New Sonic 4: Episode 2 Screenshots Show Boss Fights

SEGA has today released fifteen more screenshots of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2. In this latest batch we get a good look at Sylvania Castle Zone and White Park Zone’s boss fights with Dr.Eggman and Metal Sonic respectively. You can check out all of the screenshots in our gallery after the jump.

Source: SEGA Press

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  1. Oh ho! That boss does look rather epic, the fight with Metal Sonic looks interesting as well.

  2. OMG, that Egg Serpentleaf looks pretty epic to me.

    Can’t wait for that boss fight with good ol’ Metal as well

  3. Egg Serpentleaf is looking pretty impressive. It seems to be rather quite better from Sonic the Hedgehog 4 – Episode 1’s bosses, I’m pleased with this.

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