Sonic Amateur Games Expo 2014 is a go!


It’s that time of year again! SAGE 2014 Act 1 has begun, the central hub for fangame developers to show off their work to the Sonic community. From February 23rd to March 1st, you can head on over to the SAGE website and try out a ton of fangames. This year has a plethora of titles to try including the Sonic CD-esque Sonic Time Twisted, the 3D Sonic Lost Adventure, and a game by a member of our community, Shirou Emiya, Digimon Heroic Battle Spirit – yep, it’s not just limited to Sonic titles!

You can head over to the SAGE website now to try these and tons more – plus, members of the SAGE team are doing a livestream showcasing the various entries to the expo this year. What’re you waiting for? Go go go!

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A video game enthusiast, dog lover and dedicated Netflix user. Would probably spend every day eating pizza and talking about movies quite happily.


  1. All of those games looks awesome! I’m eager to get my hands on Sonic Lost Adventure and Sonic World! Those games look super fun!

  2. There’s a lot of Sonic fan games online like Sonic Ulitmate flash, or Sonic After The Sequel, and sonic before the sequel or anything in the whole world!

    1. I really enjoyed those games! My favorite out of the online games like that were Sonic Smash Bros at DanDare(DOT)org but Ultimate Sonic Flash was awesome too! It’s turned into a Facebook game now 🙂

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