M&S 2014 Blowout: New Artwork, Gameplay and more!

Promo_Web_Artwork_-_Mario_&_Sonic_SochiWith Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games releasing on 8th November in Europe and 15th November in the US, there’s not long to go until the two gaming icons hit the slopes once again – and we now have lots of juicy new artwork, gameplay footage, and more to help whet your appetite!

For starters, the official Mario & Sonic website has updated with full details on all of the game’s modes, including the Olympic Events and Dream Events, as well as showcasing some brand new character artwork for Teams Mario and Sonic.

And as if that wasn’t enough, we have lots of new (albeit brief) gameplay videos courtesy of TheBitBlock and GameXplain on YouTube, giving you a chance to see the game in action ahead of its impending release. Say what you want about the game, but it’s certainly looking rather slick – and who doesn’t love the idea of a Bullet Bill sledge race around Sweet Mountain from Sonic Colours?








Will you be picking up the new Mario & Sonic game? Let us know in the comments!

Source: Official Site, TheBitBlock, GameXplain

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Published by

Doctor MK

Tally-ho! Doctor MK is a writer and English Language enthusiast with a love of gaming, especially when it comes to Sonic! He's known for being fond of puns, so provide opportunities for wordplay at your peril. Founder of the Sonic Relief fundraising campaigns (2009-2011).


  1. Wow! 😀 Sweet Mountain is back in HD glory! Also, Mushroom Bridge looks amazing too.

  2. Wow! Loving Sweet Mountain! So many good memories with Sonic Colors! This game looks like it may be better then the last Winter game! I might be picking this up!

  3. Wow! Loving Sweet Mountain! So many good memories with Sonic Colors! This game looks like it may be better then the last Winter game! I might be picking this up after all :D!

  4. I already have this game pre-ordered so I am oh most certainly getting it. I had faith in this game 100% of the time and the fact that it comes bundled with another Wii remote really helps! So HYPED! 😀

  5. I will be getting the game.
    Primarily because I am a Sonic fan, and I get all the games in the series, as long as I can (since 2005).
    Secondarily, even if the NPCs are terrible, there is online multiplayer, adding more competition. I hope there is a Boutique, like the original ‘Mario & Sonic at the Winter Olympic Games’; and I also want a campaign-like mode, which appeared in the same game.

  6. Looks like a lot of the reception towards this game has dramatically changed all of a sudden. lol

    And good memories with Sonic Colors? Like 3 years ago? (I wonder what kind of memories you can have? I’m imagining either Sonic running forward in Sweet Mountain in slow motion…. ahhh good times…. or someone having a candle-lit dinner with the Sonic Colors disc and laughing in slow motion… you know to happy music over the montage. LMAO)

    Anyhoo… looks cool. c:

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