UPDATE: Sonic Forces’ Theme Song Has Already Been uploaded

UPDATE: SEGA has later uploadedĀ the theme via the official Sonic YouTube channel! Original story follows below.

The SXSW Sonic panel ended with a sneak preview of the Sonic Forces theme. The theme was composed by Tomoya Ohtani, who served as Sound Director for Sonic 2006, Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Colors. While this version of the theme is strictly instrumental, the final version of the theme will have vocals.

Check out the theme song in the embedded video below, courtesy of Blue Paradox:


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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


    1. This sounds exactly the same, except that with yours there’s a weird jump in volume at the start and the terrible cut-off at the end.

  1. This sounds so freaking awesome, I love how in-your-face it is and then the lovely piano at the end! So good! Although, I’m a bit bummed that it probably won’t be a Crush 40 song if Ohtani composed it? :/ It’s been 8 years since we had a Sonic game with Johnny and Jun rockin out a main theme, I miss them. Regardless, this theme sounds great!

    1. It’s possible that Crush 40 may have their own variation, considering how His World had Zebrahead’s lead vocalists to sing the song (& soon enough the entire band for their version).

      Crush 40 even made a varient of His world & many other songs they didn’t write/co-write, so I wouldn’t rule them out just yet.

  2. nice, nice, really nice! And both Unleashed and Colors had amazing soundtracks so…great!

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