Project Needlemouse Challenge Round 2 NOW LIVE

Project Needlemouse Challenge Round 2 NOW LIVE

SEGA have updated the SEGA and Sonic Facebook pages with round 2 of the Project Needlemouse Challenge. Todays names to be cut off are Charmy and Chip, as revealed at the SEGA of America Blog and Sonic City Blognik. Today’s questions are below –

Sonic The Hedgehog The Needlemouse Challenge has arrived on Facebook! The trivia questions for today are: 1: What was the general name for the robot enemies in the early Sonic games? 2: 50 Rings is always nice, but 100 is even nicer – why so? 3: In Sonic 2 for the Genesis / Mega Drive, how many lives was a ‘continue’ worth?

SEGA Facebook
Sonic Facebook

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  1. CRAP. This game is soo not worth buying now. If Big gets the axe too there’s no way I’m buying it.

  2. @Shego13 :

    Chip is inside that super hot place in the center of the world. I highly doubt will see him at all for awhile or anytime at all =P

  3. I’m curious as to why Tails and Knuckles aren’t on this. Them, with Sonic, are the three main characters that should be in most games.

  4. charmy and chip are out – Monday
    big and froggy – Tuesday
    vector and shade – Wednesday
    Mr.needlemouse and shadow – Thursday
    Awesome sonic info – Friday

  5. @everyone asking for Tails and Knuckles

    Don’t worry yourselves, they’ll be playable. This list basically contains a few charactes that could possibly be in the game. I very much doubt that the only ones playable are the ones remaining on this list. In my eyes, I see this as a console version of Sonic Advance. To me, Sonic Advance was near perfect with it’s mixture of speed and platforming. I suppose if you look at it that way, Amy will most likely be the potential character.

  6. Who knows the answers? Share if you don’t have a facebook so others can get it right! Please

  7. 1: Badniks

    2: 100 rings = extra life

    3: 3 extra lives (I think)

    Feel free to check and verify these are the right answers, for those wanting to know.

  8. Im almost willing to bet a that when all the characters are removed, it will only leave Sonic, and that Tails and Knuckles are not on the list since they are in there already, the original 3 characters from the original Genesis/MegaDrive series. Since it seems they might have actually listened for once, and gone back to the games roots with no gimicks.. altho i don’t wanna speak too soon. Ill just sit here and cross my fingers!

  9. Lol @ Jim-x. Enough said.

    I actually played through and beat Sonic 2 just to be sure about number 3. In doing so I learned that not only will 100 rings nab you an extra life, but so will 100000 accumulated points. 10,000 points earn per stage nabs you an extra continue.

    Oh, and it was worth it if only for the awesome nostalgic fun factor.

  10. @ stuhp
    I was going to do that.

    Well I guess Chip was going to be down from the get go xD he will return in a future game though. Hopefully the light and dark gaia will be actual females as the gods are meant to be. *wakes up*Was it all a dream.Nah I will happen…someday ;P

  11. $20 says one of the next questions will be about how waiting until 9:59 in Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles nets you 100,000 points. 😀

  12. I’ll take a piece of that action stuhp, I think they’re going to ask what the level select in Sonic 1 was 😛

    Steve Lycett just de-confirmed my post.

  13. dude this contest thing is aggrivating. Why cant they just tell us? And no offense guys but stop whining about Tails and Knuckles! This is most likely a remake of Sonic 1. At least i hope so….

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