Sonic Colors Ultimate’s Second Patch is Out, With Bug Fixes, OST Toggle and New Sonic Customizations

The second patch SEGA promised for Sonic Colors Ultimate is officially out on all platforms. Before you ask, no, we do not know which glitches were fixed yet. We will be running a stream of the game on PS5 later today to look into that. What we do have, however, are the full patch notes. Check them out below:

First of all, the game now has new customization options for Sonic. Called the “Celebration Pack,” it includes the following:

  • Burst Shoes
  • Burst Gloves
  • Fireworks Boost
  • Fireworks Aura

The patch also adds numerous quality of life updates, including:

  • Ultimate Remix/Original Music soundtrack toggle
  • Full screen boost blur effect on/off toggle
  • Tails navigation on/off toggle
  • Full screen movie playback from options satellite
  • Improved visibly of cyan wisp targeting line

The patch also has:

  • Improved stability for all platforms
  • Updates to specific enemy attack speed
  • Improved Green Hover Wisp light speed dash functionality
  • Improved visibly of Big Chaser attacks in Switch version
  • Various bug fixes throughout the game.

If you want to see if this addresses your specific pet peeve, stay tuned to our Youtube channel, where we will be doing a live stream later. It is currently unknown if another patch is in development. If you want to download this patch, it should be available now.

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


  1. Yes! This is the update I was hoping for, being able to restore the original OST. For me, the best part of Sonic Colors was the music so I’m glad they gave us this option!!

  2. As much as I want to play Sonic COlors Ultimate, I’m afraid of opening my Switch copy, out of fear that the price will go up in the future and it would be worth a lot of money.

    This is what I get for ordering the Day 1 edition, because there is a part of me that wants to sell it in the future for lots of money.

  3. Nearly all of my issues have been addressed, and the extra content is a nice bonus. It’s really unfortunate to see the game launch with so many problems though (and frankly, everything in this patch should have been available from the beginning). I love Colors and I love this game, but I really hope if they do future remasters, they learn from this game’s mistakes.

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