Updated: Sonic Mania Plus Launches on Luna, Amazon’s Cloud Gaming Service

Updated 9/25/2020:

Sonic Mania Plus and Wonder Boy: The Dragon Trap are indeed launch games, per Digital Trends and other outlets.

Original news post:

Following in the lineage of Stadia, xCloud, Parsec, and the thing that Sony does that no one remembers, Amazon has pushed its way into the cloud gaming fistfight with Luna, a platform targeting computers, Fire TV, iDevices via browser backdoors, and Android. The service launches today in the US for approved early access users with an early access monthly subscription of $5.99 USD.

Announced titles for the service include Yooka-Laylee, Control, Resident Evil 7, and… possibly Sonic Mania? Promo images show icons for both the 2017 Sonic masterpiece and the Wonder Boy remake. In contrast to the other two, Panzer Dragoon was officially announced.

Details about the service, including international release, remain scarce, but perhaps soon, you will be able to play this modern classic on yet another platform. So if you have permissive data caps and a desire to play Sonic Mania on your phone, your time has come, you hypothetical person, you.

Source: The Verge

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A podcaster since 2008, GX originally founded The Spindash podcast, until joining Sonic Stadium's monthly Sonic Talk. He currently co-hosts the show and runs weekly streams on Stadium's Twitch channel at https://www.twitch.tv/sonicstadium