More Animated Short-Form Content Planned for Future Sonic Games

It would appear that Sega have more plans to produce new animated shorts in the vein of Sonic Mania Adventures and Team Sonic Racing: Overdrive.

In Part 2 of Comicbook’s interview with Sega’s Yukio Kusomoto (you can read about Part 1 here), Yukio Kusumoto revealed that Sega do indeed intend to have more animated short-form content to tie-in with future Sonic games.

Here’s the full quote by Yukio Kusumoto:

I can say we have a plan of continuing this trend creating short-form content per game release, and we can’t announce yet, but several projects have been planned; for those projects, we are in early development, but yes, we will continue releasing this type of content.

The interview also reveals Yukio Kusumoto’s response to fan feedback, as well as his favorite part of Sonic Mania Adventures.


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  1. I love these animated shorts and am looking forward to more in the future. Would be good if animated shorts were made for new games of Sega’s other IPs too (one for Streets of Rage 4 for example).

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