Sonic das Stacheltier Vier – Wettkampf Update von T-Bird

Sonic das Stacheltier Vier – Wettkampf Update von T-Bird


Yeah, my German sucks…

Not that you’ll need reminding, but please do go show your support for contest entries over on the Sonic the Hedgehog 4 contest page, particularly for the TSS boys which includes Dreadknux and myself! On behalf of both of us, thanks for all the votes so far, and keep them coming!

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Published by

Adam Tuff

With a decade under his belt, Adam is one of The Sonic Stadium's most seasoned writers, with interests in the music and merchandise of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Adam is the co-organiser for the Summer of Sonic convention.


  1. That was new T-Bird, didn´t see that coming! ^^

    Let me correct you though:
    Sonic das Stacheltier Vier Wettkampf Update von T-Bird

  2. Come to think of it, this would work even better:
    Sonic das Stacheltier Vier – Wettkampf Update von T-Bird

    To bad I cannot edit my previous post! :/

    [Lol! Thanks for the corrections! I’m not used to doing anything other than ordering more beer at the moment! – T]

  3. T-Bird, I wanna vote for you so so much, but I’m American and I still don’t know how to view the UK top ten page 🙁

  4. I’d vote for ya T-Bird… if I had a UK IP. This is one of the few times being an American has proven to have sucked. Best of luck to ‘ya! 😀

  5. I would vote but when I try to go to the UK voting page it won’t let me… maybe it’s because I’m American… I really don’t like any of the US ones so I haven’t voted yet. No offense to anyone on here that may be in the US competition.

    Am I the only person who think it looks somewhat like Spagonia in the background?

  6. I cant understand a word of german, so I’ll counter that with some Hawaiian lol

    Au noho ma ke Amelika-hui, na’e Au mana’o koho paloka na ‘oe T-Manu! ^^

    (I live in america, but I will root for ya T-Bird!)

  7. Hey T, how do you like my country?
    Btw “Stacheltier” is the wrong animal, it’s “Sonic der Igel”

    [Germany is beautiful and there’s a lot of great history to explore. There’s also a wide range of good beers! – T]

  8. Was machst du in Deustchland? Ein Ferien? Es ist meine Lieblingsland weil ich die Deutsche Sprache lernen.

    Ok, ok. Any excuse to speak German with me =P

  9. My sisters dictionary came in useful then?

    [Haha, yeah – mostly used to ask what beers are good! – thanks! – T]

  10. Good luck, but I can’t help but think that something’s screwy when two people who just happen to be close friends with SEGA employees make the finals. It just doesn’t seem right to me.

  11. SonikkuForever.

    I’m not turning this into a debate,

    But obviously they got through because they are GREAT videos and they are telling us what Sinic mean to them like SEGA asked, unlike some other videos made.
    I’M 100% sure their friend at Sega didn’t have any say in the matter and those that chose all the videos didn’t know. There is no rules that state thet they can’t enter. THE END

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