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Slingerland is a staff writer and editor for both The Sonic Stadium and Sonic Retro. His area of emphasis is the inner-workings of the games and laughing at everything.


  1. And THIS is why I play Sonic Alone when I’m in no mood to mess about in the Special Stages =P

  2. I come from this comics home site, the MG. Redfox and Kai fail to dissapoint! I was laughing my head off.

  3. I miss when Nomad did these, D;. The new artist is still great, but I have a bias for my old friend, XD.


  4. Timing, timing, timing…

    Once you get the timing down for the jumps, it’s all a piece of cake.

    Course, that “Chaos Emerald Cheat” doesn’t hurt, either.

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