Freakout Friday: umad, bro? [NSFW]

I think he mad.

Sonic Generations has been making us all salivate with anticipation ever since it was first announced. That’s because, with Sonic Colours setting a precedent (and some of us having played it) there’s a good chance that Sonic Team are finally on the right track with the franchise. Classic Sonic physics – good. Modern Sonic inertia and level design – good! It’s looking good!

According to one passionate fan though, not everything is all blue skies and Green Hills. YouTube user “SONIC1SONICHEDGEHOG” (no prizes for guessing what kind of Sonic fan he is) feels that the 3DS version of Generations has been broken by what he sees is a betrayal from Dimps. Classic Sonic has a homing attack, you see. That’s not ‘Sonic 1 Sonic’ at all. And grey soles? What?

Listen to his impassioned tirade, in which our eloquent friend transforms Werehog-style into a screaming ranting puddle of goo. To be fair, we can kind of see his point (well, on the homing attack thing. Really not quite sure what he’s talking about with the soles). But you know… I wouldn’t go into SEGA’s boardroom and display fan disapproval in quite the same way. Or maybe we should. Maybe that’s where Brad went wrong in meeting Ken Balough. Needs more shouty.

(As the headline suggests, this video is more than shouty – it’s sweary too. You might want to wait til you get home before you watch this one)

Cheers to Gavvie for pointing us to this video. It’s made our Friday!

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.


    1. Haha, if only we can like other people’s comments. 🙂 Just imagining a vigilante super hero Sonic fan fighting for ‘justice’ like this. XD

        1. Not the best video, but he eventually shouts then does a little wimper.

          FF if only you could edit posts. Oh well.

  1. So now people are complaining about Sonic Generations despite not being released yet. What the heck is there problem? They should accept the game for what it is. Deal with it.

    Oh, and I certainly wish people didn’t cuss on the Internet. Every where you go, every where you see, there is always someone who uses cuss words and I wish they would stop that.

    1. “So now people are complaining about Sonic Generations despite not being released yet”

      Welcome to every modern Sonic game released to date!

  2. Classic Sonic has a homing attack? Was OP simply saracastically concurring with the guy in the video when posting this article or did I miss something? o.O

    And grey soles? Get over it.

    1. The Homing Attack indicators were shown for a second during a TGS 3DS preview for Sonic Generations. After that, someone from TSSZ magically played a version of the game no one else has, that had the Homing Attack.

      Rational people, like those who know the Homing Attack isn’t something Classic Sonic does, or those who have seen and read the things confirming that you can customize and add purchased skills to both Sonics, have been linking those two things together.

      Irrational people, like those who hate DIMPS for being DIMPS, those who hate optional change, and simply most of those at TSSZ or the SEGA forums, hate the fact that the Homing Attack for Classic Sonic exists at all. If they give you the option to add the move to him, then they HAVE to, and that ruins the game.. or something.

  3. Umm.. doesn’t he sound a lot, by speech and by voice, like mariotehplumber? The guy who usually rants about Sonic not being as good as he was back in Sonic 1 referring to everyone else as “Modern fags” and saying “F**k” a LOT!?

    I haven’t gotten confirmation but I suspected he was either just trollin or representing a troll/hater but not actually being one. idk tho. lol

  4. What the heck? This guy’s not a fan, he’s just a mega nerd! It’s okay to play video games as a pasttime, or have a collection or whatever, but when you getn this mad over a GOOD game you’re just a dumbass nerd with no life whatsoever.

    1. lol chris chan? i thought at first i saw chrisclan. cause that’s me. and this is clearly not me. LMAO @ this guy

  5. its like sonic the hedgehog 4: episode 1. People all hated that game before it came out but it sold 1+ million copies.

  6. Uh…no offense guys, but this guy is laughing at ALL of you. He’s not being serious, he’s acting like a faggot to laugh at people who take him seriously.

  7. This guy Sounds just like Mariotehplumber.
    Heres the thing Sonic1sonic……You dont have to use the homing attack, Thats freakin optional. second…..Are you REALLY complaining about grey soles… How does this ruin the gameplay hm? my god people like him ruin sonic like it is now and rant about the most stupidest thing EVER, why is he getting just a rage about this. its just fucking shoes…Why is he using the term hentai? that has nothing to do with this game, how does hentai involve sonic?…Who the hell is even sonic1sonic, i thought it was gonna be called classic Sonic?
    Dimps is doing a great job at this and he should be happy that their making one for 3ds. The rush games was awesome and i dont see any problem with them.
    The final vertic, This guy is a super troll.

      1. Hey, I saw a video of a guy saying Generations sucks because Classic Sonic has buckles in his shoes, not kidding.

        Haters gonna hate, not much that can be done

  8. Why would you want Sonic 1 Sonic? Sonic 2 Sonic would be the better choice since he has the spin dash, no?

  9. Jesus H Christ…some people really need to grow up…or just leave the fandom, seriously we can’t be doing with people like this…*le sigh*

  10. That is not a Sonic fan a fan is someone who loves and adores Sonic from past to present no matter what happens but this guy is not complaining because he is passionate. I can’t believe how pathetic this guy really is raging over the grey on sonic’s shoes.
    It makes me think how truly amazing SEGA is because they continue to make our favourite game despite of people like this.

  11. For some reason I think this guy is trying to impersonate “The Angry Video Game Nerd”. Seriously the avgn character doesn’t over do it like this guy.

  12. This is the guy who said “They need to put the Classic Sonic in Sonic 4” and you guys banned him from the forums after he cussed you guys out. He’ said some naughty things about you in one of his videos on his Mariotehplumber account.

  13. Sooooo….Did he go and shove a TV remote up his ass from his frustration after this?
    People like this make me want to go slap them silly for being wittwe siwwy people lol. It kinda seemed a bit scripted tho, so I think he was just trollin. If he was saying it as the truth…he needs lots of help.
    Funny nonetheless XD

    1. Let this be known as the day you compared AVGN to a dumb@$$ like Mariotehplumber. XD

  14. I do have to admit the homing attack thing is stupid. Why give him move he never had back then?
    Honestly, the two gameplay styles on 3DS have very few differences.
    Boost, sliding, grinding. That’s about the only few differences in modern sonic’s

  15. The description for this post scared the hell of me, then I clicked it and I was thoroughly amused.
    People really bitch way too much about classic sonic needing perfection. I know the engine didn’t feel perfect for classic, but it still felt fun to play. Hell, 4’s gameplay didn’t even bother me (though I hated that weird after-image like effect they did to him when he ran).

    1. Wait, someone who wasn’t bothered by Sonic 4’s gameplay?

      Good to know I’m not alone! 😀

  16. …eh.



    PFHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! X’D Oh Christ, this is GOLD! What a jack@$$! Sheesh, this guy used to be here? Oh how I would’ve wanted to see that.

    Better watch out, ’cause the next thing Dimps will do to “rape” Classic Sonic into “Hentai/Faggot” Sonic even further is…
    green eyes

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    U mad, Retrofag?
    *referring to him, mainly. Not Classic fans in general*

  17. We’re talking about a guy who believes that Microsoft makes PCs and so PCs are the same thing as an XBox 360…yeah…

  18. well then he has some anger problems now dont he? i actually dont care and actually like all the stuff he is talking about(im a classic and modern fan)

  19. To everyone who has said that this guy is just like Mariotehplumber, you should know that it is in fact him, as a couple of others have said. I haven’t even watched the video, but I think I’ve already got the gist of it. Don’t listen to him. He’s laughing his ass off at all of you who actually take him seriously right now. Ignore him. In fact this attention’ll just feed him.

  20. “To be fair, we can kind of see his point”

    …Where? What? Why? HOW?

    You know this guy (in the video, of course), would be funny as all hell, regardless of how serious he might be, but alot of fans, while not this serious, has shown shades of this. Need I remind everyone of “Green Eyes”? …and Brad?

  21. Wow, just wow. I mean I love retro Sonic but this guy is disgusting. It’s just some soles on his shoes and though I don’t have a lot of love for homing attacks the game hasn’t even been released yet so we have no idea what it’s like. Couldn’t find the video funny because of how vulgar he is.

    1. Yeah, mariotehplumber (if he’s being serious) is giving the retro fans a bad name and even the Sonic fanbase in general. I hope people that are smart enough don’t think that Sonic fans acts like this guy.

      1. News relating to Sonic?
        Just sayin’, this doesn’t qualify as News, an editorial or well anything.

        But hey, it ain’t my site.

  22. What? Why does anyone care if Classic has Homing Attack? As far as Sonic 4 is concerned that’s also classic since it was before adventure.

    He’s a whiney pencil necked nerd like the rest of them

  23. Ok can I ask why on Earth you’ve put up an article for a video by Mariotehplumber? This guy’s a troll end everyone knows it and isn’t making an article just for his stupid video giving him all the attention he wants? That’s not feeding a troll, it’s fucking stocking his pantry with a year’s supply of food. Just saying.

  24. I’ve been a fan of sonic since sonic 1, and I still can’t understand how some fans can be so anal about everything. I loved sonic back then, and I love what sonic has become. Infact, I like modern sonic MORE. He’s the natural progression of classic sonic… The franchise is definitely moving forward in a good direction, and some fans just can’t accept that those days of classic sonic are over. He’s still sonic, only he’s grown. Get over it.

  25. This guy is a lot better than all of these fans of hentai because MTP knows what to do with the series. Everyone else just eat up SEGA’s bullshit for breakfast.

  26. That just made my week. I was literally laughing out loud. It’s unfortunet, though, because he’s either a really good actor or dead serious. You can hear him begin to cry as he goes further and further into his contentless rant. You can tell he’ll never be happy about anything ever, which is a great shame.

  27. I wonder if this is mariotehplumber. He’s this guy on youtube who seems to be a either a troll or classic fan and always swearing and screaming in his Sonic reviews/rants

  28. Nice job mariotehplumber. Guess what, even people who are half deaf can tell it’s you. I know he’s a troll, but setting up so many accounts for the same purpose is really pathetic.

  29. OH MY GOD!!!! This exact same douchebag Youtuber made a trolling comment on a Sonic figure review I did! He was ticked off just because I was reviewing a figure of Modern Sonic! WTH?!

  30. oh yes…nothing like a video of a shouty retard with Tourretts shouting words he doesn’t even know….this kid needs to be slapped for being on the wrong end of the fanbase (the side where you complain about things that aren’t even worth complaining about)

  31. Listened to the first five seconds of that before I started to laugh. The guy thinks he can carry a point forward by swearing. Either he was being comidic or he needs a nice trip to his local psychologist.

  32. On the good side, this is funny as hell.

    On the bad side, his mental health may be declining (not that it wasn’t perfect from the start). I never heard mariotehplumber roar/growl/grunt/wtf like this in his vids.

    This guy’s a flippin’ Knight Templar – his beliefs are apparently incorruptible and will fuck with everyone who doesn’t believe in what he believes in.

  33. Ok, first of all you can totally tell this guy is being serious. Second of all, this video was hilarious! I mean come on, “Hentai Rush Huggers?” That’s the most hilarious thing I’ve heard in a long time (hopefully it doesn’t become a meme). With that being said, I honestly don’t agree with anything he’s saying, and I don’t understand why he continually calls Modern Sonic “Hentai Sonic.” But yeah , even though I don’t agree with the guy (and personally think he’s a complete psycho), I still think this is the greatest thing since “Black guy loves Pokemon.” Keep up the great work (just don’t kill anyone)

    My custom Sonic Generations Genesis box art:

  34. “SONIC1SONICHEDGEHOG” decided to go on #sonicstadium today and rant like a moron. I’m logging the whole thing, and will post it later for epic lulz.

  35. I really can’t tell if this guy is serious or not. If he is… I feel sorry for him. And his neighbors.

  36. oh look the typical complaining sonicfanboy thats normal shit to me but suprsieling theres only one complaining 0_0

  37. This guy seems pretty obsessed with Sonic hentai. It’s alright buddy, we all ogle Sally at some point. ;P

  38. 1.) you sound like a loser.
    2.) I bet your fat.
    3.) your takeing It up the but hole really bad.
    4.) >IT IS JUST A GAME< no need to explode your mind.
    5.) language.
    6.) stay positive.
    7.) you need some kind of help.

  39. See, this is why it’s so hard for me to take retro purist Sonic fans seriously. Every day on Youtube there’s a new retro fan like this on Youtube screaming up a storm and making me feel bad for being a Sonic fan. And guys like this wonder why it’s so hard to be a Sonic fan without being made fun of by the rest of the internet world…

    1. Yeah I agree. I think he’s purposely trying to give retro Sonic fans or Sonic fans in general a bad rep. Retro purist fans (if he’s being serious — it’s hard to tell especially since he removes and blocks comments on his videos) like this complains about small trivial things like eye color, gray soles on his shoes, gold buckles or that Sonic doesn’t look the same as he did 15 or 20 years ago. I bet no other fanbase complains about how a fictional character looks as much as Sonic’s and I blame Sonic 4 for this cause people weren’t hating on Sonic’s current design like this before Sonic 4. I mean yeah sure there are people who prefer his classic design but they wasn’t so anal about it and we didn’t give a damn about how he looked, we just wanted a great game.

  40. And he replied to this article with an equally pathetic video!

    The war between mariotehplumber(?) and The Sonic Stadium begins today!

  41. LOL, and the loser made a response video for The Sonic Stadium. I can’t believe he’s actually serious and the depressing thing is that Jim Sterling and the people in the comments sections at Destructoid thinks that Sonic fans acts anal like this guy, complaining about every little stupid detail. *sighs*

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