(Europe) Buy and register Mario Kart 8 on Club Nintendo and you can choose to get Sonic Lost World or Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games for FREE digitally on Wii U

Mario Kart 8 Europe Promotion

Long title is long. Anyway, during the big unload of Mario Kart 8 information via the surprise Mario Kart 8 Direct and outside of it, Nintendo unveiled a promotion where if you purchase Mario Kart 8, either by buying it at retail, buying it digitally on the eShop, or buying the copy that comes with the special Wii U Mario Kart 8 Bundle (aka, you buy it new, you get this), and register the code that comes in the box on Club Nintendo (buying digitally does this automatically), you get to choose from one of 10 Wii U games to download from the eShop for FREE, among of which being the Wii U version of Sonic Lost World and Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games.

This however is only for our European fans, because for North America, folks there instead get to choose from four games instead (all four are choices in Europe), they also say for people in Australia to check the Nintendo of Australia website in the coming days for more info.

Nintendo’s full message on their website:

Mario Kart 8 hits Wii U on May 30th, bringing the series into a new dimension with antigravity racing, exhilarating online play, and the ability to share your race highlights with the world.

Thanks to our special Mario Kart 8 Bonus Game Promotion, if you register the PIN code for Mario Kart 8 in Club Nintendo between 10am (UK time) on May 30th and 11:59pm (UK time) on July 31st, you could claim a free download code for one of a selection of great Wii U games!

Please read the Terms & Conditions for more information.

Users in Australia, please check the Nintendo Australia website in the coming days for more information.

The full list for reach region are as follows:


Sonic Lost World

Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games

New Super Mario Bros. U

Pikmin 3

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD

The Wonderful 101

Game & Wario

Wii Party U


Monster Hunter 3: Ultimate

North America:

New Super Mario Bros. U

Pikmin 3

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD

Wii Party U

Which game are you choosing? Let us know in the comments!

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  1. Dang, I already have Wind Waker, NSMB, and Pikmin 3 (‘Murica). Looks like it’s Wii Party U for me xD. Hopefully that game will be fun. 😛

  2. I know we’ve all said this a billion times but…Europe gets everything…

    1. No we don’t. Literally, compared to the other previous Promotions that the US had (Pokemon X & Y, Kirby, etc), the one of 10 games is the only good one so far for people in EU

    2. Oh no we don’t. France is pure nobilism in terms of promotions ; In fact, that offer of 10 games is one of the only good things that ever happened here.

      1. You guys got the super cool special edition Link Between Worlds, and are getting the Mario Kart 8 special edition and Mario and Luigi Wii U bundles. We are only getting a gimped Mario bundle in the states.

    3. It just really has seemed this way recently. In the US, the only games you can get with the promo is New Super Mario Bros. U, Wii Party U, Pikmin 3, and Wind Waker HD. I have all of those except Pikmin 3, which I will get but I’ve always wanted Game & Wario, Monster Hunter or Wonderful 101! Now would be the perfect chance to get it but I’m stuck with Pikmin 3.

  3. I’ve always thought Mario Kart 8 was a copy of Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity…

    1. Seriously? How can you even compare MK8 to that steaming pile of shit?

      1. [Jeffery Mass] “Steaming pile of sh*t”?? Have you even played the game? It’s actually a pretty decent game once you get the hang of it, and it’s also got some great tracks and racing gear.

        1. Out of all the Riders, I think Zero Gravity is the best, but I would by no means compare SR to MK in any way.

          1. More like Crash Nitro Kart! (IMO) They even have the glowy rotating tires :p
            I suppose if you throw SR: ZG and CNK into a blender, Mario Kart 8 would be the result?

          2. “Out of all the Riders, I think Zero Gravity is the best”
            That’s not really setting the bar high.

    2. ha ha ha ha hah …..oh….you’re serious?

      In all honesty I think I was waiting for someone to make that claim because honestly I don’t think Nintendo even cared about Zero Gravity. Gravity was a poor racing game.

      1. I liked Gravity…
        It took the first game and added a lot of neat mechanics, while also removing annoyances(for example, in the original once you knew how to do rank SS tricks, doing tricks lost its challenge and became boring. That’s why they switched it to timing based tricks, which also allowed for more awesome animations and the ability of using zero gravity while doing a trick). The only weak points in my opinion were the story (although no Sonic game got that right back then) and the multi player (no online and battle mode was crappy). Otherwise it’s an excellent racing game that I don’t get why people bash so much.

        In all seriousness, Mario Kart 8, while it definitely doesn’t look similar, surely borrowed the idea from Gravity. It’s too similar not to be a coincidence.

        1. Eh, I’m sort of in the middle ground in terms of the ‘Riders’ games. I think Zero Gravity is the easier one to get the hang of, but feels less rewarding when you do master it. The original, on the other hand, is kind of the opposite; it’s much harder to get used to, but ultimately more rewarding.

    3. XD LOL Have you actually seen Mario Kart in action???? Zero Gravity is like my favorite spin-off game within the Sonic series, but even for me there’s no comparison. That’s like saying Colors was a rip-off of Mario Galaxy.

      And c’mon, Iizuka himself admitted that they tried to mimic Galaxy when making Sonic Lost World; so even if MK8 was a copy of ZG, it’s not like Sega has any room to talk.

  4. I don’t know what I would choose between NSMBU, Zelda, or Pikmin. I wasn’t too fond of the Wii NSMB.. But Zelda and Pikmin don’t feel like they would be my cup of tea (played Zelda once a long time ago, and never played Pikmin)
    What do you guys think I should grab?

    1. Buy Wind Waker HD. It’s one of my first Zelda games, and it’s very worth it, trust me. NSMBU is really good, too, but I feel WWHD would be more worth it. It’s only my opinion, though -watch Let’s play to have your own opinion.

  5. I think Mario Kart 8 is going to be most popular game in a Mario Kart series or franchise because of N64 Rainbow Road returning is awesome from Mario Kart 64 which is my childhood game well it has Anti Gravity and glide to also is not longer time you just go to one by three laps is wonderful N64 Rainbow Road is going to be my favourite racing course of retro track lighting cup! Then four amazing new items approaching in Mario Kart 8, is crazy eight the first item just like in Mario Kart 7, of seven items but now you get eight Items in a row to win then second item is going to a Piranha plant but in a pot from Super Mario 3D World gives you a boost and eats Bananas or any items or kill some racers to. Also the last item is going be is super horn but it could destroy every items or Blue Spiny Shells which is my favorite item or anything!

  6. You think you can somehow manipulate the Club Nintendo website to make it think your in Europe to get the extra titles?

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