Gamespot Interviews Morimoto-San On Sonic Free Riders

Gamespot Interviews Morimoto-San On Sonic Free Riders


Gamespot has posted up an interview they held at the Tokyo Game Show with Sonic Free Riders Producer, Kenjiro Morimoto. Gamespot’s Laura Parker kicks things off by asking “What is it about the Sonic Riders series that lends itself to Kinect?” Morimoto-San explains that they felt the running in a traditional Sonic game would be too difficult to make user friendly and that the hoverboard riding gameplay style was a better fit for Kinect. Morimoto-San then speaks about the level-up system, another staple for the series, where you can upgrade your Extreme Gear’s abilities in a race by collect a certain amount of rings. Finally, Morimoto-San says you will be able to customize your Extreme Gear with parts that will give you various abilities to use on the track.

Source: Gamespot

Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads-up and YouTube conversion.

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  1. And that, my friends, is why Sonic Free Riders is for Kinect. =P It’s only logical.
    It seems like it’ll be interesting.

  2. I’ll get somebody from my family to buy the game for me for Christmas.

    Still not buying an Kinect, though. =P

  3. @ sonfan1984:
    Kinect is the only way of playing it, so you’ll have a game that you can’t play. Unless you just plan on keeping it for your collection?

  4. Yeah that’s what I’m planning to do, keep it with the rest of my Sonic collection. I probably won’t get it at all.

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