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Jjajajjajajaja, what a nerdy joke
And THIS is why I play Sonic Alone when I’m in no mood to mess about in the Special Stages =P
Still doesn’t beat that Sonic CD comic. -lol- “Future”.
not a problem in Project Needlemouse
God, I hated Sonic 2’s special stages.
Kai always puts humor in the special stages XD
I come from this comics home site, the MG. Redfox and Kai fail to dissapoint! I was laughing my head off.
Hahaha, thanks Brad. This is pretty good, even for NFR XD
I love the sonics face… It reminds me of this one:
This comic made my day.
cool it’s funny 😀
haha its oh so true XD
I miss when Nomad did these, D;. The new artist is still great, but I have a bias for my old friend, XD.
LOL this was so funny. Even more because I was playing Sonic 2 yesterday, and, as when I was 2 rings left to get the second emerald, Tails lost his rings!
simply genius!
i just love sonic’s expression 😀
I have to say it.
I love how Kai’s stuff reminds me of Yardley and Herms.
Timing, timing, timing…
Once you get the timing down for the jumps, it’s all a piece of cake.
Course, that “Chaos Emerald Cheat” doesn’t hurt, either.
When you make fun of the special stages from sonic 2 a baby smiles.
Sweet! Finally up on a website OTHER than DeviantART! Thanks!