Sonic Returns To Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade


Even if you don’t live in Amercia, chances are you’ve heard of Macy’s Thanksgiving parade. Each year the department store Macy’s holds a huge parade through New York featuring a variety of giant floats and balloons of famous characters and heroes from the world of comic books, television and videogames.

Well… guess whose making a return? According to, a website to promote events in New York, Sonic will be taking part in this years Macy’s thanksgiving parade, marking three years in a row where Sonic has been in attendance.

However, when asked about this on twitter, Sega said that they didn’t have any news regarding Sonic being in this years Macy’s.


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  1. Thanksgiving on a Saturday.. Might hafta werk but it should be another awesome parade.. Finn and Jake will be appearing for the first time 🙂

  2. “However, when asked about this on twitter, Sega said that they didn’t have any news regarding Sonic being in this years Macy’s.”
    Well… That isn’t very comforting to know.

    1. So they’re saying he will be in it but then SEGA says they don’t have plans. Errr, what? I’m confused.

      1. SEGA’s saying they have no news to announce about this, not that they don’t have plans. That other site probably just let the cat out of the bag early.

  3. There’s that funny pic again. 😀 But anyway, can’t wait!… well, for the Parade anyway, not the super long wait for dinner.

  4. So Sonic is returning to the Thanksgiving day parade for the 3rd time, but Sega says they don’t know. WHICH IS IT THEN?!?!

    Also. I can see why Rhianna (Seriously overrated in my opinion) called Sonic her hero: having the dream that Sonic is beating up Chris Brown for her. Probably payback.

      1. Hmmm lets see what I wrote…

        Cititour say Sonic will be there.

        Sega said they didn’t have any news.

        What wasn’t clear?

    1. SEGA’s saying they have no news to announce about this, not that they don’t have plans. That other site probably just let the cat out of the bag early.

  5. I don’t see why he wouldn’t be in the parade – Lost World’s coming up, and they already have the balloon, which from my understanding is one of the more popular characters.

    1. Then again, it’s also entirely possible that Cititours’ website is just copypasta from last year’s parade description with updated dates.

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