Summer Games Done Quick set to Speedrun Sonic Games

Summer Games Done Quick set to Speedrun Sonic Games

Update: The segment is over, but recordings are available: Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic Adventure DX


Speed Demos Archive‘s Summer Games Done Quick is running right now, a live stream speedrunning 70-some games in aid of the Organisation for Autism Research.

Their Sonic segment is set to start at around 9pm tonight (depending on how fast the preceding games are), and feature runs of the original Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic the Hedgehog 2 on Mega Drive, and Sonic Adventure DX Director’s Cut.

If you like seeing games played with speed, this should be your bag.

Summer Games Done Quick (full schedule)

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Ian, aka "bmn", is the guy that keeps TSS up and running. If something goes wrong, you know who to blame call.


  1. Hold up, when someone does something short (yet sweet) for charity it is highlighted everywhere yet when someone tries to do something regarding most games in the series for charity it goes un-noticed?

      1. Yeah, i plan to do a massive Sonic series run, very very soon. I have a trailer and everything!

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