What you are about to read below, are e-mails sent to the NiGHTS fan website, NiGHTSIntoDreams.com , a website that has for months been providing NiGHTS fans with exclusive and accurate insider info, as well as compiling the latest news articles regarding the game. Recently, at Leipzig’s Game Convention, Tawny Ditmer (aka Niraven) has been going to the NiGHTS kiosk every day, watching the game in motion and shaking down the Sega rep for info. Over the last three days, Ditmer has sent NiD loads of info and media, with some more coming in the future. Keep in mind, what you are about to read below contains some spoilers for the plot. If you wish to go into the game fresh, don’t continue (although you can still look at the YouTube videos).
Head on over to NiGHTSintoDreams.com for the full diary and details.
TSS will post this footage as soon as it’s up, so be sure to check back to this news post. Again, SPECIAL THANKS to Mrs. Ditmer and NiGHTSintoDreams.com! There will be more info, including hands on impressions, in the next news update later today, so stay tuned