Tony Harnell Recording “New Version” of Escape From The City

Tony Harnell Recording “New Version” of Escape From The City

In amongst the influx of 20th Anniversary news, particularly surrounding music, it appears that we most certainly have not seen the last of reworkings of classic soundtracks, even after the announcement of a special edition of the Sonic Adventure Soundtrack! Tony Harnell, ex-TNT frontman and of course the legendary vocalist from “We Can” and “It Doesn’t Matter”, has confirmed via his facebook page that he will be shortly be visiting the studio to record a new version of the Sonic Adventure 2 track “Escape From The City”. Fans will no doubt be pleased by the prospect of hearing a reworked version of their favourite track, along with the prospect of what might further be in store!

If you haven’t added Tony’s new band Tony Harnell and the Mercury Train to your likes on your facebook account, head over there and show your support for one of our favourite singers – and check out his new material too (10,000 lovers is fantastic). Oh…and don’t forget to say that T-Bird sent you on his most recent status update, amongst telling him how excited you are about hearing the new version!

Looking forward to hearing the new version of Escape from the City? Hoping for any other remastered tracks? Let us know in the comments!

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Published by

Adam Tuff

With a decade under his belt, Adam is one of The Sonic Stadium's most seasoned writers, with interests in the music and merchandise of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Adam is the co-organiser for the Summer of Sonic convention.


  1. ANOTHER CD for T-Bird to get his merch grabbing hands on! 😉

    [IF Tony sends anything, I’ll put it up for a competition on here – that’s a promise! – T]

  2. I can’t help but shake the feeling that this and the rumours about the 20th Anniversary “Sonic Anniversary”, where it’s a remake of classic stages, has some kind of connection. Maybe it’s just for old time sake, I don’t know.

  3. This is great to be honest because Tony Harnell was such a legend back on the Sonic Adventure series it will be good to hear his remake on City Escape again

  4. It’s all good! It was a catchy tune… just so long as I don’t have to play that game again 🙂

  5. So wait, new Sonic Adventure Soundtrack and new version of a track from Sonic Adventure 2? It’s probably for the 20th anniversary but great! =D

  6. First the Sonic Adventure soundtrack, now a remake of a famous Sonic Adventure 2 song. Not to mention SA now being downloadable.

    What does this mean? 😀

  7. Whilst I would’ve liked a new song, i’m excited Harnell is back in the fold. I do wonder if he’ll be incorporating the Mercury Train in which would suggest an acoustic version!

  8. This just made my day. Holy crap oh my god. It’ll make my life if they make new versions of the Knuckles songs…

  9. Is there any given date to when this new song will come out? Anyone?

    [None yet – we will keep you updated – T]

  10. Interesting. I hope fanboys don’t start screaming on the internet saying this will be for a ‘Sonic Adventure 3’. If so I’ll thoroughly kick their ass. Anyway can’t wait but I’m too busy screaming lies.

  11. Oh my… YESH!! *ahem* That’s going to be just pure epic or epic fail. We’ll have to wait n’ see.

  12. Ok this year is gonna be AMAZING! Classic jazware sonic figures, New sonic games, New sonic adventure soundtrack plus this?….my past is hitting right in my face and im loving it!!!

  13. I can’t wait for my fav level song to be in SONIC GENERATIONS! AHHH! (I also am mad becuase when I played Sonic Adventure 2: Battle on my Wii, IT FROZE! MY GAME NEVER WORKED AGAIN!)

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