Weston Super Sonic Meetup Next Saturday


A new community meet up has been set up for those in the South West of the UK!

Claire receiving her award at SOS12
Claire receiving her award at SOS12

Next Saturday, Weston Super Sonic will be hosting the group’s first meet-up for like minded Sonic fans to talk Sonic (and probably Street pass each other) on the 11th of January between 10:30am and 4:30pm. If you’re in town and want to join in on the fun, you can RSVP now on the event’s Facebook page if you haven’t done so already!

The event takes place in Weston Super Mare, best known for it’s Grand Pier, beach and arcades.

The event is being run by someone in the community, Claire Cameron, best known for her high quality involvement in Sonic cosplays at Summer Of Sonic. She will be hosting a cosplay work shop for people interested in the art of costume as well as a few other events to keep you amused. Check the bottom of the post for a full listing of the planned events

Weston Super Sonic is part of a growing trend of Sonic fan meetups around the globe including the Sonic London group which takes place next month.

Entry is free but due to the small size of the meetup, spaces are limited so if you are interested make sure you confirm your attendance. People are already gearing up for the day, including a select few from Youtube channel, The Sonic Show who have confirmed their attendance.

Green Hill Zone Act 1 Speed Run
After the initial introduction of the event, the Green Hill Zone Act 1 speed run will take place, giving everyone a chance to prove they’re the fastest thing alive! Prizes will be given out to the fastest three runners.
You will need to sign up for the speed run and indicate if you are entering the tournament and/or attending the costume workshop, so we can arrange contestants appropriately. Sign up for the speed run will start at 10:30am and must be completed by 11:20am, unless otherwise stated on the day.
Costume Workshop
Ever wanted to make a Sonic costume or want to gain some useful hints and tips? We’ll be running a costume workshop between 12pm and 1pm, by Claire Cameron (Rurifuu).
Claire Cameron is a veteran costume maker, having won six prizes in two years for her costumes, two of these at Summer of Sonic. She focuses on making big mascot style costumes that accurately portray the character. She will be providing hints and tips on making costumes on both small and large scale budgets. She will also be bringing along a couple of her costumes to display in her workshop, so attendees can take a good look at how the costumes are made.
Attendance is free and feel free to bring along any questions you might have. She will try her best to answer all questions.
Second Speed Run
Depending on the length of the tournament, there may be a second speed run at the end of the day. Game and time to be determined on the day.
And don’t forget the costume and art contests! Art entries must be made on the day and handed in by 3pm. Art and costume winners will be announced at 3:30pm.
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  1. I want to suggest to make All Stars Racing Transformed Tournaments, it’s the best game to make competitions

  2. Hoping it’s a blast for all who attend! I’ve been very eager to see how this event turns out, being more of a convention rather than just a meetup… and I think it’s going to be awesome. 🙂 Kudos to Claire for taking the time and resources to organise it!

    For those interested in the Sonic meetup/con scene in general, I’ll share the obligatory list of upcoming Sonic events – http://www.sonic-revolution.net/home/features/upcoming-events/ – and the list of known meetup chapters – http://www.sonic-revolution.net/home/meetups/ !

  3. Right Mick, suddenly seeing a ‘yellow Sonic’ and the word ‘Weston’ made me think it was Chris-Chan related news.

  4. HEY! Everyone! I have some news! Apparently there’s another Global Challenge, and I wasn’t aware of it. Silver is the prize, and we now only have 3 days left.

  5. I feel honoured that you have mentioned my event. Thank you! It should be an exciting day.

    A couple of things have been left out of this post. The main event of the day, the Games Tournament at 1pm, as well as competitions for best artwork and best costume on the day.

    If you want to join in the fun, spaces are suddenly flying away! So you will need to get your place booked soon.

  6. I wish I could go!! I love meetups, but have only gone to one (A Brony meetup), and I would love to go to one and meet other big Sonic fans. I would especially like to show my skills in tournaments/speed runs and competing with others, so much fun!!~

    1. What general area are you in, theSonicdude97? There’s quite a few local meetup chapters in operation now; I could direct you to one. 🙂

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