Sonic Movie Hits Japanese Theaters June 26

After significant delays, Paramount’s Sonic the Hedgehog movie is releasing to theaters in Japan on June 26.

The movie was originally scheduled to release March 27; however, due to the COVID-19 threat, the movie was pushed back several months as theaters closed through Japan’s peak case numbers. Variety notes that, as of May, theaters began reopening with enhanced safety measures for customers.

This international release follows the announcement that a sequel is already in development.

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A podcaster since 2008, GX originally founded The Spindash podcast, until joining Sonic Stadium's monthly Sonic Talk. He currently co-hosts the show and runs weekly streams on Stadium's Twitch channel at


  1. It feels weird seeing that the Sonic movie is releasing in June in Japan when we already have Blu Rays and DVD’s already.

    1. It’s good that Japanese fans can see the movie on the big screen and I hope other countries can follow suite soon.

  2. I always wondered what Jim Carrey would be like in the land of the rising sun.

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