Sonic Lost World Deadly Six Edition Revealed, New Screenshots


The European version of yesterday’s new trailer has been released and at the end it reveals a special edition of Sonic Lost World for Wii U called the Sonic Lost World Deadly Six Edition. This version of the game includes DLC that adds NiGHTS into Dreams boss battles with The Deadly Six for those that pre-order the game. We’ve not found any retailers listing this edition of the game yet, but if you find it, please give us links in the comments or send them to

SEGA has also released twenty eight new screenshots of the Wii U version of the game showcasing the Miiverse hub and a new Black Wisp that seemingly turns Sonic into a bomb. We also get to see more of the various levels currently revealed, like Frozen Factory and Desert Ruins. The file names for the screenshots reveal the water level’s name to be Tropical Coast. You can check out all of the screenshots below in our gallery.

Source: SEGA Press

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  1. I really hope that the DLC is also avalaible for the 3DS…

    Off-Topic: I tried to register on SSMB, it said that it gave me an email confirmation but I still didn’t get it :/

    1. OT: Someone get on this! I must know!
      Until then…
      Mustn’t buy a Wii U,
      Must remember low budget,
      Mustn’t think about the Sonic/ NiGHTS crossover you’ve wanted for years…

    1. Most likely, unless SEGA think that the european audience would be more interested in this than the ‘murrican audience.

  2. Is this a UK only thing? Because I pre-ordered this at Gamestop here in the US, and I’m a HUGE NiGHTS fan, and I absolutely NEED THIS!!!

  3. I swear to god, if this is European only, AGAIN….. I going to put another hole in my wall.

    1. At least the US and UK actually GOT the Pinball DLC for Generations. Here’s hoping Sega actually gives all their customers a chance this time.

  4. New Nights game for wii u 2014? anyone? too bad i pre-ordered pokemon y already. hopefully it will come as dlc like the casino night for sonic generation.

  5. Also i hate to see that tails is once again not a playable character. I know that the fan-base is kinda stingy with additional character but that dosent mean you don’t have to not include them as playable for the rest of the other games. Some times its good not to listen to the fans so you can make your own desion. me personally would like to see tails at least playable and not in the form of a robot helper.

  6. GOOD that SEGA is really showing the fans some love with all of this extra content and now a Nights DLC!

    BAD because it still doesn’t want to make waste $300 on a system I have no confidence in and it shows that SEGA are treating their portable version like a red headed step child again.

    MEH….the Deadly Six are becoming less deadly with each trailer. I do hope that Ken Pontac doesn’t leave all the good jokes just for Eggman and Sonic again.

  7. Well this could be interesting but I hope the dlc gets released after the game coes ut and this comes to america.

  8. God, I really wish this DLC makes it to ‘Murica… I would absolutely love fighting Jackle in a Sonic game.

    Also, these screenshots certainly reveal quite a bit. We see not only the overworld a bit, but more on the other levels, and possibly Yacker too, making me believe a weird reason is coming up for the Wisps’ return.

    1. I think you can see a teeny, tiny, speck of it under the spine there, and the rest is just going through it.
      But yeah, that does look really weird!

  9. Um…this is just the play together trailer that you posted yesterday. Wtf why isn’t it showing anything about the bosses like you said. This is both confusing and irritating. >:(

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