Sound of The Sonic Stadium 2014 Available Now

Sound of The Sonic Stadium 2014 Available Now

10672401_296361023903218_2687155033402296912_n“Sound of The Sonic Stadium”, a collaborative project lead by :: DJ EAR :: which we reported on a couple of weeks back, has finally arrived for your downloading pleasure. Featuring over two hours of fantastic remixes by the community at the SSMB, this hopefully won’t be the last we see of SoTSS, and next year we’ll see it grow even bigger and better! The track list is as follows:

01 Mesmerist – Out of the Ashes
02 Ample Renitence – Feel the Beat, Y’all!
03 Marvin Valentin – Bridge Zone (Modern RMX)
04 CelerinaTheJackrabbit – Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Blender
05 Faseeh – Evening Mist
06 JCWithTheRojoTee – Under a Blazing Sun
07 KyleAB5000 – Bumper Cars
08 Dizcrybe – Drum ‘n’ Space (Timesig Aggression!)
09 CelerinaTheJackrabbit – Meteor Merry-Go-Round
10 AzureHedgehog – Green Hill Zone
11 Master Jace – Travels of the Far East
12 Sir Spacebar – Time Crisis Averted
13 Mesmerist – Shadow Walker VIP (I Am… The Story is Over)
14 Mrsonic699 – Bouncy Competition
15 General Offensive (feat. Joshua Taipale) – Rhythm Rush
16 Urban Flow – Especially Y.O.U.
17 EAR – Hippity-Hoppity Bippity-Boppity Bosss Time!
18 Marvin Valentin – Wild SunBurn
19 mykono5 – Sonic Knuckles
20 LoboXero – Eggpire Strikes Back
21 Dizcrybe (feat. Joshua Taipale & Celerina Jackrabbit) – Supporting Me
22 Rexy – Pool Party
23 JCWithTheRojoTee – Nuclear Wasteland
24 AzureHedgehog – Puppet TRANCE Zone
25 Ample Renitence – Heartless Chrome
26 mykono5 – City Escape
27 SuperRiderTH – FrigidWinds …for Ice Cap
28 Mrsonic699 (feat. General Offensive) – Running Sky High
29 KyleAB5000 – White Washed …for White Park Act 2
30 S0LV0 (feat. Joshua Taipale & General Offensive) – Pyramid Cave
31 General Offensive (feat. Steven Page) – Beyond the Hills
32 Urban Flow – Ambient Essence
33 Master Jace – Options of the Past

If you’re unaware and want to catch up on some background into regarding SoTSS, check out our original news report here. Until then… what are you waiting for?! Get downloading now and let us know what you think. See you again in 2015, SoTSS!

Download now!

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A video game enthusiast, dog lover and dedicated Netflix user. Would probably spend every day eating pizza and talking about movies quite happily.