Sonic Forces Among the Most Redeemed Monthly PS Plus Games Ever

What does Sonic Forces have in common with Modern Warfare Remastered, Black Ops 3, Destiny 2, and Shadow of the Colossus?

According to Sony, each are the top five most redeemed monthly PlayStation Plus games across the 10 years since the service began. Forces is featured on Sony’s PlayStation Plus 10 year anniversary infographic, highlighting stats and landmarks from June 2010 through April 2020.

It might seem surprising that a divisive Sonic game would crack Sony’s top five in an entire decade of PlayStation Plus. However, both Sonic Forces and Shadow of the Colossus were available on the service March 3, 2020 through April 6, 2020, overlapping with COVID-19 quarantine efforts.

Beyond the five most redeemed, Sony also lists the five most played online multiplayer games (that require PlayStation Plus) as Grand Theft Auto 5, Rainbow Six Siege, Call of Duty Black Ops 3, Destiny, and Call of Duty Black Ops.

Sources: PlayStation blog & Badnik Mechanic on Twitter

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A podcaster since 2008, GX originally founded The Spindash podcast, until joining Sonic Stadium's monthly Sonic Talk. He currently co-hosts the show and runs weekly streams on Stadium's Twitch channel at


  1. Being free is the only way some people will even touch Forces, i dont plan on paying for it a second time.

  2. Forces isn’t anywhere near the bad game its rep would have you believe. Its a damn site better than 3/4 of the other PS Plus games and I’m sure it will have joined up with the Sonic film and made new fans for the blue blur

    1. Well I’ve got news for you from reality. Being boring/generic/mediocre video game is from certain perspective even worse than being simply bad. Even the most obviously bad games have that “certain” entertainment value.

    2. Bruh, don’t lie to yourself. It’s okay to say it’s a mediocre game. Don’t be a blind ass shill and make the rest of us look like idiots for eating up such lost potential game.

  3. I disagree with you there, I think Forces is exactly as bad as people say it is. In my opinion it severely lacked the depth, quality gameplay and replayability, and innovation to the point that calling it a flat-out bad game is absolutely warranted. Unfortunately it didn’t sell terribly, and I think statistics like this only make Sega more driven to just pump out generic titles as long as they sell.

  4. How can Forces be redeemed if it’s so poorly made? That makes no sense. Can someone explain please?

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