New Listings for Whisper, Mephiles, and Emerl Plushes Discovered

Looks like we’ve got more Sonic plushes coming from Great Eastern Entertainment, the same company that released an Infinite plush last year. Their website recently listed a bunch of new plushes of various Sonic characters, including Emerl, Mephiles the Dark, and Whisper. While this is the first time all three characters have been made into toys, Whisper’s inclusion is especially notable, as she is the first IDW creation to receive merchandise outside of some minor collectible like pins. Both the Whisper and Emerl plushes are also listed as being 10 inches tall.

Currently, none of these plushes have a release date, price, or even an image, though it seems likely we’ll get news soon. Stay tuned for more info!


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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


  1. This is great, groundbreaking intriguing and all, but can they PLEASE put the Cream plushies back in circulation? I’ve wanted one ever since I was a kid and now that I’ve got disposable income I’d like to point my money in the right direction for standard retail price 😔

  2. If only squeezing the Mephiles plush would trigger a Dan Green laughing track that would be amazing.

    Sonic Battle came out while I was at my peak as a Sonic fan so I’m very excited for new merch.

  3. That is an extremely eclectic group of characters to list together. Good for them though. I hope they keep going back to the well of forgotten one-offs and non-game characters for merch. There’s a lot to draw from there still.

  4. Considering the only known piece of Mephiles merch is a Finesse skateboard deck this is a totally welcome surprise. Wouldn’t complain about a Gemerl plush or board either.

  5. I’d love for the 2.5 figure range to include multiple characters from all eras even comics, of the freedom fighters

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