First Look At “Sonic: Mega Drive #1” Reveals Sequel

In an interview with Sonic Archie comics editor Vincent Lovallo, IGN have revealed a first look at the upcoming Sonic: Mega Drive comic – and a follow up issue debuting later in the year, “Sonic: Mega Drive – The Next Level”.

The new one-shot special, created especially to celebrate Sonic’s 25th Anniversary, takes readers back in time to Sonic’s classic days set after the Death Egg saga. Sonic must take on Eggman once more to destroy his new machine of destruction – The MEGADRIVE.

As well as debuting first images of the issue, Lovallo also revealed Mega Drive #1 will be followed by another special, titled “The Next Level”. Though no specifics were shared, the comic will pick up immediately after the events of Mega Drive #1 and potentially feature Metal Sonic as the antagonist, as teased in the cover debut.

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Written by Archie Sonic veteran Ian Flynn and art by Tyson Hesse, the story is said to combine “traditional comic storytelling with the structure of an actual Sonic game” with potential for an ongoing series if demand is there. The adventure will take Sonic to new lands, and shed some light on the “the bonds he has made with his friends in previous games”.

Lovallo also touches briefly on the possibility of an Archie adaption of an upcoming anniversary title – which they’d be more than down for.

That would be awesome and we are totally down to do it at Sonic speed!

“Sonic: Mega Drive #1” will debut July 6th, with “The Next Level” following further into 2016. You can check out all of today’s released art of the upcoming comic in our gallery below.

Source: IGN

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A video game enthusiast, dog lover and dedicated Netflix user. Would probably spend every day eating pizza and talking about movies quite happily.


  1. Despite my weariness of Classic Sonic lately, I must proclaim my adoration to this comic. 😀 It’s really cool.

  2. Art looks cool but somehow I can’t get excited about this, all I can think of regarding comics is what will happen after the Shattered World Crisis in the main series is over.

  3. YEEEEEEES. I just love the art style for the comic, they REALLY nailed the original look.

    1. He is still like that in the main comics, but I miss that sassy hedgehog in the games as well.

      1. He has shades of this in when RCS is voicing him. It’s why I think he’s so great cuz even though he’s playing the role like a mellow beach bum from Cali, he brought back a lot of the attitude that the character has been missing for a decade, during the Jaleel White era.

        But yeah Raw is right: Sonic still being a sassy assy hedgehog in the comics, when he’s been neutered in all other media, is the main reason I haven’t burned my Sonic fan membership card and spread it’s atoms into the winds (now joined by Sonic Boom and anything Mike Pollock does)

        1. Yeah, I like Roger, I think he can do an even better job with Sonic but the writting of the main games is just terrible in my opinion, Pontac & Graf make Sonic talk quicker and say a lot of lame jokes but that doesn’t equals to attitude, not even to personality, where are the sweet trade offs like this?

          Eggman: “You’re pretty persistent for a hedgehog aren’t you? Still alive, huh?”

          Sonic: “Hah! Just letting Knuckles pilot the shuttle on the way over here was more dangerous than you could ever be!”

          Now that’s the sassy hegehog I know and the one I grew up with, unfortunately Sega thinks is too edgy for today’s kids so they changed all that attitude for Baldy McNosehair and complex story arcs about Tails Wisp translator and Cubot voice chip malfunctions.

          1. Agreed. Sonic’s game dialogue has more or less been reduced to cheesy one-liners. Its hard to feel a sense of danger or thrill when the protagonist belittles every threat with a pun.

          2. @Sonix93

            Couldn’t agree more, not to mention that the puns are not only constant but they’re all bad.

            If Sega really wants to keep Sonic funny, light hearted and colorful all the time at least I hope they get better writers, for me the funniest jokes and situation in a Sonic game come from Sonic Battle and Sonic Chronicles and you can tell they weren’t even trying to be funny, all the cool and hilarious dialogues came from the characters personalities and how they clashed with each other, not from Tails trying to fix his Wisp translator or Cubot voice chip malfunctions. There is also very good writing in the comics most of the time.

          3. Man, that quote has attitude alright but was waay too much of a mouthful to be effective. Plus that was just a rare example of a cool trade-off in between in a lot of cheesy b-level anime dialogue. Man, Dante had better trade-offs than that, and he’s practically MADE of cheesy b-level dialogue.

            But why shouldn’t Sonic be a fast talking, joke spewing dude? It works for Spider-Man and That what Sonic basically was in the 90’s (at least in ONE cartoon…). Yeah, the main games doesn’t give Roger much to work with and personally, i think it’s hit or miss, but he’s been killing it over at Sonic Boom; Maybe they can replace Pontac & Graft with those guys.

            Personally though, I prefer a jokey Sonic who pretends his bad puns and poses are supposed to cool to a heroic Sonic who makes cheezy one-liners and make poses that are supposed to be taken seriously….unless they where JoJo poses, than that’s a EMERALD SPLASH of a different color.

          4. @Falconkick

            It would be awesome if Sonic was anything like Spider-man, actually he used to be more like that, making fun of villians with witty comments and not childish jokes that even Tails find lame.

            Talking about Spider-man he is chessy but he is still cool, he is a funny and light-hearted guy that fights crime in a red and blue pijamas, yet he can still be part of serious plots revolving around magic and aliens and what not and fans love him for that, he was a highlight in Captain America Civil War where he was a little cheessy but cool, like Sonic used to be, but now it looks like he is aimed at 6 years old kids, the corniness and cheesines is so strong that is no longer cool and since everything is a joke now you can’t even take the plot serious when Pontaff actually tries to be serious (like when Tails was supposely half robotized, Eggman’s aparent death, etc.)

  4. Wow, I love the art style soooo much! I live in Italy, is there a way to preorder it and ship it to my country as well? I’m really looking forward to it!

  5. Sonic CD’s art-style is literally one of my favourite art-styles out of anything ever so this speaks to me on an emotional level.

  6. Let’s hope he doesn’t end up mute, or speaks with “…” or with commas, which I assume was considered comic gold, in the old days, according to Strong Bad.

  7. So is this an original story set anywhere in the classic era, or is this an adaptation of of titles such as Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic CD, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, etc., that’ll end up causing confusion and possible contradictions to the order of the Sonic canon.

  8. Got to meet Tyson in Seattle in April! He’s an awesome guy, very enthused about his work. He sketched me Big the Cat while we chatted; it was great.

  9. I’m not buying it. Ian Flynn is on my shit list so I refuse to support anything he has a hand in making. And before anyone ask, he’s on my shit list for the blatant double standard he keeps practicing.

    The shipping wars are out of control in his opinion yet he was the direct cause of it going out of control by constant focusing on couple while teasing a bunch of others for cheap laughs.

    Claims he doesn’t steal ideas from others yet has been caught lifting plots from fanfics several times.

    States he has to follow strict mandates when questioned about characters, especially Sonic then openly violates those mandates whenever it suits him.

    States he tries his hardest to keep the characters in character, then openly makes everyone OOC to bash characters doesn’t like or force in plot line he knows would never happen if everyone was in character.

    1. Man, that quote has attitude alright but was waay too much of a mouthful to be effective. Plus that was just a rare example of a cool trade-off in between in a lot of cheesy b-level anime dialogue. Man, Dante had better trade-offs than that, and he’s practically MADE of cheesy b-level dialogue.

      But why shouldn’t Sonic be a fast talking, joke spewing dude? It works for Spider-Man and That what Sonic basically was in the 90’s (at least in ONE cartoon…). Yeah, the main games doesn’t give Roger much to work with and personally, i think it’s hit or miss, but he’s been killing it over at Sonic Boom; Maybe they can replace Pontac & Graft with those guys.

      Personally though, I prefer a jokey

      1. WTF? Why is my comment on this section? And why did it posted by itself? Damn internet browser technicalities!

      1. I think it seems a bit steep too.
        I mean I guess he was a bit of a Sonally fanboy? But as far as I can tell he only really participated in shipping, wasn’t one of the brats spreading hate.

  10. I want this! I want this! but, I live in south korea, so I have to get to internet.
    Please someone tell me how to get this~

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