True Horror Abounds as Sonic Movie Themed Costumes Appear in Stores

You can’t run, you can’t hide, you can’t reach the other side of the rainbow, because this is Movie Sonic’s neighborhood! He’s taken over! Costumes based off of Sonic’s scrapped design for the upcoming feature film are appearing in stores across the United States, just in time for Halloween!

Twitter user Treasure Hunting Sonic, known for collecting Sonic toys and merchandise, has spotted these costumes in the wild. They cost $19.97, and feature a headpiece and a jumpsuit. It’s available at Walmart… if you really wanted to get it.

It’s worth reiterating that these costumes are based off of the old design that received so much backlash that Paramount Pictures delayed the film so they could tweak the design. Thankfully, this is not what Sonic will look like when the film arrives in theaters in February.

Are you going to grab one for Halloween to scare the neighbors? Let us know in the comments below!

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