GAME Australia’s Amazing Sonic Quest and Sonic Generations Pre-Order Bonus

Want something to keep your head warm this Winter? GAME Australia has revealed their pre-order bonus for Sonic Generations and it’s a Sonic hat. Judging by the pic of GAME Australia staffer Ed modelling the hat, it appears to be the same one the retailer gave away with Sonic Colours pre-orders last year, so many people may already have the hat. If you haven’t got one though, this is a good chance to get one for your merchandise collection.

If you’re interested, you can pre-order the game at the below links:
PS3: $88.00
Xbox 360: $88.00
Nintendo 3DS: $69.95

In other news, GAME Australia’s also been running a charity event called The Amazing Sonic Quest, in which staff member Ed is trying to collect games from Sonic’s 20 year history with the help of the public. If you have a game that Ed doesn’t already have on the list, then you can trade your copy for a $50 GAME Gift Voucher and a promotional copy of Sonic Generations when the game releases. Once Ed has all 45 Sonic titles, he will then auction them off with the proceeds going to charity.

For more information, head over to GAME Australia’s The Amazing Sonic Quest page.

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  1. Im fighting à possed sonic hatt – –
    Lol i wonder how many ppl got that refrence?

      1. He’s talking about the review of Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis on Youtube by somecallmejohnny but he’s referencing the wrong hat.

      1. YES I love that guy’s reviews!!! I lol’d at the sonic hat reference. XD

  2. I’d love to donate, since I have most of the game’s he needs, it’s just I kinda wouldn’t be able to use the Sonic Generations game anyway? Or actually the PS3 isn’t region locked right? Well even so would they be able to ship it to North America? Specifically Florida…

      1. Thanks, too bad I can’t donate. 🙁 Well if I did I wouldn’t get Casino Night. 🙂

  3. Is it just me, or does the hat look like it’s made out of a different material than the colours one?

  4. @ Whoareyou?andhowdoyouknowmyname??
    XD Nice one.
    By the way I already have the hat and I see no reason to get the pre-order. Oh, well. It’s a nice idea for people who don’t have one already.

  5. He can always use eBay to fill in the missing game gaps.. always thought my Sonic Drift (JP) cart was rare.. *shrugs*

  6. Not that stupid effing hat again…they probably have a warehouse full of those ridiculous pieces of crap and saw this as a prime opportunity to get rid of them.

  7. This is ridiculous.. Anyone who wanted a Sonic hat in Australia has one.. Ive seen them given away at Uni’s and other gaming events…

    If this is seriously our pre-order….for Segas tribute to the blue blur….. i’ll be damn pissed off.

  8. The pre order item for colors was the hat at gamestop In America i think this is for Australia I presume and if it isn’t then the ppl that didn’t get it last time can get it

  9. Isn’t that picture of the Sonic hat above, not that comedian who was on The Blurb and got to wear the Sonic hat?

  10. He forgot to put “Sonic Jam” for the Saturn on the list. XP

    I would buy this if I was an adult with children, then I’d give the hat to my child. Even though I’m a big Sonic fan, I would NEVER wear that. XD

  11. looks like im lucky this year! my dad’s mate who works for SEGA is nabbing a copy of the game for PS3 and 3DS free and 3 weeks early and his mate said he can try nabbing all the promo content, meaning i may get this hat! *plays TF2 theme*

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