March has officially become Re-Release Blu-Rays Month.
Just before Paramount’s Sonic 2 releases in April, the first movie gets a special re-print. The new “Bonus Stage” edition releases March 15th.

Contained within are a handful of new and old bonus items, including the standard 4K case, a “Mini” steelbook (just look at how small it is, like a CD case), the Sonic & Donut Lord pixel art comic book, some poster cards, and whatever that weird card on the right is. There’s no indication the discs contain any additional special features, but you do get both the 4K and 1080 versions.
The set is currently available for pre-order on Amazon (US) for $50.99. At time of writing, it is not available on Amazon (UK).
Source: Sonic Merch News Twitter and Wario64 Twitter
Thanks to Dodger24848 for the news tip!