Summer of Sonic Reservation Service Open (Not Anymore)

Summer of Sonic Reservation Service Open (Not Anymore)

UPDATE: Well, that was fast. After ten hours, reservations were all taken up!

The Summer of Sonic convention has opened its advance registration service to potential attendees. The process, which was established to give peace of mind to those traveling from far and wide to attend the event, was launched at 10am this morning to a mad mob of fans desperate to be guaranteed entry for Sonic’s 20th Anniversary.

You can apply for a reservation card – which is not proof of entry and must be exchanged at the door for a wristband on the day – at the special registration page on the Summer of Sonic website, where you’ll receive a special card to print off for exchange.

Places are extremely limited – within 90 minutes over 350 people had signed up for reservation – so if you’re umming and ahhing about your travel plans, now is the time to get sorted out.

Source: The Summer of Sonic 2011

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.


      1. Hahaha, if only I was older. Cmon guys, we’ll be there for Sonic’s 30th anniversary! XD ….. I wonder how much longer Sonic is going to live. I mean when the producers of Sonic die, who’s gonna take their places? Its not like the people of SEGA are going to take Takashi(haha if only his name were Kakashi Hatake XD) Iizuka’s brain out of his head, and put it into some guys head, so then the guy will know what to do for Sonic’s future games, because he’ll have the brain of Sonic :P……..but if SEGA one day dies along with Sonic, I hope he gets passed on to Nintendo….I know Nintendo would take as good as care as they do to Mario, and they could get rid of Kirby for Sonic XD

        1. The ‘big three’ who originally created Sonic left the team quite a while back my friend so I don’t think you should really be concerned about that.

          1. really? oh thank goodness! that makes me feel a lot better about Sonic’s future.


        3. i disagree with you, i dont want to nintendo to take sonic, if they do there will be no more PS3/xbox360 sonic titles!

          1. Ya, but Nintendo will know how to make a proper 3D Sonic game, on their first try! Ahahaha and I don’t hate kirby, but fans like….here’s the order…
            4. Donkey Kong
            5. Kirby
            6. Fox Mcloud

            So I guess Nintendo could either stop doing Kirby games or fox games in replace of Sonic? XD

        4. Wait… do you actually think that Fox… is bigger than POKEMON!!!!!!

          1. In an IGN poll for voting from a list of ten Nintendo characters for favorite Nintendo character of all time, Fox came in fourth, behind Link, Mario, and Samus respectively

            besides starfox Wii is one of the most requested games for ages, starfox will never be kicked out for sonic if nintendo took in sonic, if anything they would kick out a Animal crossing game for sonic, starfox is too popular within the nintendo fanbase to be removed for sonic lol.

  1. I had signed up for reservation in the first minute or so of the service going live. Well worth getting a place and I’ll make sure I’m early on the day.

  2. rahhhh i need to live in London so I can go! my parents would never let me go if i even was in London on that day because they think it would be a waste of time and money to attend a convention, even if it was free. theyre just haters DX hope whoevers lucky enough to go has fun ^^

    1. I think a free oppunity to socialise and be a part of a community is a valued experience. You could try explaining it to your parents in that sense.

  3. Wow. and I wish I could attend it! And at the moment, my parents will not let me go anyways, they fear the worst half the time. I hope you guys can keep SoS going cause, I shall be there one day! And actually, I could probably donate some money to yal! :3 And have fun for the people who are going!

  4. I have registred me and my dad! I’m so excited and can not wait even more to get going! 😀

  5. God Dang It! Why is there never a Sonic the Hedgehog event held here in the United States.

  6. Maybe you guys will have SG demo.
    I wont be there but I will be on Gamescom and Sega is returning there so I will play SG demo in August

    1. Wait, I have a really important question to ask. Is the Summer of Sonic being held by SEGA, or just people from the Sonic Community?

    2. Wait, I have a really important question to ask. Is the Summer of Sonic being held by SEGA, or just people from the Sonic Community?

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