Sonic 4: Episode 2 Beta Leaks on Steam

UPDATE: Steam has fixed the error and the beta can no longer be downloaded.

A beta version of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 has been released on sale just a couple of hours ago this afternoon on PC digital download service Steam. Various Steam users on our SSMB forum have been able to purchase and download the beta and then play through it. At the time of this article we’ve just heard that SEGA has now become aware of the leak and has erased discussion of it over on their official forums. We expect SEGA will plug the leak on Steam pretty soon.

Thanks to the Steam users at the SSMB for the heads up and to Nemain for the image!

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  1. I’m juts hoping SEGA will just release Sonic 4 Ep 2 sooner rather than later to make sure people don’t pirate this beta.

  2. I pre-ordered it but didn’t download it, I logged out from Steam and logged back in, now it has been fixed, it shops up as Pre-order on the Steam library and it’s not possible to download it anymore.

  3. Well it was gonna happen eventually, at least this time its much closer to its release date than what hapened to epsisode one.

  4. Leaks, for fuck sake. Maybe SEGA should announce an official leak date for future episodes.

      1. Oh trust me, as soon as SEGA gets word of this, they’re gonna search all of youtube and get rid of the videos << And then throw a chair at stream.

  5. I do have the entire game. i want to upload the files and put them onto my laptop. *Im on my PC* but i dont know how. Any help. I will upload ONLINE to the public…if i can

  6. cant they let us play the betas? whats so bad about letting the public play a test version of thier games?

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