The latest artwork from SEGA Japan’s Sonic Channel has been released! With Sonic Colours Ultimate releasing in the next month or so worldwide, it makes sense that the September entry for the ‘Sonic x …’ series would focus on the colourful Wisp creatures.

The artwork features Sonic darting around Windy Valley as he pals around with Yacker and the Drill, Laser and Ghost Wisps from Sonic Colours. The new drawings also come complete with a short story (in Japanese) about Sonic’s encounter with these mysterious beings. You can read that here.

On Sonic Channel’s website, you can download the artwork in both desktop and mobile formats as a wallpaper. You can also download a digital calendar PDF for September 2021 that also features this art.
The wisps…? In MY Windy Valley?
Sonic Channel have so many lovely arts. 🙂