SatAM DVD Art Contest Extended

SatAM DVD Art Contest Extended

Brian Ward of Shout has announced that the Sonic the Hedgehog: The Complete Series DVD art contest.

  • The due date is now November 11th.
  • Do NOT send multiple e-mails. Send only one e-mail(or as close as you can get to it before the deadline). The mailbox filled up last time partially because people sent their submissions multiple times.
  • Send ONLY the final product. People sent their art in various stages last time, resulting in some confusion over which one was the final product.
  • It is ok to resend your e-mail ONLY if you get a message saying it didn’t go through or that the inbox was full.

And please remember:

  • Send the picture in 300 DPI (resolution).
  • Make sure it’s SatAm related.
  • The e-mail address is
  • The winning art pieces will be featured on the inside of the DVD packaging, as well as in the DVD itself.
  • Any art pieces are allowed, including digital, black and white, pencil, etc. so long as the art is appropriate to be featured on the DVD.
  • You can use pre-existing art. It does not need to be made within the time frame.

Ok, I think that covers everything. Pencils back up, Sonic fans! Get drawing, and have fun!

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.