Rougher Than The Rest Of Them, Knuckles Has Been Spotted On The Sonic Movie 2 Set! UPDATE: Now With Video Footage

Unlike Sonic, he doesn’t chuckle, but he does have something else that is more in common with him. Knuckles, Sonic, and Tails have been spotted on the Sonic Movie 2 set!

They have been filming at Fort Langley for a little while now, and there have already been some interesting things, including a flying Jim Carrey and G.U.N. military vehicles. But this is our first look at Knuckles as he may be designed for the movie.

The picture came from the Patreon of Pursuit23, someone that has been apparently inspired to be like paparazzi. Although you have to pay to see their Patreon posts, they had been at the movie set earlier today and had managed to take multiple images, including the one that had Knuckles.

Now, I said that this may be how they’re designed for the movie, because it’s very possible that Knuckles could appear differently in the movie. It’s not final, as they’re filming right now. Knuckles is missing the crescent on his chest, and fans are speculating that all 3 characters are actually at their Sonic Boom heights. And, most of all, they seem to be just stand-in props for the actors to react to.

So, when will we know for sure? It depends on if Knuckles’ design is meant to be something they only want people to find out by seeing the movie. If not, which is the more likely outcome, it’ll be in a trailer that’ll be posted closer to the movie’s release.

UPDATE: Video footage of the character props has now been leaked:

Via Patreon

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SSF1991 has been in the Sonic community since 2008, and a gaming news reporter since 2010, with an unhealthy obsession with pinball, especially Sonic Spinball. Oh, and he tweets at


  1. If I were in charge of the story, I would’ve waited until the third movie to introduce Knuckles. Then again, this could mean we might see Shadow and other Dreamcast Era characters sooner. Still hoping Amy and Metal Sonic are included in this movie.

    1. Yeah. This is a cool moment, but FUDGE man, how do you let go of an opportunity to make SONIC 3 & KNUCKLES: THE MOVIE?

      I guess it’s showing that either SEGA or Paramount doesn’t believe enough in the property to pace it out naturally, so they’re trying to put their eggs in as much baskets before the contract is up.

      I agree. They should’ve worked with Tails, Amy & Metal first before they got to Knuckles.

      And if Shadow isn’t voiced by Nicholas Cage it will all be for naught.

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