Sonic Adventure & DLC Now Half Price… FOREVER!

Greetings Blue Believers, Sega have just announced that the PSN & XBLA versions of Sonic Adventure and the directors cut DLC will be permanently reduced by 50%!

See the details after the break.

There’s no date as to when these price cuts come into effect so we’re assuming it’s happened either now or when the respected services next update. If this is a worldwide price cut or just something for the US stores (as the PSN prices were all in US dollars) remains to be seen. So check your respected network

New price details are as follows.

Sonic Adventure: $4.99 (price reduced by 50%)
Sonic Adventure DLC: $2.99 (price reduced by 40%)

Sonic Adventure: 400 Microsoft Points (price reduced by 50%)
Sonic Adventure DLC: 200 Microsoft Points (price reduced by 50%)
Happy Tree Friends: 400 Microsoft Points (price reduced by 50%)

Oh yes and Happy Tree Friends also gets a discount too so I dunno you might like to try that.

Source: Sega Blog.

Wes Weasly: Turbo J of Cosplay Island.


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        1. You do realize it’s 50% off, right? If it’s $20, then I’ll be saving $10.00, which is SO worth it for me. SA2 HD is not worth the $20.00

  1. Sonic Adventure is already in my library of games on XBLA, so it looks like I’ll be getting Happy Tree Friends while I’m at it. It’s so funny to see that it looks all cute and kid like and such, but it’s really rated M and gorey. XD

  2. OH MAN! I just bought Sonic Adventure 2 months ago! If only I had waited for two months…
    I can’t wait another year to see if SA2’s price will be cut too or not. I’ll buy it as soon as it comes out cuz I really miss SA2.

  3. This is the reason why I don’t purchase anything instantly; I mean the movement it launches. I like to wait one month and see the price falling, and if it happens I wait one more month and purchase.

    I know it’s little crazy, not everyone habited to wait but try once you’ll the difference.

  4. Seems like the DLC prices are shifting in the consumers favor. Thankfully its nice to see that there are some fun perks for waiting a bit. Although I do love my original copy of Adventure. I never could find DX in good condition.
    Good luck to all. =D

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