have put out some Sonic Chronicles pop-up and banner advertisements on gaming website Gamepro. Contained in the ads are some new screenshots including a shot from an unknown area that Shade is standing in on the official Sonic Chronicles website. SSMB member Core has kindly taken the screenshots from the ad for everyone to see. Here they are for your viewing please, thanks Core –

You can find the ads over at Gamepro’s DS site.

Discuss over at the SSMB topic.

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Samba De Amigo Wii’s controls explained

Martin the fat ninja over at Sega Europe blogs has updated with the latest part of the developer diary for Samba Wii. This entry explains how the controls were implemented for the Wii version and the challenge they faced with the Wii’s controllers functioning differently to the Dreamcast’s controllers. We are also told how the controls have been implemented for Hustle mode too since that requires a different style of gameplay.

The blog is a very interesting read for Samba fans who are worried sick about the Wii version. You can check it out here.

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Bioware ready to make Chronicles sequel

PALGN have interviewed Bioware’s Sonic Chronices Associate Producer Dorian Kieken.

When PALGN asked Dorian “If Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood is successful once released, will there potentially be a sequel?”

Dorian replied “I would be surprised to see Sega refusing a sequel opportunity if the game is indeed successful! In any case, our team is definitively ready to work on a sequel. We even have a precise idea on what to do next if this were to happen… And if you play the game, you might find some hints on what that idea is.”

Bioware already gave a hint at a sequel when the game was revealed with the title ‘Sonic Chronicles’: The Dark Brotherhood and now this. Bioware have obviously worked hard and must have alot of faith in their first DS outing. Let’s hope the game does well and Bioware are approved to work on the sequel they are so keen to start on.

You can read the full interview here.

What do you think Bioware are planning? Discuss over at the SSMB topic.

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Sonic Chronicles goes gold

Crispygamer have posted news that Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood is now 100% complete and henceforth gone gold. This is contradictory to the new Bioware behind the scenes video that was released yesterday in which Bioware staff said the game is now being polished but they may have recorded that so many days back and the news does makes sense as the game is being released the 26th Sept in Europe and Sept 30th(28th at Nintendo World) in the U.S.

Now let’s hope Bioware have pulled off a great title for us all to enjoy.


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Behind the scenes of Sonic Chronicles

Clumsyorchild of the Sega of America blogs has uploaded a new video to YouTube that gives us a behind the scenes look at Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood being developed at Bioware. In the video Bioware’s developers show us some more of their popular artwork and some awesome CGI animation from the game. Bioware also explain how the game came to be and reveal the game is just being polished right now so it’s up to Bioware standards before release, which is great to hear. Finally, a polished Sonic game, awesome….


Congrats to DarkShadow at the SSMB for just beating me to this news topic :p

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Samba De Amigo Wii delayed in Europe

Sega Europe have finally posted up a release date for Samba De Amigo Wii on their site and it’s not the one shown in their earlier release schedules. The Gearbox developed rhythm game game is now going to be released alongside Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood on the 26th September instead of the original date of the 19th September. No news yet on why the game’s been delayed but if we hear something we’ll let you know.

Samba De Amigo Wii’s product page

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G4 interview Bioware’s project director Mark Darrah

G4 have had the chance to do a video interview with Bioware’s project director Mark Darrah about upcoming DS RPG game Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. Mark Darrah reveals how this title “looks back into the history of Sonic characters” and how Sonic can expand his relationship with Amy Rose compared to previous Sonic game’s that only touched upon it. Mark also talks about the plot of gathering the Chaos Emeralds and all the area’s Sonic must visit to obtain them. Some gameplay footage can also be seen in the video but nothing new is shown really.

The video interview can be seen here.

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Gamespot AU interview Bioware’s Joel MacMillan

Gamespot AU have interviewed Bioware’s Joe MacMillan about Sonic Chronicles. There’s nothing really new here but Joel did mention the Realtime Button Input system for your POW moves will get harder as you level up those moves.

GS AU: Tell us about the combat system. From what we’ve seen so far, it’s a mix of turn-based with some real-time action.

JM: That’s correct. Combat’s been engineered to play out as ‘Rounds’, to help illustrate a feeling of speed. To accentuate that, there’s a Realtime Button Input system we have that coincides with combat. During the team’s Power Moves, the player will have to successfully accomplish a small Button and Stylus sequence in order to deliver a maximum damage attack. It’s actually a lot of fun–as the player levels up their power moves, the Realtime Button Input gets more difficult. It’s a good way to keep the player on their toes.

Not very rewarding for your level-ups but hopefully this means the POW moves will get more powerful in connection with the harder inputs.

Full interview can be found here.

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European Sonic and the Black Knight art contest site up

ArchangelUK over at the Sonic City Blognik and Martin The Fat Ninja at the Sega Europe blogs have updated with news regarding the Sonic and the Black Knight art contest that went live in the U.S. last week. The European site is now up and taking entries and it looks like every region will be getting it’s top piece of art in Sonic and the Black Knight’s Special Book. You can’t say fairer than that.

European’s can check out the rules and details for submitting your art at the contest’s site here.

U.S. site is here; ArchangelUK’s Sonic City Blog is here; Martin’s blog is here

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New Sonic Unleashed Wii details

Spanish gaming site Revogamer have had the opportunity to talk to Sega about the Wii version of Sonic Unleashed and here is a translation of their main findings from GoNintendo –

  • Half of the game normal, the other half were-hog
  • Wii-PS360 more similar than first thought, design and gameplay-wise
  • You use Wiimote + Nunchuck
  • Won’t have motion controls for attacking from the air, despite of being pretty similar to The Secret Rings
  • Some problems controlling Sonic at a low speed. Walking for rings, etc
  • Wiimote just for accelerate-push
  • No motion controls for side-step, you’ll use B and Z, like on 360
  • Don’t know if they’re using for balancing ropes or QTEs, but they should!
  • According to SEGA, the game (Wii version) should be shown in the upcoming TGS, in October.
  • Not showing the Black Night because of focusing on this one first.

So barely any waggle in Sonic’s sections at least, wether that’s a good or bad thing I’ll let you be the judge. Now hopefully with the Wii version confirmed to be at TGS next month we’ll see some footage at long last.


Source: GoNintendo

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PEGI now listing Sonic & Knuckles for Virtual Console

PEGI is now listing Sonic & Knuckles for the Virtual Console. The game has been given a 3+ rating. We all know the game appeared on the ESRB’s site months ago and hasn’t shown up on the Virtual Console in any territory yet but hopefully this means the game is still coming. There is no word on if the Virtual Console version will feature the lock-on capabilities of the title in any shape or form yet, but hopefully we’ll find out soon.

Link – Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the listing.

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5 new Sonic proto’s released

Legend in the Sonic research community drx has managed to get his hands on 5 new Sonic game prototypes including a Sonic CD beta.

List of games are –
* Sonic CD – Prototype 806
* Sonic Adventure 1 (E3 Trial)
* Sonic Adventure 1 LE (dumped from a GD-R)
* Sonic Adventure 2 (Mar 18, 2001 prototype)
* Sonic Adventure 2 (Nov 28, 2000 preview prototype)

So far a member at Sonic Retro has discovered there is a level select in the Sonic CD beta that has Collision Chaos missing from the levels. Expect more developments soon.

Sonic Retro topic

drx’s Hidden Palace site

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AAUK clears up Sonic Chronicles EU release date confusion

Kevin/ArchangelUK of Sonic Wrecks/Sega Europe’s community team has updated the Sonic City Blognik and has cleared up the confusion surrounding the European Sonic Chronicles release date. AAUK confirms that the game will be released 26th September as originally planned. So, I guess we’re going to have to wait, which by looking at how the game is shaping up will definitely be worth it.

AAUK also informs in the new update that he is off on holiday until mid-september “Because I thumping well deserve it!”, which we’ve got to admit he does. From everyone at TSS/SSMB – “Have a great break, enjoy yourself and take care mate!”


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SEGA in Chao Exclusive Announcement, Release Date Confusion

Gamespot got to preview Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood in their latest edition of their weekly show ‘On The Spot’. The game looked and sounded pretty good as the Sega rep showed how puzzle solving around Central City was conducted. There was even some new Rouge artwork in there. The biggest shocker of the preview was at the end when the Sega rep make a big announcement and then balls’d it up.

The Sega rep announced that Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood will be available before release at the Nintendo World Store where you will also be able to collect an exclusive Chao unavailable anywhere else. Signed copies will also be available at the event. Now, when will this little event be happening? The Sega rep said August 28th. Now, correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t that yesterday? I guess it was still the 28th(7:45pm) in the U.S. at the time of announcement but it was a bit late at night. So, anyone from the U.S. who picked up the game, please let us know how you feel about it won’t you?

Back to reality, I assume the Sega rep meant September 28th as the U.S. release date is listed on many a retailer and gaming site as September 30th. I’m surprised he and the show presenters didn’t notice the Sega rep’s mistake. Sega, you do make us laugh sometimes.

You can watch the show here.

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Full Sonic Chronicles box-art revealed and new release date?

So I went into one of my 3 local GAME stores(All 3 in the SAME shopping centre, why?) today and noticed they had display boxes for Sonic Chronicles all over the counter with the full box art and a 5th September release date sticker on the front. I snapped a couple of pics of the front and back covers for you guys to see.

Look’s like Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection has been scrapped as there’s no logo but there is the multi-card wireless 1-2 player connection logo on the back for close-by connecting, so no Chao trading over the interwebz. Another Sonic game rush job? It’s also odd that they put a screenshot of Green Hill on the back with the older more detailed map in the top screen rather than the newer cartoony simpler design.

For those who can’t quite read the text on the back cover it says –

“A brand new journey of battles, exploration and discovery!

Select your team of sonic and his friends to fight new enemies.
Explore new worlds and defeat a mysterious new menace.
Explore over 20 areas with up to eleven new characters.
Defeat enemies with combo power moves.
Collect and trade Chao with friends.”

aisha13 over at the Official Nintendo Magazine forums is also reporting that the latest Argos catalogue has Sonic Chronicles down for this new 5th September release date. Let’s hope this new date is true so we can get our filthy hands on the game next week but lets hope this doesn’t mean the game’s been rushed.

In other news, Bioware have released the 3rd of their video insider episodes, you can check it out here.

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Hirokazu Yasuhara talks about inventing Sonic

In a recent interview with Gamasutra about Game Design Psychology Hirokazu Yasuhara was asked a few questions regarding the creation of Sonic. Heres a portion of the interview –

Ahh, that’s great. So…this may be a question you answered long ago, but when Sonic was created, Sega, as I understand, wanted a mascot. So how were the three of you chosen, or were you just coming up with this yourselves? Like, Ohshima, Naka and yourself.

HY: Like, how we wound up choosing between an armadillo and a hedgehog?

Did they tell you three to do it, or did they say “OK, everybody at Sega, come up with an idea”?

HY: No, it was just us three, and the mission statement was just “You guys have to make a mascot for Sega.”

How many design iterations and ideas did you go through before you came up with this?

HY: Well, in the very beginning, the project staff consisted entirely of Naka and Ohshima, back before I joined them. The main thing Naka had thought up at that time was a game engine that scrolled really, really fast — the problem after that was to figure out what kind of game we could make with that.

We didn’t have any game at that time, so we had to think about that first. I thought it’d be enough to have a game where you ran really fast, but we couldn’t get anything to work. Naka was really adamant about the idea that the game should be playable with one button, since Mario needed two — jump, and run or attack. Continue reading Hirokazu Yasuhara talks about inventing Sonic

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Chris@ONM to go hands-on with Wii Unleashed in 1-2 weeks

Chris@ONM, one of Official Nintendo Magazine’s writers has announced in an ONM forum discussion that he will be going hands-on with the Wii version of Sonic Unleashed in 1 to 2 weeks time.

Aye, naturally the controls will be slightly different. What I mean is that the basic game and levels will be the same on each version.

I don’t know what the Wii controls are as yet because I didn’t go hands on with it. I believe it’s movement with the analogue stick though. I’ll be getting to play it in a week or two so I’ll let you know.

Incidentally, a couple of people have mentioned to me that other sites have complained about the 360 version’s framerate. This game is still in early stages of development: please don’t think for a second that the finished game will have the noticeable framerate problems the demo I played did.


Chris had recently been to GDC Leipzig to try out the Wii version of Sonic Unleashed but unfortunately when he got there he was told by a Sega rep that the Wii demo isn’t working and got directed to the Xbox 360 demo instead. Continue reading Chris@ONM to go hands-on with Wii Unleashed in 1-2 weeks

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Sonic officially joins Facebook

Sonic the Hedgehog now has his very own official Facebook page run by Sonic himself… ok just ArchangelUK and the guys at Sega pretending to be him. The site will feature updates on Sonic’s upcoming games and bring you exclusive competitions.

Here’s ArchangelUK’s Blognik update –

Hi guys, letting you know that Sonic now has his very own official Facebook page –

Join and we’ll keep you up to date with things, also we’ll be running Facebook specific competititions so worth you joining eh?

If you were already a member of the unofficial Sonic page or any specific Sonic page baring the Sonic 3 & Knuckles and Chronicles ones you should get transfered over in the next couple of days or so by Facebook so don’t worry.

Blognik entry

Sonic’s Facebook page

Good ‘ol AAUK, isn’t he just grand to the community.

At the time of writing Sonic’s Facebook page already has 2,945 ‘Fans’ as members who join the page are known as. That’s alot of members in just the one day it’s been open. If your a Sonic fan and a closet Facebooker go check out the page and register yourself a fan now.

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POW! Right in the kis… er, Chronicles

Sega have released yet another new trailer for upcoming Nintendo DS RPG title Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. This latest trailer showcases a few POW moves and how their pulled off. The trailer continues the dramatic music heard in previous trailers and ends with a battle against the Zoah displaying a team POW move using Amy’s hammer swinging abilities which look’s quite cool. The trailer is an American one and finally gives you guys a release month of September but no actual date yet though unfortunately.

Source: Gamespot

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Sonic Drift 3 unveiled… Kinda

UK video game retailer GAME are listing some new Sonic merchandise items made by the same company behind the recent plushies, Cool Stuff (we still want our Eggman plushie damn it!).

The new items are –
Sonic & Tails Table Top Track Set – £9.99
Sonic Racer Racing Car 1:32 – £9.99
Tails Racer Racing Car 1:32 – £9.99

It sounds like they are all part of a Sonic Scalextric kind of thing but why release all 3 items seperately? Your guess is as good as mine. No images are available right now, but they are listed to be released Saturday 20th September 2008 so expect images and info to be released soon.

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Sega announce games line-up for Leipzig GC

Sega have today announced their games line-up for the Leipzig Games Convention which includes many familiar titles but Sega have announced a new title is planned for its world premiere at the event. Jinkeys! Sonic titles to appear at the Games Convention are Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood and Sonic Unleashed.

Titles set to appear are – Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, Sonic Unleashed, Space Siege, Empire: Total War, Alpha Protocol, Madworld, Bayonetta, Golden Axe, Valkyria Chronicles, Stormrise, Samba De Amigo and several other titles.

We’ll keep you up to date on all info released from the event next week!

Link –

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Sega announce Sonic Chronicles to attend PAX 2008

Sega have announced their games that will be shown at PAX(Penny Arcade Expo) 2008 and among them is Sonic Chronicles.

Bleach Dark Souls (DS)
Dinosaur King (DS)
Sonic Chronicles (DS)
Valkyria Chronicles (PS3)
Yakuza 2 (PS2)


The event will run from Aug 29th – 31st. Hopefully with the game being shown so close to release (Sept 26th in Europe), we will see the final version in action. We’ll be keeping an eye on the event and let you know what comes out of it regarding this awesome game.

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Bioware updates Chronicles site and opens YouTube channel

Bioware the developers behind upcoming Nintendo DS game Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood have updated their Sonic Chronicles site and opened a YouTube channel dedicated to Sonic Chronicles. The main feature in this update is the first episode video in a series of ‘Insider episodes’ bringing new gameplay footage and information on new enemies, characters and more. The first episode is just an update explaining these new insider episodes, more episodes are to come over the next few weeks. So keep your eyes on this site or this YouTube channel for further updates. We’ll also be watching the site for updates 24/7 like rabid fanboys so we’ll also update when an update arrives to keep you updated on further updates. Hope you enjoyed the update, stay tuned for more Sonic updates.

Times used the words update/d/s in total including title and tag: 12

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EB Games Australia Sonic Chronicles pre-order bonus

EB Games Australia are now giving free Sonic Chronicles:The Dark Brotherhood themed alluminium DS cases away when you pre-order the game with them for $69.95. It look’s quite nice, with a shiny light blue effect to it and a lock to keep your sugar buzzing kid brother/sister out. EB Games are currently saying the release date is 25-09-08 thought there hasn’t been an official word from Sega on Australia’s release date.


For those of you in the U.S. not in the know, Gamestop are still giving away Sonic Chronicles themed stylus’s when you pre-order the game with them for $34.99. Gamestop are currently saying release date is 30-9-08, though again no official release date from Sega has been announced.


Now if only we in Europe who have an announced release date of 26-09-08 could get a free gift with our pre-orders…

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New Sonic Chronicles trailer reeks of awesome

Sega of America and Sega of Europe have released a new trailer for upcoming DS RPG game Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. The trailer contains gameplay as well as showing more comic-book esque cutscenes. The trailer also says you can play as over 10 characters, so current reports of 11 characters from various sources may be right.

When watching the end of the U.S. version of the trailer it’s still looking like you poor guy’s and gal’s are still far from getting a release date as it ends with ‘Fall 2008’ compared to the European trailer ending ‘September 2008’ which falls in line with Sega Europe’s recent unveiling of a September 26th date for the game.

In other news, the new issue of UK gaming magazine Games Master was released Wednesday the 30th July and they have a 2 page preview on the game with gorgeous new artwork spread across a 2 page poster too. UK fans can pick the magazine up for £3.99 now. Games Master also revealed they will have their review of the game in their next issue August 27th. Expect our full un-biased (despite being life-long Sonic fans) review closer to release.

European trailer –
U.S. trailer –

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Sonic Shredded by MegaDriver’s Nino

Spot anything cool in this picture? Nino of Brazillian heavy metal band MegaDriver love’s Sega and the Mega Drive so much he rocks out with a guitar devoted to Sonic the Hedgehog.

This awesome axe sports a 24-fret maple neck with EMG 81 active pickups, a Floyd Rose Lo-Pro bridge and a Brazilian body of “Angelim Pedra” wood. It even has a cool Sonic 1 sprite paintjob at the top as seen here –

Jealous? I know I am. Nino we salute you.
You can view MegaDriver’s official site with video’s, galleries and MP3’s of their performances here.

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Sonic Chronicles and Samba Wii Release Dates

Sega Europe have announced a release date for their upcoming game Sonic Chronicles: the Dark Brotherhood. The Nintendo DS exclusive Bioware RPG will be released in Europe Friday 26th September. Expect a full review from us at release. You can check out info and media on the game at the official website here. You can also check out our hands-on with an early version here.

Sega Europe have also announced a release date for the upcoming Wii version of popular rhythm game Samba De Amigo. The Gearbox developed game will be released Friday September 19th in Europe. You can check out the games official site here. Again you can take a gander at our hands-on with an early version here.

Expect full-reviews of the games from us at release.

Source: Eurogamer

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Sonic and the Black Knight: New Info

Fellow Sonic fan-site Blue Blur have got a copy of the new issue of Nintendo Power and have scanned up some Sonic and the Black Knight screenshots and artwork. They have also typed up all the info Sonic Team were willing to reveal which is as follows –

  • Developed by the same people as Sonic and the Secret Rings
  • ”This time, a sorceress named Merlina summons Sonic to the mythical realm of King Arthur, but it seems the fabled monarch has somehow been corrupted and now rules the land as the tyranical Black Knight.”
  • Uses a similar storybook device as Secret Rings
  • ”As Sonic runs along, a simple flick of the Wii remote will execute a basic slash, which is enough to dispatch most low-level grunts.”
  • More advanced swordplay consists of the ability to thrust, parry, and even pull off a buzz-saw maneuver midjump.
  • ”During out demo, we saw the hedgehog leap from a high precipice, then thrust the blade into a wall to slow his decent, sparks flying impressivly as steel cut through brick”
  • ”Combat is integrated in such a way that most of the time you can slice through any who stand in your path without even slowing down”
  • Sonic is controlled with the Control Stick. Continue reading Sonic and the Black Knight: New Info
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Nintendo published Sonic game rating appears on OFLC

A rating for a Sonic game has appeared on the OFLC’s website. The game has been rated G for General and is simply titled “SONIC THE HEDGEHOG Game (Multi Platform)”.

What’s odd about it is that the game’s publisher is listed as Nintendo. I guess this could be for Sonic Unleashed or Sonic and the Black Knight but Black Knight is supposed to be Wii Exclusive not multi-platform and Sonic Unleashed is surely being published by Sega because its being released on Sony and Microsoft platforms. Only conclusion one can come to is this must be referring to a new Wii and DS game as Nintendo are publishing it. Hopefully Nintendo/Sega will explain soon.

Thanks to Dan Hibiki for bringing this to everyones attention at the SSMB!


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Sonic and the Black Knight officially announced

Sega Europe have officially announced Sonic and the Black Knight for Wii. Here is their press release –

SAN FRANCISCO & LONDON (July 21, 2008) –SEGA of Europe Ltd. and SEGA® of America, Inc. today announced Sonic™ and the Black Knight, an all-new Wii-exclusive adventure. Part of the storybook series of games that began with Sonic and the Secret Rings, this new title brings Sonic into the world of Arthurian legend and offers the worlds most infamous blue hedgehog the chance to become a knight. Using the unique Wii control system, this exciting game will take advantage of both the Wii Remote and the Nunchuk to offer an interactive experience that any Sonic fans will love. Continue reading Sonic and the Black Knight officially announced

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Werehog Haunts E3

Dasgamer have put up their thoughts on Sonic Unleashed at E3 and were lucky enough to meet Sonic the Werehog in person (well… OK, just a guy that’s dressed up for Halloween early, then). Like Sega’s past Sonic costumes (apart from the Mario & Sonic costumes) it really does resemble the in-game model. Would be good advertising for the game’s November release if Sega could put out some Halloween Werehog costumes to go trick-or-treating in, you could hold alot of candy with those hands.

Dasgamer article

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Sega Mega Drive Handheld out now in UK

Smart company Blaze have gone and done it, they’ve created a handheld Mega Drive for you to show off on your travels. The portable machine has 20 built-in games and runs off triple A batteries and can also be hooked up to your TV.

Games included are –

  • Sonic & Knuckles
  • Shinobi
  • Alex Kidd (and the enchanted castle)
  • Alien Storm
  • Altered Beast
  • Arrow Flash
  • Columns III
  • Crack Down
  • Decap Attack
  • Dr.Robotnik
  • E Swat
  • Ecco
  • Ecco Jr
  • Flicky
  • Gain Ground
  • Golden Axe
  • Jewel Master
  • Kidd Chameleon
  • Ristar
  • Shadow Dancer
  • The handheld is out now and retails for £29.99. You can buy it here.

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