Sonic Lost World (Wii U) and Sonic Triple Trouble (3DS) on sale in NA until March 7th


This information came from Nintendo’s PR from last Thursday’s eShop PR for North America, but there was no mention of prices so I held back from reporting until we knew all the details which we do now.

The quote from the PR states:

Sonic the Hedgehog: Triple Trouble and Sonic Lost World from SEGA are on sale starting 9 a.m. PT on Feb. 22 until 8:59 a.m. PT on March 7.

You can click on a game’s title to look at the game’s page on Nintendo’s site.

The prices are the following:

  • Sonic Lost World (Wii U) – $19.99 USD / $25.59 CDN (down from $29.95 in both USD and CDN)
  • Sonic Triple Trouble (3DS) – $2.99 USD / $3.99 CDN (down from $4.99 in both USD and CDN)

Does either game catch your eye at that price or perhaps you already own one or both? Let us know in the comments!

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    1. I think it’s up there with the best, Riders Zero Gravity, Sonic R and CD are strong contenders in my eyes too

    2. Well, it actually gives a basic synopsis of what the game is about as apposed to just looking cool, and I like it for that.

    3. I think its probably the worst! Like I’m looking at another franchise. Nothing in this game makes me think of cool, or fast, or anything iconic. I feel like I’m looking at a Chuckie Cheese promo ad. Sonic smiling in a chuckly way, the Deadly Six looking like Average cartoon characters from your Steven Universe show, and just a bland background of a green world that we’ve seen so many times before. Its nothing new, nothing that catches the eye, and it doesn’t make me think of anything but the word “mediocre”. That’s all it looks to me, mediocre. Its saying, “yeah this is Sonic in a game” and that’s it. 06 was a better looking cover than this. Nothing about this screams Sonic to me, it screams generic Mario clone.

      1. I’d argue that Steven Universe villains have a lot more thought put into their designs than the Dreary Six. Other than that, your description is spot on IMO.

    4. I don’t know if it’s nostalgia or the edginess, but I consider Sonic Adventure 2 to have the best cover art.

    5. I’m actually pretty fond of the Sonic Adventure 2 Battle cover art, but the Advance games are also strong contenders to me. I suppose I feel this way because I like the 2D drawings more than the 3D models.

  1. I’m guessing Triple Trouble was easy to port, which is why they bothered at all. But no SegaSonic Arcade, Chaotix, Nights into Dreams (Wii U), Shuffle, Jam, Rivals 1 & 2, Episode 2, Generations (for Wii U) or Championship HD.

      1. We just need the imports: Tails’ Sky Patrol, Sonic Drift 1, and the one localized game we didn’t get on 3DS VC: Sonic Chaos.

        1. Buy Sonic Adventure DX or emulate it?

          I’m talking about titles that can’t be emulated on the Homebrew channel, or else I’d be playing them instead of talking about them. Basically these titles are completely alien to any of Nintendo’s systems.

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