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Watch the trailer over and over at this point. Look at the video that’s coming through the squares here. You can see the famous “rotating maze” special stage from the original Sonic the Hedgehog, but with a “Sonic 4” twist!
Brilliant? Or lazy? You be the judge.
Post Views:290
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would prefer the special stages from sonic 2 to return instead :p
maybe it is a bit different…
but they waere a great competition
Sonic 3 Special Stages are my favorite but if there using something similar to Sonic 1’s I dont mind.
*Sorry for double post
Just curious but you guys did see Dr.Eggman and the Eggpod in the video right?
at first I looked, saw nothing. Looked from a further distance, my mind was blown
That’s one thing that made the old games special. Each one had it’s own unique special stage. Now they ruined that trend…
Hope thats just a bonus stage and not a special one,
Like the pinball from sonic 3.
The stages from sonic 1 pissed me off haha
im sure for each episode they have and old special stage
ep1- sonic spinning special stage
ep2- sonic 2 halfpipe
ep3- sonic 3/and knuckles orb collection
ep-4-…….something new i suppose?
but this is just a guess, obviously
That’s a point, it could be a bonus stage like the Sonic 3 slot machine one.
I get a feeling it’ll be the special stage though.
I’d prefer a brand new special stage, but it’ll still be cool if they did take the original one and updated it a little. Either way I’m expecting to be amazed.
Hope SEGA makes a new Special Stage, I really sucked at the Sonic 1 SS.
umm…where is the Trailer? all I see is a still image of Sonic running in front of the words “in 2010 the Adventure Continues!” and there is a play icon/button in the middle of that text and I’m clicking on it and nothing is happening. So please post the trailer that you speak of.
Please god no….those rotating stages were slow and frustrating.
Well, it’s fair to say that I see precisely fuck all…
… although the rotating special stages were confirmed by a recent press release, so I guess I don’t really need to see anything.
I hope they have a combination of stages from Sonic 1 and 2, I was bad at the orb collecting stages in 3..
That was my theory after waching the .mov file from SEGA’s FTP website, but apparantly, according to retro, sonics on a zip line if you look close at him as he’s jumping. Strange stuff. I think its this games carnival/casino zone personally.
I see the Sonic 2 Special Stage in those squares….
I don’t see anything. People are looking too much into the trailer.
Blue Spheres was the special stages i liked. plus if you notice the ring sonic collects at the end of the trailler, he goes into the ring, he doesn’t collect it. that means he’s going into a special stage so to speak. if you get me. If you don’t, I don’t care, it’s late and i have only a vague idea of what i’m typing, i know what i’m saying but i’m having trouble saying it.
would prefer the special stages from sonic 2 to return instead :p
maybe it is a bit different…
but they waere a great competition
Sonic 3 Special Stages are my favorite but if there using something similar to Sonic 1’s I dont mind.
*Sorry for double post
Just curious but you guys did see Dr.Eggman and the Eggpod in the video right?
at first I looked, saw nothing. Looked from a further distance, my mind was blown
That’s one thing that made the old games special. Each one had it’s own unique special stage. Now they ruined that trend…
Hope thats just a bonus stage and not a special one,
Like the pinball from sonic 3.
The stages from sonic 1 pissed me off haha
im sure for each episode they have and old special stage
ep1- sonic spinning special stage
ep2- sonic 2 halfpipe
ep3- sonic 3/and knuckles orb collection
ep-4-…….something new i suppose?
but this is just a guess, obviously
That’s a point, it could be a bonus stage like the Sonic 3 slot machine one.
I get a feeling it’ll be the special stage though.
I’d prefer a brand new special stage, but it’ll still be cool if they did take the original one and updated it a little. Either way I’m expecting to be amazed.
Hope SEGA makes a new Special Stage, I really sucked at the Sonic 1 SS.
umm…where is the Trailer? all I see is a still image of Sonic running in front of the words “in 2010 the Adventure Continues!” and there is a play icon/button in the middle of that text and I’m clicking on it and nothing is happening. So please post the trailer that you speak of.
bmhedgehog: You are really dense.
Hm, I don’t see… anyth-
*leans back*
Oh… my… gawd…
Please god no….those rotating stages were slow and frustrating.
Well, it’s fair to say that I see precisely fuck all…
… although the rotating special stages were confirmed by a recent press release, so I guess I don’t really need to see anything.
I hope they have a combination of stages from Sonic 1 and 2, I was bad at the orb collecting stages in 3..
That was my theory after waching the .mov file from SEGA’s FTP website, but apparantly, according to retro, sonics on a zip line if you look close at him as he’s jumping. Strange stuff. I think its this games carnival/casino zone personally.
I see the Sonic 2 Special Stage in those squares….
I don’t see anything. People are looking too much into the trailer.
Blue Spheres was the special stages i liked. plus if you notice the ring sonic collects at the end of the trailler, he goes into the ring, he doesn’t collect it. that means he’s going into a special stage so to speak. if you get me. If you don’t, I don’t care, it’s late and i have only a vague idea of what i’m typing, i know what i’m saying but i’m having trouble saying it.