The Sonic Site Award 2009 Winners

The Sonic Site Award 2009 Winners

The results are in for the Sonic Site Awards 2009! You can listen to The Sonic Hour special broadcast that announced the winners live last night by going straight to our Media portal, or by subscribing to TSH’s podcast feed). For a full rundown of nominee placement, head to the Sonic Site Awards page, where you can see total votes and percentage votes for all the runners.

But for the sake of brevity, here are this year’s winners:

A big win for the Brazilian Sonic community this year – a side of the online fanbase that is just finding its feet and experiencing a boom not unlike the British and American one of several years ago. The level of excitement and energy between these websites is quite inspiring and reminds me of when I first joined the Sonic community way back in ’99. There are some truly deserving websites here, and I hope you’ll join me in congratulating them and visiting their sites on a regular basis.

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Published by


Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.


  1. Wow! Congratulations winners! I must say that some of these surprise me- but every site there is deserving of their awards! Once again, congrats and happy websiting! 🙂

  2. Thanks guys, really appreciate the work you’ve put in to the site awards this year – great stuff. Over the moon with my award too! 😀 Thanks again all who have voted!

    Incidentally, the site’s really just called “Zone: 0”, the Sonic bit in the name is just for the domain. Not a big deal at all – just being pedantic, but I thought I’d mention it, if only for the sake of consistency and the graphic. You never know, someone might think I’ve nicked it off some site that is actually called “Sonic: Zone:0”. It could happen.

    Anyway, congrats to all the other winners! I’m going off to ponder the benefits of having the site translated into Portuguese.. hmm..

  3. Congrats to Zone: 0 for design and Layout! I love that site’s look, it’s so cool. Especially the background, I like browsing through it and noting all the different zones from the old sonic games.

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