New Rivals 2 Trailer

New Rivals 2 Trailer

Earlier today the Game Trailers website uploaded new footage from the upcoming Sonic Rivals PSP game. Other than an overview of what information has already been released, the trailer briefly shows off a new Casino/Bingo Highway type stage and a classic looking Hangliding section. The trailer also showcases some new music (finally…) that will most likley be included within the game.

Check out the (slightly corny) trailer here.

It’s all looking pretty smooth, hoping to he a good sequal keeping true to the origional which was released Winter 2006. The trailer is around 1 minuite long and either Flash, Quicktime or Windows Media player is required. For some reason it reminds me much of Sonic Heroes, once again with how the stages look and items appear.

Sonic Rivals 2 is released 13th of November in America with the PAL release later on this year. Keep checking back at TSS for all the latest updates!

And I apologise for the million (slightly over exadurating there) edits, still getting used to this thing. =P

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