Nintendo Switch Revealed, Hybrid Console Coming in March 2017

The time has come, the wait is over, NX out, Nintendo Switch is in! That’s right, Nintendo promised the preview trailer yesterday, and oh boy did they deliver. In just merely 3 minutes, they managed to show off the now true rumors of the hybrid functionality of portable play, a dock to play on the TV, and detachable controllers, and also a Pro Controller of sorts. We even have games shown off as well!

  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  • Splatoon
  • Mario Kart (Possibly Mario Kart 8, though it features 2 item slots and King Boo)
  • Untitled 3D Mario (Features what appears to be a level with a Day of the Dead/Día de Muertos-inspired design)
  • Possibly The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Bethesda was in the copyright section at the end of the video)
  • Untitled NBA game (no mention of 2K or anyone in the copyright section)

To end it off, we actually have a giant list of developers confirmed to be supporting the system, with some surprises! Note that a few are middle-ware companies and some are engine-based, such as Epic Games likely being listed specifically for Unreal Engine 4 support.

We have a few images to share of course, including the hardware itself and a visual look at the supporting companies:

To view the full PR, I’ve uploaded the entirety of it unedited on my site here.

Finally, we of course have Project Sonic 2017 coming to the Nintendo Switch next year as well, and with that, we return to our usual fast and blue programming! What are your thoughts on the Nintendo Switch? Let us know in the comments below!

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  1. i think nintendo switch can change gamers life according to iwata last year about the new nintendo console. so maybe now you guys can repire your mistakes. i wonder how will project sonic 2017 will look like on the switch.

  2. Sigh. This console is coming out in March but no information was given. Like what the hell Nintendo?

      1. What information? What’s the price? What’re the specs? What games will be on it? Will it have online support? The ad really didn’t tell us anything. I wouldn’t have had a problem with the ad if it was shown a year ago but this console’s gonna be released six months from now so there should’ve been more solid information.

          1. But what did it reveal besides it being a hybrid tho? And even if it did, they should’ve done it during E3 and not five months before launch.

  3. Nintendo is allowing a higher maturity rating on the Switch so perhaps the PS4 wont be the only one getting the kookie games from japan.
    It would be nice to see Sonic Team put Mania on the Switch – that would at least solidify me buying the system… i’ll have to get it for the next itteration of Splatoon,anyway, if they make one (or stick to the enhanced port).

  4. I’m so glad I’ll have a job soon. Did not expect any of the things I saw in the reveal. Project Sonic 2017 wherever I go, hell to the yeah. Don’t even get me started with breath of the wild.

  5. Something about the level asthetic and the camera angle of that new Mario game looks very Sonic to me.

    1. I was thinking that too,it seems like ever since Super mario 3dworld came out that the Mario games (or just the promotional art) have been having a Sonic aesthetic.

  6. I don’t wanna be this guy, but what does this have to do with Sonic exactly? I know that Project 2017 is coming to the Switch, but I don’t see you guys making articles for the PS4 Slim or PS4 Neo. lol

    1. Because those consoles are unnecessary and don’t do much to be better than their predecessors, where this is being better than 2 entirely different brands of predecessors by merging portable and home consoles.

      Also, because it is the first time a 3D Sonic game has been portable and not shit

      1. I doubt that’s the reason why. It’s just that almost every Sonic fan these days is also a Nintendo fanboy. The Publisher of this article is called “Hero of Legend”, obviously referring to Link from the Legend of Zelda, and people these days unconsciously associate Nintendo with Sonic just because a lot of Sonic’s games are on Nintendo. Smh.

        I miss the old days when Sega and Nintendo were rivals and one wasn’t sucking the other’s dick for money and business opportunities.

  7. Absolutely loving how this thing looks. The new 3D Mario game looks fantastic as well! I think the marketing Nintendo went with for this trailer was solid, and if the Switch is going to get main series Pokemon and all this 3rd party support, it may sell pretty damn well, all things considered.

    The only things I’m concerned about are Nintendo’s plans to seemingly not release more info until January… and the battery life on the tablet.

  8. SWEET!
    Now all I need is for the rumours about Project Sonic 2017 tying in with the comic to be true.

  9. The only thing bothering me is the drastic frame rate drop going on when the guy was playing Zelda on the go.

  10. Finally yes Nintendo Switch is on board the logo of Nintendo Switch is great & a Console itself it’s awesome!

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