Chikao Ohtsuka, not Motomu Kiyokawa, is credited in M&S Rio 2016 3DS


In other credits-related news, apparently Eggman’s previous Japanese voice actor Chikao Ohtsuka IS actually credited in the game. You can see the Japanese voice cast list at 6:51 in the video above. The info we received before was reported by a Japanese player with a copy of the game and forwarded to us in the forums by Tracker. This is the first time we’ve been able to see the credits ourselves, and there’s no sign of Motomu Kiyokawa’s name at all, so I’m at least very curious of how such a claim was made in the first place.

If we have indeed made an error, than I myself would like to deeply apologize for any misreporting of information (I did write the article about the topic in question), and hopefully we’ll get this cleared up soon enough.

Also I should note that I accidentally misspelled Chikao Ohtsuka’s name as Chikao Otsuka (without the “h” in Ohtsuka) in earlier articles. I went back and corrected the spelling in both of the previous articles I wrote about his passing. Please accept my apologies on that as well.

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