Sonic Dashes Onto Android Phones At Last


Negative Nancies and Debbie Downers need not speak ill of the lack of Sonic Dash on Android devices as of today, for SEGA and Hardlight Studios have finally released the endless runner onto the Google Play store for free!

The app’s surprise release follows the tease SEGA had spread from its social media networks just yesterday, and players will be pleased to know that they won’t be missing out on certain events that went down on the iOS version of the game any longer, such as the ongoing Zazz boss battle event tying in with the recent Wii U/3DS release of Sonic Lost World.

If you are reading this from your Android phone, I think you know what you have to do!

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Unparalleled Canadian greatness! Jeffrey is a writer for TSS and Gamnesia, a pianist obsessed with video game music, and a recent university graduate majoring in Communications. Loves all things Sonic and Nintendo to a fault.


    1. Oh, and it only gets worse. I got back to the office and checked online…my Nook HD+ tablet that is a POS is compatible and my old ORIGINAL Droid is as well. Get your shit together SEGA!

      1. I know, I’m triple posting on my own post, but since it’s first, I thought this the best place to put it. I was able to get it on my phone, but I cannot download it directly from the Play Store on my phone. Instead, I went here:

        It is a site that downloads apps from the Play Store to your PC (or phone if you open the link on your phone). With it downloaded, you can sideload it just fine…well, I could anyhow. Despite it not being “compatible,” it runs absolutely perfect on my Droid Maxx.

        This might be against policy depending on how literal it is handled since it is downloading an app outside of the Play Store, but that site does NOT download paid apps for free. I just wanted to give other Android users an option.

  1. People i have a solution, when i went on the google store on the phone, it said “it isn’t ok with your device”. Just download it from the pc, put the apk in the sd card, install normally on the phone. It worked on mine!

  2. From the comments I’ve read so far, apparently it’s plagued with video ads. No in-app purchase to remove them either. It’s a shame really.

    1. Most of the purchases of any type within the game seem to include a little bubble that says “REMOVE ADS.” Now, I haven’t bought anything in there, but if that’s true, purchasing any of the in-game rings will also remove the ads. It cost a minimum of 30 red rings to unlock a character (which will take a long time to collect in-game), so you can look at it as a purchase of a character and removal of ads.

      Basically, if they make any money off you, they remove the ads. Minimum purchase appears to be $3.99 US though.

  3. God Dammit, I knew this was too good to be true, then again everything in my life is bullshit, so thanks for nothing sega

      1. I use a T-Mobile HUAWEI T-Mobile myTouch Q and it’s run apps in the store like minion rush perfectly.

  4. It supports android 2.3.3 and up. I have 2.3.4 and I went on the playstore and it said my device wad incompatible, so I got the apk online and it worked, I think you should all try that and see if that works 🙂

  5. I’ve found that it takes a while to test compatibility with ALL phones. Rayman Fiesta Run wasn’t compatible with my phone for a few hours.

  6. Vizard, I think you should update this article or post a new one at that describing these incompatibility issues before anymore hearts are broken. 🙁

  7. The Only way to play this game on imcopatible devices is this:

    1. go to this website:

    2. then copy this link (don’t copy the speech marks) “”

    3. paste it on the tab above the “generate download link ” button and then click “generate download link ” button.

    4. this will take a few seconds, then you click the generated link and then an APK file will be downloaded, after that copy the APK file to your SD card. (WARNING YOU’LL NEED TO HAVE ASTRO FILE MANAGER OR ANOTHER APP SUCH AS “My files manager” or similiar to install the APP!)


    1. I have an Xperia Z and dind not see it at the store either. What I did was sign into google play from my pc, select the device and tell it to download. It started downloading on my phone, installed and works fine!

  8. Does nobody here ever heared about apks? you can download the game and install it even if your device hasnt been tested yet…

  9. That’s is the same trailer from March 12 , 2013 stupid at the end is available for google play to.

  10. they didnt even use uptodate footage, they just rereleased the beta trailer.
    the trailer doesnt show off the beauty that sonic dash now after the updates.

    dont need to worry about android. my phone is too small for anything and i have it on Ipad.

  11. I couldn’t get it on my HTC one but on my one x. Let’s just say compared to the iPhone version… sucks. When you level up it is supposed to give you three red rings, you get two. Also the framerate will crap its pants some time and will rarely freeze on you! It won’t let you login with facebook either I’m glad I was able to get the game, but this version is a huge let down.after a year we get crap.

  12. In terms of compatibility ( I run it on a Saumsung Galaxy S3 ), It didn’t show up in the list when I typed in ‘Sonic Dash’ into the search box on Google Play, but when I went through Sega of America’s list of games, it showed up. I played it for a while, but mysteriously it froze during gameplay, then wouldn’t boot back up. Did anyone have the same problem as me?

  13. Works awesome on the Nexus 4 (Android 4.4)
    I bought some red rings rights away after hearing about the ads being awful.

    I blew them on continuing levels though, should have bought another character.

  14. Nope, apparently my LG Optimus with the Jellybean OS isn’t compatible, as it won’t show up. Shame. Guess I’ll stick with Puzzles and Dragons – they correct any errors within hours…and even had a new game ready for the OS update that my phone went through.

    Sega, I know you try, but please, try to test your games a little bit more before releasing? As much as people want to get the games, they can wait a little bit longer if you tell them there are many devices that aren’t allowing the game to work. They’d rather get a delay that leads to gold than a broken promise :3 (Granted, I doubt my Android has enough room left for another game due to all the cat pictures, heh.)

  15. “If you are reading this from your Android phone, I think you know what you have to do!” a better phone that can run it, probably…

    1. New isn’t necessarily better. I have he brand new Droid Maxx, but it was listed as incompatible. The game does run perfectly fine though once the apk is loaded

  16. Finally my phone is no longer incompatible and the game showed up this mrning on play store. It’s kinda unstable so I hope they release an update soon.
    Sony Xperia U

    1. And surprise, surprise…it’s not compatible with ANYTHING I own.

      SEGA, you suck at his mobile gaming thing. Stick to consoles…

  17. I have a Sony Xperia L, and it installed just fine, but every time I run it it gets to the main menu and crashes within ten seconds…

  18. YAY!! Finally SEGA!!I been waiting since: it came out for Iphones now I don’t have to bug my bf for his phone lol

  19. That APK Downloader tip worked perfectly on my Transformer TF101. I have Dash up and running and it’s actually pretty cool.

  20. Can someone answer this for me? I finished the first daily challenge puzzle yesterday and got the 500 rings. Today I was hoping to get the day two prize but the challenge wouldn’t reset. I checked my internet and it said that it was an excellent connection. HOWEVER the app still thinks it’s not connected to the internet even though it picks up the ads! Can someone tell me how to fix this? I wrote to sega tech support and they’ve told me dozens of ways to fix it and none of them have worked. They even fixed something on their side and it still never fixed the problem. Is anyone else experiencing this problem?

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