- Dreadknux is the guest host, bringing his usual sexual allure.
- We review SEGA Superstar Tennis and share some of your thoughts on the
- We plough deep into what you need to know about Unleashed. (Or to be
- EvilDoc smack you in the face with their wit as they explore the recent
- Sonic Blobs does something…..
- Slingerland continues to offend everyone
- We of course give you a round up of the news
- A cheap AMV, made in Windows Movie Maker.
- And more fun here and there
Sonic Chronicles team start fortnightly blog entries
ArchangelUK over at the Sega Europe blogs has announced The Chronicles Diaries, a fortnightly blog feature where a guest from the Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood team will write a blog entry explaining their role in the games development, what its like to work on the game and give some details about the game itself.
ArchangelUK says the guest bloggers will range from people at BioWare, SEGA Europe, America and even maybe Japan from testers to producers and from top to bottom. The first guest blogger is Randall Bishop from Bioware who gives his 5 reasons why working on Sonic Chronicles is fun.
The fortnightly blog entries will continue until the games release so check back every fortnight.
Thanks to markwiinut over at the SSMB for the heads-up!
Sega re-designs its website
Sega have released a brand spanking new UK website. The website has a glossy white look to it and changes backgrounds to suit the game your currently looking at. The site is also alot simpler and easy to use than the old European site. Best of all the website loads quicker.
Sonic City, the European official Sonic site which has been completely down for a while has now updated with a maintennance message so that may be up again soon. The Sega Blogs, including the Sonic Blognik, are also down at the moment. Could this be something Sega are going to officially unveil at their gamer day?
You can check out the new Sega UK website at www.sega.co.uk
UPDATE: Sega have also released a new version of the U.S. site aswell as other regions sites too that look’s the same as the new UK one. Thanks to Dr. SEGA Monkey at the SSMB for the tip.
New Classic Sonic 12″ figure available for Pre-order
You may remember in February Sonic News reported that the company ‘First4Figures’ were producing three unique Sonic related statues. Today, all three figures are available for pre-order over the well known ‘Play-Asia’ import website along with a brand new 12″ Sonic statue.
12 inches in height, the Classic themed Sonic the Hedgehog statue sports one of Sonic’s classic poses from the 1990’s along with a classy Green Hill themed base. Continue reading New Classic Sonic 12″ figure available for Pre-order
SEGA UT Uniqlo T-Shirts hit the UK!
EDIT: Some sizes and colours are already sold out! If you want one, I suggest you get one soon!
EDIT 2 (3rd May, 16:30pm): The Sonic designs are now COMPLETELY SOLD OUT. Hope you got yours in time!
Japanese SEGA fans were recently treated to a selection of SEGA shirts produced by the highly fashionable designer clothing chain Uniqlo. Many fans (including myself) have tried to get their hands on these shirts, but to little avail; the Japanese stocks are now almost depleted (the Sonic designs are now sold out on the Tokyo site). Continue reading SEGA UT Uniqlo T-Shirts hit the UK!