A few days ago, Sumo Digitals Steve Lycett hinted that the next piece of ASRT DLC would be controversial, PC exclusive and ‘a popcorn moment.’ Many have since speculated what this might mean, theories have ranged from ASRT being Free To Play, to certain very popular characters being included in the game (excluding the console versions) and even 1970’s Trousers Mode… what it could happen.
Well… we might have found the answer.
During the livestream of the very popular PC gaming channel “Yogscast,”Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed will be included in a new Humble Bundle for charity. However the reveal didn’t end there. Simon from the Yogscast then went on to state that he himself would become a racer in ASRT and be part of a piee of charity DLC that would all go live on December 6th.
They didn’t reveal much, only that both the bundle and the DLC would be up on December 6th 2013, and that Simon would be a piece of ‘Charity DLC.’ We’re not sure at this time if Simon is the only playable character being added or if there will be others.
Now before people ‘react’ just keep in mind that this is blatently a charity thing so nobody has had a spot taken away. Furthermore, S0L has hinted additional content is on the way and that this is likely the first of a few pieces of additional content for ASRT.
Also think about it. ASRT on the PC, pay what you want? This is a heck of a deal!
Source: HumbleBundle (Bundle not yet active at time of posting).
Oh my God. I thought this was a joke, but.. O_O Wow.
Also, hey? ^^; How about some console DLC?
unlikely because Sumo have to get permission from Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo to make DLC for those versions.
‘Steams’ allows any type of DLC to be handed out.
Thing is though, The Yogscast blatantly proved in their Green Hill Minecraft video they have not the slightest clue about Sonic.
And in addition, S0L’s been saying this “good stuff is coming” tripe for ages now. I’m growing weary.
And even then, if they wanted to support a good cause through DLC, someone like Ryo still would’ve sold like hotcakes, without the fans getting pissed on.
I mean, I suppose it’s a case of you get what you’re given, it’s for charity, but this is an incredibly dense decision.
Charity DLC is a fine idea and all, but since I don’t watch terrible YouTube videos, I would never want to ever play as this person. So…great.
0-0 Wut?
There’s joke characters then there’s shit like this.,
ROFL, he must be related to Eggman. He has red hair! 😛
I legitimately wanted/expected Miku. XD
BUT HEY! This guy looks pretty funny. I’ve never heard of him, but still.
As much as I like Yogscast…what the heck are they thinking? 😐
I already own ASRT for 360 but would consider it for my PC thanks to this piece of DLC. The only thing that could make this better is if it was Simon in his Dwarf attire…
Honestly, really no for me to complain. It’s related to charity, so it’s all fine and dandy! =)
What an odd, odd idea. Will his All-Star involve Lewis/Xphos?
Well if internet celebrities can be DLC then why can’t we have famous Sonic fans as DLC? Sounds silly but…
That would be cool and I would actually be fine with that, for charity or not. Imagine SomecallmeJohnny as a racer…
Imagine Tanner as a racer XD!!!
Johnny…Clement…hell, even Cobi.
I vote for T-Bird. Or Aaron Webber. Or Jaleel White. Or at least someone I’ve heard of. 😛
I think this is the worst DLC character I’ve ever seen.
Yeah, I want to pay to have some guy that plays Minecraft in my Sonic Racing game.
At least it’s for charity, but still, I’d imagine they’d sell more with a better character choice, and they had a wide-range of those.
(and when are they going to fix the horrible item balance, it really put me off the game)
This makes me giggle. I hope he summons a rain of Silverfish…because I’ll never forget that moment in the snapshot when they discovered that little thing. He screamed like a little girl and it was glorious.
It’s charity and hilarious, and I have no problem with it seeing as it’s harmless.
Im all for charity events and funding…but this is ridiculous. Give us legitimate characters for the game like Billy Hatcher or Hatsune Miku and quit giving us this random off the wall crap that makes absolutely no sense and that nobody wants.
Would rather play as him
I’d pay for that. 😉
That doesn’t make any sense Simon is going to be in Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed for PC but he’s from one android game is charity like for an example Ryo Hazuki in Sonic & all Stars Racing Transformed was in all the game console but not what’s Wrong with you any where Sumo Digital and Sega!
The game has terrible control with annoying weapon choices… just have the Sonic Crew join Mario in the next Karting game for god sake. As for the DLC… well it’s charity. If you even still play the game, and you’re for some reason playing it on a PC, then maybe do it?
edit: Who the f*** is Yogscast anyway?
I’m going to be the odd one out here and say; This is awesome. Can nobody else take a joke? If you don’t like the game or want a different character in the game, this won’t affect you. At all. So why complain? Personally I love Simon, and this isn’t the first time he’s been playable in a game before, so I don’t see what the controversy is here. I’ve been debating buying this game for a while now and this may be my selling point. If the DLC’s available on any of the consoles I’ve got then I’m buying it. Just look at that model for Simon, it’s great!
This game is business. This wouldn’t make sense because the developers WANT people to take them seriously, and they WANT to affect your game by having you buy it. A lot of people don’t know YouTubers, so it makes absolutely no sense to put in a guy that plays Minecraft.
Your name is Simon, isn’t it?
SEGA: People with consoles own your game too. Please release some DLC for us.
“Now before people ‘react’ just keep in mind that this is blatently a charity thing so nobody has had a spot taken away.”
Effectively yes they have, this is time and resources directly taken away from development that could have gone to a character fans of the game actually wanted, a character that makes sense to appear in a SEGA crossover or a character that actually appears in video games.
Next up as dlc, this shitty stick figure I doodled during lunch break. But it’s for charity guys. So even though it’s perhaps the single stupidest thing we could have possibly added to this game and charged money for, you can’t complain our efforts are misplaced and should be spent on Sega characters that scored high in a fan poll that the company asked for and represent the Sega and it’s obscure but rich history much better.
After this look forward to upcoming racer Pewdiepie!
Why couldn’t you give a real character for charity DLC? like Blaze? Silver? Ristar? Asha? Espio? etc
Seriously transformed is a great racer but its getting screwed over with these silly jokey DLC crap.
If it was me i’ll make it Classic Sonic in his Sonic drift car as the charity DLC, atleast I know fans will love it.
I too just so wanted Blaze in here as well as Silver, heck, others like Ristar, Sketch Turner, ect. would be way better ideas for charity DLC.
After months of waiting.. still no Miku.. or anything for the console versions .. 🙁
I’m officially never buying another Sega game again.
Or you could just… I dunno… not buy the DLC?
I know its for charity and all. But fuck that, are they stupid?
Charity or not, this is just kinda… dumb.
I’d pay for NOT getting it.
That’s nice, here’s the link to do that https://www.humblebundle.com/yogscast
Or were you simply talking crap. Along with everyone complaining that they don’t like the character. “Hey it’s for charity, but since I don’t get something cool, that I like, for it, screw those guys.”
I love the internet and everyone on it. Really. Because they are all such stellar examples of humanity.
Luckily you can not get it for free?
Or even better pay for the humble bundle to give the money to a worthy cause then never use the character.
Oh shut the hell up for gods sake. Didn’t see you complaining when they announced ralph or the TF2 characters, its 100% for charity so give them some respect for gods sake.
Ralph makes sense and the movie was amazing. Of course no one complained.
Some people did complain about TF2, but they’re all well liked so it was okay.
This is honestly worse than the whole Danica Patrick thing. At least she made some sort of sense. I’d rather play as her than some random fat nerd I’ve never even heard of before.
And I’m sure most would rather have Miku, Ryo and Segata.
As well as some console DLC.
Yes, because calling someone a fat nerd is appropriate, Wave. Have some decency, it’s not like they are forcing you buy the DLC. Don’t like it, then skip it.
Hey, I call em like I see em. He’s fat and looks like a nerd. XD
I mean, it’s more as an observation rather than an insult. Kinda hard to insult something I’ve never even heard of. ¦D
It was hard to tell, sorry. I just get tired of judging…and with the Sonic fanbase, well, it happens way more than it should @.@
Chill. There are bigger things going on in the world to get outraged over.
I’m not outraged. I would be yelling, and besides, we settled it, so don’t worry about it.
But they’re still not characters from the Sega titles, which is what all of you seem to be complaining about, remember these things are hard to bring out for copyright problems etc, but i can imagine getting simon in there was probably an easy move considering how quickly he could have been made. I can tell you this, unless he comes with his own track, he’s probably going to end up being the smallest DLC character we get.
Okay, let’s get one thing straight here. I’m not a Sega fan in the slightest. I’m only a Sonic fan. If I was complaining about characters in regards to who I really want in, I’d be flaming at the mouth wondering where the hell Blaze is.
My point is that while there were other characters who weren’t form Sega, people actually knew who they were. Danica was weird, but she was still someone people had heard of and was put in for sponsoring purposes. It wasn’t as much of a shoehorn as…whatever the hell this is. There are maybe 2 or 3 people who know what this is, a lot like the other rather poor DLC choices that have been only for the PC which is the other issue I’m sure people have.
I’m not mad at this, I’m dumbfounded. Did they seriously think there wasn’t going to be negative backlash just because of charity? The internet is nowhere near that forgiving. XD
I have no problem with just not getting, but that’s not going to stop me from speaking out against it. Sorry, people are gonna just have to accept that and deal with it. Nothing is stopping them from ignoring what I say or just speaking out against me too. Communication and all that jazz. It’s what we humans do.
I can completely see where you’re coming from, and i can agree that putting Simon in was a little bit of a mistake simply because simon probably hasn’t even played the game. In fact i’m quite suprised they didn’t use Sam Thorne (Strippin from the yogscast) over Simon, or hatfilms, simply because they actually played the games on their channels, and i can tell you more than 3 people will know who this is, but its just odd seeing that its a youtube channel that hasn’t even mentioned the word ‘sonic’ pretty much.. ever!
I agree where you’re coming from, but as you said we’re just going to have to deal with it. While i like the character and i admit i do like the Yogscast, i even work for Davechaos on his website, i find that simon was the character they shouldn’t have picked.
But eh, maybe he’ll control good you never know, thats all i care about.
I can completely see where you’re coming from, and i can agree that putting Simon in was a little bit of a mistake simply because simon probably hasn’t even played the game. In fact i’m quite suprised they didn’t use Sam Thorne (Strippin from the yogscast) over Simon, or hatfilms, simply because they actually played the games on their channels, and i can tell you more than 3 people will know who this is, but its just odd seeing that its a youtube channel that hasn’t even mentioned the word ‘sonic’ pretty much.. ever!
I agree where you’re coming from, but as you said we’re just going to have to deal with it. While i like the character and i admit i do like the Yogscast, i even work for Davechaos on his website, i find that simon was the character they shouldn’t have picked.
But eh, maybe he’ll control good you never know, thats all i care about.
So people can put out shitty things and be completely immune to criticism if it’s for charity?
Well guess what folks, I’m starting a charity drive. For every dollar donated I will take a dump in PlaidToasty’s breakfast, and then punch whoever donated in the back of the head. And if people complain or don’t donate, it’s because they hate charity and are thus terrible people. Certainly not that what I’m offering to them is inherently awful.
Criticism is perfectly valid however it’s the childish nature of the criticism which makes it particularly difficult to sympathise with.
I’m more telling people to shut up for the reason that they are complaining for something completely stupid, i didn’t say you can’t give simon critique before even trying him out, but the critique im seeing so far has just been ‘Give us something a little less shit’ and ‘Charity or not this is shit and i wont buy it’. So what, don’t buy it, you’re not destroying the charity they make this year (considering they’ve nearly hit $200,000). But like i said in my previous comment to Wave, unless simon comes with his own map, i highly doubt he will be our last DLC and will probably be the smallest DLC we get.
I’m not sure whether or not to laugh or headdesk at all of this.
Not the DLC, I’m actually excited for it, but the comments hating on it so much.
The Yogcast are doing a charity with SEGA. SEGA is not just thanking us with DLC, but thanking the Yogscast by making Simon that DLC.
But of course, most people on the internet are selfish- if it isn’t something you want, then it’s stupid and shouldn’t exist.
Here’s an idea- If there’s a character that YOU want, maybe YOU should raise money for it, instead of demanding that another charity do the same.
People need to stop getting angry at who the character is. The main set of people that will be donating to these charities and this stream are Yogscast fans, so it would make sense that they try to entice that demographic. Plus, everyone would just get angrier if they made a popular character Sonic fans like exclusive to a pc humble bundle, for charity or not (because people are idiots.)
After this, there’s no excuse for not including Chuck Norris and Mr. T.
Come to think of it, the only YouTuber I’d pay money to play as in a video game is iJustine.
I dont know which makes me laugh more: this DLC, or the fact that people still hope for Hatsune Miku to be a racer.
I’d rather have a duel racer of the Game Grumps…even though Arin hates all things Sonic
Its an OPTIONAL DLC to a CHARITY drive run by the YOGSCAST that Simon works for…
Why are people so mad?
If they’re fans of SEGA…they should be happy that SEGA are giving this DLC to people who donate to the Yogscast Charity Drive (The Company that the person works for).
please explain ‘Y U SO Cranky?’