Paladone to release a LOAD of new Sonic items!

Pixel Bricks

Paladone, a gift supplier with a whole range of different products has recently unveiled a whole slew of new Sonic the Hedgehog inspired merchandise. Several new items have been made available for pre-order courtesy of the UK based retailer Forbidden Planet International.

The range, which covers a whole host of different items include:

Those Pixel Bricks… Somebody hold me!

Out of all of these though, there is still no sign of Paladone’s Sonic themed Doodle Jump figure, initially seen a few months back. Possibly something that will be seen later? Time will have to tell on that one.

Now, my wallet is due to become substantially lighter, so if you’ll excuse me…

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Documentary filmmaker, contributing commentator on The Sonic Show and self-confessed merch addict. If he's not making films or polishing his collection, he's probably at a theme park.



    I mean…


    It is interesting to note the use of Classic Sonic over Modern or Boom, implying that the audience for these is older who would want it more for nostalgia. Yes. Quite.

  2. Hah, I bought the Ice Cube tray and magnets last week. Didn’t realise they were new stock!

  3. That Eggman pencil topper would look HILARIOUSLY awkward on an actual pencil.

    Also, what’s a heat change mug do?

    1. Going on how heat-activated mugs work, there will be an area of black on the mug (the TV screen in this case), and once it gets warm enough, the black will disappear to reveal an image underneath.

  4. Must be the ugliest Lego Sonic I’ve ever seen.
    Still, the other merchandises looks promising…

  5. Wow classic Sonic new items have back on business as well accept one new item is pixel block Sonic The Hedgehog or you could call LOGO Sonic The Hedgehog either one!

  6. Does anyone know whether these will be available in the UK?

  7. Truly amazing pieces..there is not one item up there that I don’t want 😀 Can’t wait to make blue gummi candies using the ice tray.

    Hope Spencers get these..

  8. well its all classic sonic so thats … boring. Wheres the modern Sonic merch?
    but saying that – some of it does look interesting, like the ugly pixel block tails&Sonic, 3D motion mug, pen, heat mug and 3D stressball.

  9. Ah sweeter, I want them all… I’d love those ice cube trays and have Sonic in my drinks <3

  10. There’s an interesting Green Hill-esque level mock-up in the 3D and the heat-sensitive mug.

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