Sonic Adventure PSN Release Date Revealed

Sonic Adventure PSN Release Date Revealed

According to a post made on SEGA’s Twitter account on Friday during a giveaway event, the PS3 version of Sonic Adventure will be hitting PlayStation Network the same day as the Xbox 360 version, which was announced a couple of weeks ago to be available for download from September 15th on Xbox Live Marketplace.

The post reads:

We are all out of shirts! Congrats to @evilslash13 and all our winners today! Reminder – Sonic Adventure on PSN / XBLA on 9/15/10!

Will you be downloading this Dreamcast classic? Let us know in the comments.

Source: SEGA’s Twitter

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  1. Told you it would do.

    Sony and MS differ greatly in when they confirm their online service release dates.

  2. i hope even though they say its gonna be released Wednesday, i hope it comes out on us psn on Tuesday when the store updates.

  3. So… not only do I (hopefully) get Phantasy Star Portable 2 for the PSP on that same day, but I’m also getting Sonic Adventure DX for the PSN as well? Double dose of awesome!!

  4. if its 800 points on XBLA, then its at least £4.01 (you work that out in USA currency if you can be bothered)

    So, ill be downloading this on RELEASE on Wednesday. why is it so cheap? though it is old, and DLC stuff is usually less than a normal store game.

  5. its tommorrow woohoo I will be downloading it I am so excited for it coming out tommorrow so I can play it non stop for 2 weeks

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